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Is haunted haze still horrible?

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Bild des Benutzers Ankung

After two years I finally managed to level Maskeraith to level 100, and now I'm choosing the last ultimate skill.
I really like the looks of the haunted haze mask, but from what I've read the skill itself is rather useless. However, it sounds like it's something that is so bad that it would be improved in some update.
On the other hand there's the chaotic haze, and while I find the idea of random status effects intriguing I can't help but wonder if it would backfire by, for example, igniting oilers. Also, how common are the random statuses?
Has haunted haze improved, and can anyone tell me the chances of dealing effects with chaotic haze? Also, how much does it screw up around status slimes?

Bild des Benutzers Vohtarak-Forum
quick reply

Haunted: enemies almost never die of the hex, and I forget the numbers but each "soul" deals less that 10 damage
in essence: pathetic chance with pathetic damage

Chaotic: any enemy can be applied with the status, relatively common, and no status has more of a chance than others
Good chance for a random status, enough so that you are likely to only ignite an oiler or shock a quicksilver once every now and again, but if you're up against those your weapons can probably account for an oilers elemental resistance
in essence: useful utility with minimal downsides

Bild des Benutzers Neometal
my opinions

Out of the 2 ultis, definately the chaotic is better, pick that one unless you are planning to make another mask later on.

I personally chose haunted, cuz I don't think that those random statuses would help out all that much, they might, but like 4/5 times I use the quills or the deadly cloak anyways; so for me it didn't matter.

The ghosts are still terrabad. Unless you use the hex on weakened enemies, the skill itself won't be able to kill most of the enemies, and even if they do, the ghosts to 5-7 dmg in t3... (5 w/ normal harness, 7 with shadow/pierc) (in t1 they actually do more dmg, maybe more than 10 lol).

The only situation where the haunted hex is slightly viable is vs minis (includes the knocker grems), so mostly: compounds. They have low hp, so that the hex can actually kill them, and since usually there are a motherload of them at once, the ghosts can do around, well +50 dmg maybe, which is still bad, but at least you can see all the purple orbs flying around at once.

At least the ghosts are 'something' compared to the violent heart attack which does absolutely bull, although the other cloak is a close competator for the worst ulti ever (especially if you know how op the deadly cloak is).

Bild des Benutzers Sir-Pandabear


Bild des Benutzers Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Lol yes just get chaotic and be done with it. The devs don't buff things almost ever and you can just get a second sprite if they do change it.

Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade
I'm a Wizard

Hexing Haze doesn't ever seem to do decent unless you haze minis on Normal twice in a row. So Haunted Haze is unlikely to help.

Chaotic though... has a potential to wreak havoc. Unless it buffs a Slime then whoops

P.S. My Maskerwraith isn't Level 100.