Enrage Recruitment Thread

Make salt, don’t ingest it.
Enrage is now open and recruiting!
At present, we are a small friendly bunch of 30 odd members looking to hang out with a bunch of other cool and chill people. Whether you’re a fully geared vanguard or knight elite working your way up the missions, we’re looking to invite people as long as they’ve got the right attitude and personality.
We’re also a guild that also enjoys PvP. (However, we are not an LD guild! Take note~) If you enjoy a good Lockdown/Blast Network game (and you’re not salty), you’re more than welcome to join us!
How do I join Enrage?
Luckily for you, all you need to do is answer the following questions to apply. Easy isn’t it?
1. What is your In-Game-Name?
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds?
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice/text chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.)
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative)
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them?
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :)
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together!
Post your answers in a numerical order here on this thread and one of our Officers will contact you regarding your application!
Best of luck and we hope to see you in game :)
1. lookin for a good LD guild
2.i´ll download it
3.im 21 years old ..come from germany :) and yes i´m shy
4. nope ..no friends in guild
5. i´ll do
6. my english is not the best so sorry for that xD

1. Whale-Fail
2. It's small, it's simple, it's not old. Looking for a guild where I can get to know everyone and farm frequently with them.
3. I have Discord and I'll use it.
4. I despise people who deliberately waste time in parties.
5. I am not friends with anyone in Enrage.
6. Sounds gr8.
PS. Do you guys do inactivity sweeps? (Please do, I like guilds small, where everyone knows each other)

We do weekly inactivity sweeps. Activity is a very important thing for us :)
1. Tetradrive-Nextage
2. Ive met some enrage guild members doing vana and i love doing with them. I would hope to join this guild so that i can play with them more frequently :D.
3. I dont have it
4. I sell stuffs in guild sometimes and im a bit quiet sometimes so dont mind if sometimes u guys are ignore. sorry D:
5. Candylicks. i can only remember
6. Sure.

Let's hop right in.
1. Menish
2. A fresh, new guild that is a small community, plus inactivity sweeps.
3. Appears a compatible download exists, so yes! Unfortunately, I don't have a mic.
4. I spend quite a bit on Chatting Knights, and you better respond.
5. Believe I have seen a few members floating about, but no friends. My friends list has died. :c
6. :D:
If I ever plan to go inactive for a bit, could I mention it ahead of time and be granted immunity from the swiffer?

1. Luc-Bri.
2. Meet others players to play together.
3. I can and i've a mic.
4. i'm 14 , not talkative , french player
5. yes , i've Thayl and Simone-Simons
6. Np :)

1: Gluck-Son
2: I chose this guild over the others, because this guild is more active and overall has a more friendly environment (no salt).
3: Yes and I've got a mic.
4: Talkative and willing to help out.
5: Xkitoo.
6: Love it.
7: No problem.
1. I'm Kriistii :3
2. Enrage is filled with very nice people that also happen to be very rich c: being around them is fun and enjoyable and helps pass the time ^^, additionally i'm looking for a very active guild with nice people (but i mentioned that already)
3. I don't have a mic sadly :x but ill try and download Discord
4. I'm a very outgoing person xD that loves to help knights out in SK and be friendly to everyone, making someone smile is my daily goal c: I also play basketball and shoot 50% from 3 (but not as good as steph curry), 18 years old and from US ^^
5. hmm i know Mercury and Encleavean (hopefully its spelled right) and Kyoshiro-Xz xD
6. that sounds rly cool believe it or not
7. sure i have tens of millions of crowns and even more CE not even a problem!!! :3

Luckily for you, all you need to do is answer the following 5 questions to apply. Easy isn’t it?
1. What is your In-Game-Name?
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds?
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.)
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative)
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them?
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :)
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together!
1. Richard-Lionheartt.
2. Nothing special, but I would like to join, wasn't in guild for some times and I think that this is good guild :D And I love LD want to become better player :D
3. Nope.
4. I am from Serbia,(Europe), 19 years old, like to help others kinda bit shy sometimes, but friendly :D
5. Not yet, but I would like to become :D
6. Sure.
7. Sure.
1. Natsu-Dragneel-Gr
2. I've seen many guild member around lately and they are good and talkative
3. Sure i'll get a discord
4.I am talkative, helpful and i need help with missions too X3!
5.No i dont have any friends unfortunately!
6. Sure!
7. Sure!
1. Black-Mortis
2. My old guard trainer (starbucks) in that guild and beside i lost to fear in are bet so imma join this guild permanently
3.Um i use my mic on steam and i have TS3 for my other games but beside that discord i can try to get
4. I only talk when stuff i says matters either then that you wont hear me say much
5. Only trainers no friends ........
6.Roger that
7.Roger that

Mortis is loyal and respectful plus he doesn't rage.
He's beyond qualified IMO ^
1. Evolutionized
2. Looks like a chill guild and my old friends are in it
3.Don't have discord right now, but I can get it. No I don't have a mic
4. Very talkative
5. Ackir, Golden-Champion
6. I don't think thats a question
7. Whatever I earn from lockdown goes to you
1. What is your In-Game-Name?
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds?
I've got some good friends in the guild.
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.)
I do have it
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative)
I'm 16.From Slovenia, i guess i am shy? Sometimes i am really talkative sometimes not.
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them?
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :)
Sounds fun
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together!

1. What is your In-Game-Name?
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds?
Enrage has most of my good friends in them and Enrage is popular with GvG
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.)
I have a Mic and I have discord and teamspeak but I haven't really used them
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative)
I am the same age as Ackir and Ackir live in the same city as me yet we never met in real life
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them?
Ackir , Clavean , Ezho , Evolutionized and more people I can't think on the spot
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :)
Saltiness is easy to keep away. You always need to season it
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together!
No problem
1. IGN: Sivyx
2. Bunch of nice people around which do GvG often. They also have a zero salt tolerance policy which I find really cool
3. Got Discord; got mic which I haven't used yet
4. Im 18 years old and live in Britain. Not massively talkative
5. Friends with Fears-Xz
6. Absolutely fine
7. Don't mind.
1. In-Game Name: Goldenblood, tho i wish it was something more. . .more invigorating . . . like "God-of-War" or "Mr-CheesyPickles"
2. Well, I only came back to the game after some time off and put on my LD pants again. There were a ton of new guilds and i was guildless. I'm old school so pretty much Jempire was the ruling class in LD world. I got a few invites once back in, Fears-Xz extended a cheerful invite and I bought in to his communist propaganda. Lol no he said it was fun guild.
3. Discord, hmm. I had friends who used it, but I'm not really a verbal chump :/ hopefully not a bad thing . . . i am chatty though game dialogue :)
4. I'm pretty competitive but more of an internal competition rather than straight out hot-blood. I'm a Californian, USA. I do like a good conversation :3. Lately ive been doing just LD, and Im proud to say, as of today, I've managed to get 19k in my troll suit, Skelly 4star :D. Of course Ive hit above 20k countless time with all my other dmg+ gear but i like a good challenge :P Of course i reckon my asi weaps are a plus benefit, juust meds tho ;_;
5. I guess I could be friendish-associativeishy-generalunderstandingorsomething with Fears-Xz. Pretty well rounded chump :]
6. Oh my, salty you say. I would never:O
7. That shouldn't be a problem. You can let me go if I become inactive tho, I tend to be inconsistence when academics take priority, part of being half asian but then again im also black so screw the education system! im a very conflicted individual :)

Fun fact:Enrage has alot of Australian players

They are feeding me krill and plankton on a daily basis. Having a whale of a time here!
2. The guild seems friendly. :D
3. I don't have a mic, but ill check it out anyway.
4. I'm sort of shy and I like to play lockdown.
5. I'm friends with Fears-xz, that's it.
6. Im not salty.
7. Ill do what I could, I like to farm vana.
:] ;] :D :D :D :] ;]
1. Ji-Mz
2. I look for an active lockdown guild.
3. I quess i can talk.
4. Im kinda shy but i like to play in Lockdown.
5. Yes i have, Umyr-Xz

Would like to point out that we are not a Lockdown-based guild. Nor do we focus on GvG's, we are a group of friends that hangs out and do anything from Snarby runs to Shadow Lairs or just messing around in PvP. :)
1, Da-Nz
2. People play Lockdown pretty much in Enrage so i would like to join :)
3. I don't have discord, but i can get it.
4. I'm 15 yrs old, living in Finland and kinda talkative.
5. Umyr-Xz
6. Aight.
7. Aight.
What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds?
Becaue i wann to join a guild not just a guild just like another familly
Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice/text chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.)
i have mic discord mumble teamspeak curse gamevox
What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative)
Im 15 years old /Algeria / im a super talkative /im a big gamer / and a big fan of anime and manga
Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them?
We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :)
its cool
Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together!
Il Do My Best
1) Helmhq
2) I am looking at getting back into SK and was hanging out with same Enrage guys and had a good time!
3) I have a mic but don't use it often, and yes I can get discord
4) I'm 16, live in Australia, I like to talk a lot but mainly through type!
5) Yes, Enclave-Xz and St-Mercuryshade-Xz
6) I totally agree
7) I will donate for sure
1. What is your In-Game-Name? Clytiusm
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds? I know a few people in Enrage and they really love it there and also have heard a lot about Enrage being a great active guild so......yeah.
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice/text chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.) No mic :C but i can get discord chat.
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative) Im a very talkative person and I'm always active on guild chat......im pretty friendly and like to help out too c:
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them? Enclave-Xz.....Fears-Xz......Golden-Xz......Umyr-Xz......Chii-Yoshiki......Dr-Yokushu and quite a few more.....
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :) I like pepper c;
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together! Always donate......i always donate as much as I possibly can C:
1. What is your In-Game-Name?
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds?
I have friends in enrage, been told its active, nice, family guild with plenty of people who play LD.
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice/text chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.)
No, and No.
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative)
16, Washington USA, Talkative, lots of SK experience.
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them?
Yes: St-John-xz, laseralpha, Dr-yokushu, and a few others.
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :)
I dont make salt or get salt, so all good there.
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together!
I donate regularly c:
1. What is your In-Game-Name?
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds?
I have friends in enrage, been told its active, nice, family guild with plenty of people who play LD.
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice/text chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.)
No, and No.
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative)
16, Washington USA, Talkative, lots of SK experience.
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them?
Yes: St-John-xz, laseralpha, Dr-yokushu, and a few others.
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :)
I dont make salt or get salt, so all good there.
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together!
I donate regularly c:
1. What is your In-Game-Name?
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds?
Enrage has the coolest players in the game. Everyone in the guild seems to get along very well. Epy-Xz is amazing at lockdown :D
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice/text chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.)
Yes, but no mic
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative)
16,TEXAS USA,sometimes shy sometimes talkative
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them?
Dvio and St-John-Xz
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :)
Good, I don't even like salt anyways
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together!
Great! I'll make sure to donate whenever I can

1. What is your In-Game-Name?
My ign is Hatn.
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds?
The guild's laid-back atmosphere.
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice/text chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.)
I do have Discord and I do own a mic.
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative)
I am an Australian who likes to socialise a lot in guild chat.
I am also a pretty active and chill individual. (~-.-)~
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them?
I am friends with Candylicks and Spudsie.
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :)
I love the sound of that! :D
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together!
I'll donate to the guild whenever I have available crowns to spare.

1. What is your In-Game-Name?
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds?
It seemed like the most friendly and chill guild here.
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice/text chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.)
I have discord but no mic.
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative)
13, Illinois, talkative if I feel I can relate with anyone.
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them?
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :)
I hope I can follow that.
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together!
I think I got a few spare crowns.
2.my friend told me that this guild is so active and people in guild is nice
3.i have discord and mic
4.i am 13,form hong kong china,my english is not very good,talkative
5.alex,i forgot her main account name

1. Smithia (Though once I join the guild I will change my name to something like Mx-Smithia-Xz [Miss is just too long, and Ms just doesn't feel too right :( ]plz tell me i there are ny other cool ones besides St because everyone uses that)
2. I've served Final Order for about 2~3 years, but I became really intrested in Enrage bacause it... just seems fun XD. If you think I'm just randomly joining I will smack your butt because by joining I am leaving Final Order.
3. If its not a virus I will download it
4. I am very loyal to my guild ( Or was to my previous guild, but I guess there has to be a day to move on...). And also, I'm from Japan.
5. Only St-John-Xz, though I've met many others in LD
6. i'm more of a sugar person
7. Ok, though I bet my donations will look like nothing compared to some of your other members.
Glad to finally be writing his down XD I look fowards to joining the guild!!! >_<

1. My name is Divine-Rose ^^
2. This guild is more like a big family then the others, I like that very much <3
3. I will download it for sure ;p
4. I'm 16 years old, I live in Canada and i'm very talkative <3
5. I'm friends with St-John-Xz, I met him in LD. Cx
6. I am always the opposite of salty i'm more sweet <3
7. Of course! I always donate to groups in need! - I hope you read over my replyand I most definately hope I get accepted! ^^
1. What is your In-Game-Name?
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds?
My guild is inactive these days.
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.)
I have a mic, but not discord. Might get it.
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative)
umm, mid 20's. USA. talkative sometimes.
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them?
St-john-Xz invited me. As long as I'm not salty
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :)
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together!
Depends on how much.

1. Cornuko
2. Voice communications
3. Yes
4. 21 from australia, will be very talkative if people are active
5. Nope
6. Salt is delicious
7. depends how much

I quit the game and I was in scrub army at the time when they were merging with enrage. Anyways I must have gotten an invite but it probably got deleted in the mail as I quit for more than a month.
1. Thagx
2. I've been in the guild, and its really fun to be in. You guys are awesome.
3. I do have discord.
4. I'm really talkative.
5. I'm friends with Marvinnator, and Smack-Me-Daddy. I do know many people from the guild, but they're not in my friend list.
6. Sure. I know all about that.
7. Sure. But I'm broke half of the time. I'll still try :P
1. What is your In-Game-Name? Guns-Go-Pew
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds? Voice communications and ***PvP***
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? (This free voice/text chat program is required - a mic is helpful, but not needed.) I do have one :)
4. What are some key points about you we should know? (ie: Age,location,shy,talkative) Im 17 and pretty talkative! I also know 2 languages well and learning French atm!
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them? Nope
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :) Okie :)
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together! Okie :)

1. mingthegamer
2. a PvE casual, and low salt content guild
3. i have discord
4. I'm 19 from UK, don't really like to get angry, love to help people with runs(fsc, jk etc)
5. nope
6. damn right, and i sure as hell will follow it
7. yeah sure

LOL sorry about this people we don't recruit O_O like this at all anymore ignore this thread and if possible can someone move this to graveyard!

1. What is your In-Game-Name? Manlet
2. What interested you in joining Enrage apart from other guilds? LD
3. Do you have / can you get Discord? Yes
4. What are some key points about you we should know? I'm strong
5. Are you friends with anyone in Enrage? If so could you name them? Almost everyone
6. We have a zero salt tolerance policy, let's keep the game fun :) I never get salty
7. Must actively donate to GH, we need to look good together! I'm poor
1) you guys are like a family and help each other daily plus you guys are great in lockdown !!
2)Yes,downloading discord on my phone way easy.
3)I'm talkative :V
4)I'm friends with kyoshrio-xz,Ezho, and golden champion.
5)good because I prefer pepper :D