Twisted Spline Cone?
jeu, 06/16/2011 - 22:34
Legacy Username
Ok from fighting the snarblox i got the Spline cone and now im thinking of buying the upgraded version of it the Twisted spline cone... And before i use my money i want to know if its good or not can someone help me?
Annihilates beasts; all bombs are good vs wolvers, as the lovable little critters tend to leap right into your bomb radius and do most of your work for you. Gremlins tend to cluster, so it's nice versus them. Good vs fiends, too, which means you can annhilate those damn silkwings, even if they're taking shelter behind 3 lumbars.
It's basically a blast bomb with no knockback, piercing instead of normal, and a slightly longer fuse time. I love mine to bits. Highly recommended.