help for choise guns
which is the best elemental weapon
is good to have a normal gun?
only pve
I have mega tundrus
pd im gunner

Alright, I'll give you the basics.
Magnus Line - Fires brutal shots capable of stun and interruption. The charge attack does high damage(7x damage) against enemies that are facing you.
Piercing Blaster - Lame gun. Its just easier to use.
Blitz Needle - This powerful weapon can output extreme damage, but you can't move while shooting.
Tundrus Line - Shadow Magnus is fine and all, but it's freeze affinity debilitates the charge that the Magnus is known for. It's unlikely that you'll be able to get all 7 Charge Hits on enemies.
Permafroster Line - Pulsars are used for knockback, but the Permafroster's freeze makes it a little bit harder to knock back enemies. But who cares? It shoots mini bombs.
Shadowtech Alchemer - Eh. I'm bad with this gun.
Shadow Blaster - Also lame.
Catalyzer - Nobody cares, end of story.
Antigua - Obsidian Carbine may be capable of doing decent damage with its poison, but it still just shoots wimpy BB shots.
Pulsars - Shock or Fire? Eh, these guns shoot mini bombs and have knockback. Expect it to be powerful against crowds.
Alchemer - Fires ricochet shots, which requires practice to master. Also only has two shots.
Elemental Blaster - Lame.
My opinion? I dont have one, because I'm a sword user. Pick something that fits your playstyle best.

To answer simply, everything that isn't related to catalyzer or antigua is the best at something, with some actually preferring antigua to others.

If you're a gunner, you should start out with drivers. Make a shadowtech and one of the 4 elemental ones.
Normal dmg weapons have the benefit of never doing terrible (gray) dmg against monsters, but they'll never do as much dmg as a shad/ele/pierc wep would. It's still better to have 2 different spec dmg ones, like shadow+ele, that way you would do great dmg vs 4 monster types, and normal dmg vs 2.

There's no real reason to use a Normal damage weapon unless it's got other unique properties. You have two slots minimum, so one can cover the other's weakness.