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Blaster-line Guns- Which are the best?

4 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Artistbma

The 5* guns I've currently got in my arsenal are Plague Needle, Argent Peacemaker, and Umbra Driver. I guess my question here is: since I've got a gun of each specialized damage type already, is it better to go for the Valiance than another specialized gun? Or should I go for, say, the Riftlocker, because the only piercing-type gun I've got right now is a needle gun?

Just looking for some of your input.

Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Valiance is pretty sweet in dreams and nightmares so I would get that one. The others are fine for what they do but you have guns for those situations, so you'd just be getting it to try out.

Portrait de Swiftwalk
For lockdown its the arcana.

For lockdown its the arcana. But im taking it you want reccomendations for pve so, id say go with the riftlocker, its my most used gun towards fiends when im gunning, 2nd being the iron slug. It isnt terrible against beasts but i generally use a sword for them, but if i gun i combine blitz and rift. shoot blitz 1st shot, then 2 shots of riftlocker, blitz again etc. i find that its easier to not have autotarget using it against fiends and beasts, the first shot doesnt have to hit, its just to make him dodge and make him stay vulnerable, then 2 shots to attack(talking about fiends). im sure there are much better ways and other blasters that are better but i find the riftlocker the only blaster worthwhile. especially do to it bullets size

Portrait de Bopp
doesn't matter, because

Blaster-line guns do decent-but-not-great damage and they have a little bit of knockback, which is interesting for the first few minutes and occasionally handy after that. But otherwise they're deadly dull. So, in my opinion, you never want to build a loadout around any Blaster-line gun, either for performance or entertainment.

That said, everyone should try Blaster-style guns, because everyone should try all weapon styles, because that's much of the fun of this game. So pick any one you want and try it out. If you can't decide, then pick whichever damage type is currently least represented among your guns.

In my opinion, you should put a higher priority on getting some Magnus-style gun and some Pulsar-style gun. (Pulsars are hated, because so many players misuse them, but their knockback is actually interesting if you try to use them well.)

Portrait de Nebrium

Riftlocker is pretty damn strong if you ask me...

Arcana isn't that great. PvE = Combuster/Alchemers Elemental Dmg. and last time I played LD meta was chaos and bk set. And some Skolvers that can't kill gunners efficiently as they should... I've even callahan'd skolvers to death...