Fruity's Fascinating Facts on Tortoguns and Why They Are Viable, and Perhaps Even Good: A Discussion
DISCLAIMER: I realize a lot of my points rely on having two tortoguns, or being able to single-switch effectively. Realising not everybody cares to farm for two of the same gun, don't say I didn't warn you.
Tortoguns are an interesting weapon type, and similar in style to the Winmillion. And, much like the Winmillion, are underused in my eyes. I've done some experimenting with tortoguns to see if they would be viable or not. As far as I can tell, my conclusions aren't effected by whether damage is innefective or neutral. Type innefective damage does seem to have negative impacts, though. Party size may or may not have an effect on flinching rates.
General Facts About Tortoguns
With dualing or single-switching, multiple monster families can be stunlocked.
The charge attack has a soft homing effect on enemies in front of you, especially noticable on turrets. The shards will fall in the general vicinity of enemies, rather than overshotting them.
Setting up a crystal wall with a charge attack and then using standard attacks to corral enemies into them is an effective strategy, and using a Tortodrone Shield Bash is the same thing, except it does more damage and stuns.
A stronger shield is generally recommended for using tortoguns, use a tortoshield for maximum punching potential.
With this being said, we can delve into the individual monster families.
Chromalisks are easily stunlocked by repeated punches via dualing or single-switching. Due to their slow speed, they are also incredibly vulnerable to the charge attack.
Admittably, tortoguns are not good at dealing with wolvers. Not as effective as toothpicks, anyway. Wolvers don't get stunlocked and tend to avoid the charge attack. Would not recommend unless you're real dedicated to tortoguns.
Also easily stunlocked by tortoguns, along with being immobile, puppies are easy to dispatch with tortoguns.
Lumbers, while not being stunlock-able, are very slow. Charge attacks work well against them, and after their attack is baited out you can get a couple cycles of punching in on them.
Mecha Knights
I honestly am not too sure. From what I can tell, if you land the punch, the bullet will also hit them. Being up-close to Mecha Knights also tends to have them attack, which will lower their shield. Charge attacks are ineffective due to their quick speed.
Slow and stunlockable. Punch them. Charge attacks also are effective against them. Due to flinch rates, especially vulnerable to being punched into the charge attack's crystals.
Stunlockable with low HP. Just punch them a few times, they'll be the least of your worries.
Fiends, they're pretty annoying. I wouldn't recommend using tortoguns against fiends unless you're in a party where not all the focus is on you. However, I'll still go into specifics.
If you can get up close to them, they're stunlockable. However, the other devilites may interfere with the process of punching. If you're not in a party, I don't recommend tortoguns for these guys.
*On the topic of Overtimers. They CAN be stunlocked out of their attack, but it's inconsistent. Another reason I don't recommend tortoguns for devilites.*
Surprisingly easy to dispatch with tortoguns. Basic attacks are ineffective, but a charge will do them in rather quickly, as long as you don't proc their biting attack.
Another easy fiend to dispatch with tortoguns. In small groups, that is. One or two Greavers can easily be stunlocked to death, but if they appear in a massive swarm you're pretty much screwed.
*Silkwings will not attempt to fly to their patients if you are delivering consistent punches.*
Charge attack can hit them from the front, as some will land behind, but in this time the Trojan can easily attack you. Treat it like you would otherwise, waiting for it to attack then using standard attacks from behind.
Oh man, Gremlins with tortoguns are a joke.
Stunlockable. Your constant forward movement will be enough to give the other Gremlins trouble attacking you.
They won't heal if you punch them a lot. If they put up their shield, punch through it. Not worth the trouble of doing any charge attack traps, just punch them.
Dispatched much in the same way as Thwackers and Menders. Stunlock them and they won't burn you.
Now, this is an exception to the "gremlins are easy" rule. If you try to punch them, they'll just blow you up. Try to stay at a distance spamming charge attacks until they die. If they ever fall down, you might be able to use the forward movement from punching to avoid the bombs they drop, but I wouldn't recommend it. Stun vials can be used as an easy way to get through their bomb walls and start punching them, along with freeze vials. A Maskeraith will also do justice.
Pitifully easy. Low HP, stunlockable, with easily guardable attacks. They're quick, so charges wont do much against them, but there's no need to do anything except punch them to death.
The other exception to the "gremlins are easy" rule. They barely ever let you get around them to punch them in the back. If available, try to hit them with a freeze vial to start punching them. With any luck, they'll drop their gear and be stunlockable. Charges may also be able to hit them from the front if they land behind them. In some cases, this will cause them to fall over or even drop their gear. From then, you can punch them.
Punch them. Really. They can't cloak if you punch them, and they don't tend to fight you in swarms. They're not all that common anyways, bar Operation Crimson Hammer.
It's sad how hard these things die to tortoguns.
When you punch them once, they'll begin to wind up an attack. Even without any ASI, the second punch, weapon-switched or not, will ALWAYS interrupt their second attack. No fear, just punching.
They will also begin to attack, but the second punch will interrupt them. Medium and Giant Colonies will not be stunlocked, however their large hitbox makes charge attacks extremely effective against them.
Much like Puppies, they're easily stunlocked to death. Charges are also effective against them.
Half easy, half annoying.
Again, easily stunlockable. Possibly less stunlockable than Puppies and Polyps, but I'm not too sure. Additional info would be appreciated. Charges are, again, effective against them. A bonus with Howlitzers is that if you kill them with the charge, the head will run into the floored crystals and explode without any harm to you or your party.
They don't get stunlocked and charges are very ineffective against them. During the brief downtime after their attacks, you can get one or two punch cycles in on them. Stun vials help immensely when fighting Kats.
Simple. Bait out an attack, then punch them. Too mobile for charge attacks, but they aren't needed. Not stunlockable, but they don't have to be. Bait out an attack from them and punch them a few times, and repeating.
Contrary to my earlier belief, zombies do not get flinched often. Their attacks are very slow, however, so they should not be an issue.
Almirian Crusaders
It's really not worth bringing tortoguns to the missions these guys appear in. A simple Alchemer or Brandish will do much better in those missions. However, if you insist on bringing tortoguns, Crusaders will not be flinched. Dodge their attack and counterattack with punches.
Bait out the explosion and run.
Minis are terrible. They are terrible, hellish creatures with no regard for human life. DO NOT use tortoguns against minis. Please don't. If you do, at least be type effective. But don't. Just don't, really.
With the standard monster families out of the way, we can move on to the Bosses.
The Snarbolax
Not much to say about Snarby, ring the bell and punch him. Charge attacks are too slow to be remotely worth considering.
*On the topic of Rabid Snarby, it's almost the same thing as normal Snarby, except there's two. Just punch them, take out the silkwing when you can. If you're in a party, take the role of silkwing disposal full-time.
The Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is weird. Sometimes punching him will result in him doing contact damage, and sometimes it wont. Charge attacks shred him anyway, use those. If solo, I'd recommend starving the royal jelly instead of blitzing him, it's easy to be overwhelmed by jelly minis.\
*On the topic of The Ice Queen, it's almost the same as normal Jelly. Just use charges, or starve.
The Roarmulus Twins
I have not actually tested tortoguns versus The Roarmulus Twins. I'll further fill this section out when I have more info. For now, all I have to say is that the charge attack will not hit them. I think.
*Literally no clue about The Red Roarmulus Twins.*
Lord Vanaduke
Depends on if you're solo or in a party. Tortoguns will never be as effective as a Blitz Needle charge, but landing a tortogun charge in his center of mass will do at least a decent amount of damage. If you're solo, all his aggro will be on you and he'll nail you if you try to use a charge. In a party, take the role of managing the Zombies spawned and watering. Only attack Vanaduke if there's nothing else to do. Just don't do Vanaduke solo with tortoguns. Unless you're some sort of masochist. I'm not stopping you.
*On the topic of Darkfire Vanaduke, it's nearly the same, except your tortoguns can get cursed. Have fun.*
Warmaster Seerus
Battlepods are easily shredded, and you can do massive damage to Seerus once he knocks himself out. In a party setting, due to your single-target DPS with tortoguns, you should take the role of battlepod disposal full-time.
The Big Iron
Use the bottom right corner trick to avoid the tentacles, and blitz The Big Iron once his shield is down. Use standard attacks mainly, just treat him like any other Battlepod.
Again, I'm clueless. Just punch him, I guess? He seems pretty big, maybe use charge attacks. Take the role of killing his adds.
Quite simple, just punch him. Or use charges. It really doesn't matter, Arkus goes down quick.
The Collector
Wait for him to blow himself up, then use charge attacks on him. Why are you fighting The Collector with tortoguns?
Ironwood Sentinel
As we all know, the Ironwood Sentinel is the hardest boss in the game. Not even the allmighty tortoguns would be able to take him down. If you're some sort of immortal god and willing to try it, you need to look him straight in the eyes. Pure intimidation should be enough to scare him off.
Pure intimidation factor. Stare him down.
Like other Gremlins, he's easily stunlocked in a corner. Though he does overwhelm you with adds. Punch them too.
The Dread Velvet
Treat him like a normal Retrode, and then treat him like a normal Jelly. Punch it.
I'm too poor and unlucky to have ever fought Margrel, so, I'm clueless. I assume you just punch him when he's vulnerable.
Just don't get close to tortodrones. Use a different weapon.
And with that, ends my book. I don't know how to end a thread, so I'll leave this open for discussion. Discuss why you think tortoguns are absolute garbage or if you don't think they're absolute garbage, talk about that too.

I've decided to turn this thread into a book. No, I don't have video. I might have video, maybe, if I decide to record some.

I consider myself a high top caliber technician when it comes to switching... I've switched with my Savage Fist with MAX ASI several times and completed FSC and fiend levels with it.
It's a bs amount of work because of it's low damage. I'd only ever use it as a finisher when there is one monster last standing. I'd describe it as a shorter range of the Magnus line almost. Leaves you open and easily can get you killed if you don't have the patience to set up the field.
As for charging... Bs bs bs... A charge powerful enough to push you back doesn't deliver a devastating blow.
I genuinely take it out time to time for fun, but what good is a weapon when you have limited control of what it does...

You included Razwog in your punchopedia? He is the crappiest boss in existence.
And you are right about Ironwood Sentinel. I spent 12 sparks on him on my first try.

Wow! That Nebrium is an excellent forumer! His comment was so rad!

Thanks for the input, I've been fascinated by the squirtle guns for awhile now, debating if it's worth the resources to get a UV CTR VH, as I'm more of a charge fanatic spammer

Here's my input on it, as i have just gotten a gorgofist during this event:
I found myself using the same strategy you just mentioned (creating a wall and then punching enemies in it)
I don't know if what i found useful is the same thing you mentioned about switching, but i discovered it helps with the rate of fire if you punch once, shield right after while switching weapon once and then switching back at the same time to punch again.
Menders: With a fully heated 4 star, i managed to one shot a tier 3 mender. How? I believe at least 3 crystals landed close enough to damage him, then he popped up his bubble shield (which is crucial). That bubble shield allowed him to lose his immunity to the crystals so when the bubble was broken by the crystals he took more damage and died.
One last thing. The ultimate combo (which requires a TON of charge time reduction to be used easier): Torto gun+leviathan blade/fang of vog.
With torto charge you can create a wall wherever you want, then you use the sword charge attack to hit enemies against the crystal wall 3 times.
I'm all for players popularizing new tactics and play styles. But how much damage is "a lot of damage"? And do you have a video demonstrating your technique?