SK newb but not a MMO newb sercing 4 a Guild
Sáb, 08/13/2016 - 10:45
Hi, im 25 Yeras old
Male and from Germany
I am new at this Game but i have Years of Raid Expirians on another Games like WOW, Lineage 2, TERA ...
i serced 4 a Guild but at the German Forum are no players since 1 year
maybe my whriting are Bad but i understand the englich Language on Teamspeak
please contact me
playing alone is so Boring
Dom, 08/21/2016 - 10:19

Feel free to check us out
One of our guild masters speaks German and we provide support in many other languages as well including Albanian,Bulgarian,Greek,Italian,Japanese and Turkish .
Our main language is still English though.
Were here for u! were a brand new guild! We do speak english mainly but i can pretty much understand most of the worst typing in existance! We also got discord!