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What is the best Shield? Please share your opinion with me!!!

4 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Mayaura

Probably most people think the Divine Avenger is the best sword (although I personally feel it is too slow) and the Argent Peacemaker is the best gun. But what is the best shield and why? I really hope you'll weigh in on this one and help out a lot of players.

Bild des Benutzers Betrael
there is no overall best,

it's all situational, mix(min) and max(match) to find what works best for YOU

best elemental protection: grey owlite
best normal defense: ancient plate (?) at least one of the plate series gets that.
best shadow defense: dread skelly shield
best piercing: royal jelly
best health: omega

Bild des Benutzers Nitez
by Tiers

Tier 1 Normal Damage mainly
Tier 2 50% normal / elemental and piercing (some exceptions such as lumbers)
Tier 3 full piercing/ elemental (some exceptions)

So in the overall look for shields with piercing and elemental defense
Owlite is usually considered to be the recommended shield

Legacy Username
it used to be..

I think it used to be Grey Owlite, but with the increased piercing damage all around, I really don't like it x.x When the spikes creep up below me under my shield.

You can always make up for the lack in Pierce on Helm/Suit

Bild des Benutzers Miiyu
Maxing Damage

I'm going to go for the Skolver set (Very High damage bonus) and the Barbarous Thorn Shield (Medium damage bonus) to max out my damage. Probably not the best for defence but great if you like to hit things hard.