Love Tiramisu recruitment thread.

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Avenger-Of-Troy's picture

Do you just Love Tiramisu?

Does the thought of it make you hungry?

Join our cult as we pray to the gods of Tiramisu.

Ahahaha, did I say CULT? Well for a limited time offer, you can order Love Tiramisu in GUILD format! No cult initiation required!

Order now!

Jokes aside, love tiramisu is a guild older than some people. Do I know how old? God no, I'm barely a GM. We are recruiting new members (as we have started to severely decline). At the moment, we tend to have about 1 to three members online at all times. That's a little sad and lonely.... If you're an older member in the community, perhaps you would remember us.

We do have a short questionare though:

1) Do you love tiramisu?
2) What is your Knight's name?
3) Why do you want to join our guild?

Here's an example:

1) Do you love tiramisu?

God no, the stuff is awful.

2) What is your Knight's name?


3) Why do you want join our guild?

I don't I'm just a super duper troll HURR DURR.

This above will not get you into Love Tiramisu. If you're interested, post here or send me an In-Game mail to Blazer-Of-Troy.

PS Solotron's guild alliance for president.

Avenger-Of-Troy's picture
