Good,Overall Shadow gun?
I was thinking about being a gunslinger, so I should get a shadow gun. The problem is, I can't figure out which is the best for non-situational attacks.
The ones I were thinking about was Phantamos, Winter Grave and Grim Repeater.
Do you guys have any advice for me?
I have a Blitz Needle and a Volcanic Pepperbox, so I am very clear on how autoguns work.
But idk if I want to get another autogun cause I don't really like its playstyle. Not being able to move is a really big drawback in this game.
I already have some guns, I will name them.
Shadow Blaster,
Primal Buster
Blitz Needle,
Volcanic Pepperbox,
Flaming Pulsar.
Volt Driver.

I'd say go for Winter Grave. The freeze in its charge attack really synergizes well. If they're not already dead with the first charge, just hit em with another charge. It's extremely good, and useful for construct levels with some gremlins. You can also single switch the winter grave which is handy for making some enemies flinch, like gremlins falling on the ground, canceling their attacks. There's also a freeze chance in its regular attack, so that's handy as well.

Based on power, utility, and fun, I would recommend Winter Grave or Umbra Driver.
The Antigua- and Blaster-line guns are dependable but not excellent and extremely dull. Try them after you've tried everything else. Biohazard is not very powerful these days. You know Autoguns well, so I don't have to explain Grim Repeater, which is powerful but not especially fun.
Permafroster is intriguing, because the freeze wrecks the knockback (which I view as the main point of Pulsar-line guns) but therefore improves your chances of landing multiple hits. But freeze also hinders kiting, knockback, shield-bumping, and other aspects of how experts play this game. So I don't recommend Permafroster.
Winter Grave, like all Magnus-line guns, has extremely powerful charge attacks. It freezes, but there's a good chance your target will die in one shot, so the freeze isn't such a problem.
Umbra Driver, like all alchemers, has a steep learning curve but ends up being quite powerful in the hands of an expert.
This thread is about which gun does the most DPS and easiest to use, and has a fun playstyle.
This thread is NOT about which gun fires the most bullets/second.
So please, just stop wrecking this thread.

-Charge hits like a truck
- Freeze can be useful for immobilization so you can pound em with another charge, especially in C42
- Single switching it can knockdown and make certain enemies flinch, like gremlins and turrets.

Fehzor, stop trying to mess with poor Bopp's automated response protocols.
As general purpose then winter grave is probably the best bet, as long as you know how to switch-shoot and pack some CTR/damage boost (I'm assuming you have swiftstrike buckler like any sensible gunner would do)
Umbra driver is a solid choice too, with ricochets and switch shooting it can put out some serious DPS, it won't interrupt monsters like Winter Grave though.
My personal preference would be to make an Iron Slug (naturally paired with volcanic pepperbox) and just deal with everything at once.
I have a 5 star Perfect Mask of Seerus, and im gonna pair it with a shadowsun slicker and swiftstrike.
I think I will go with winter grave(RIP me making a magnus instead of tundrus xD).
Since you want to use mainly guns, you should pick one of these as starters:
Umbra Driver, Winter Grave, Phantamos, Permafroster
The Grim Repeater is op vs anything that isn't undead/fiend, but if you don't know how autoguns work (main part being that u can't move while shooting) you shouldn't get it as your first gun.
The other shadow guns have their usages but aren't best suited for beginner gunners.
Sentenza/Obsidian Carbine works better for swordies and bombers, as a support weapon, the Biohazard while it can do a lot of dmg, is more of a 'fun' weapon to derp around, and the Gorgofist is hard to get/use effectively.