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Endgame gunner question.

1 Antwort [Letzter Beitrag]

For both PVP and PVE. What armor would best pair with Black Kat Cowl? Like I really want to get the raiments to complete the set but.. not sure how good that would be.. chaos cloak..? One of the shade gunner armors? I just don't know what I want to use or what would be good. I would probably be using the swiftstrike buckler as me shield so if that helps with giving explanations.

Also doesn't help that I'll probably be using a very large array of weapons too.. argent piecemaker, blitz.. still not too sure what I'm going to do for those either.. don't know what is currently "good" as a gunner.

If you have any suggestions, please leave them here.

(Oh also maybe a suggestion for a new name..? Did this as a meme.. now I regret it)

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

I have a detailed armor guide that might or might not be valuable to you. My comments are mainly about PvE.

Yes, a full Black Kat set would be great. I hope you know how difficult it is to get the 5-star suit. If you can't get that, then use Chaos Cloak. It's nice to have one or more +4 (Maximum!) status UVs on armors. Status, not damage, is the main problem in defense. If you care about defense at all.

Argent Peacemaker is not good for a gunner. The damage output is mediocre, and the clicking is tedious. I recommend alchemers and Magnus-style guns. They are more interesting and more effective in the hands of an expert. Autogun-style guns are also effective, but they are boring.