Returning player

Hello. I'm a player from 2013 with a rekindled interest in Spiral Knights, is there anything new that I should be doing?

Welcome back. You can find a curated list of changes here:
Players complain that new content is not released very frequently (which is true). And the number of players continues its gradual decline (which is to be expected). But the game is just about as fun as ever --- better in some ways, worse in others, but mostly the same. Enjoy!

I think if you start from zero one of the early Rank missions has a new boss ?
( i am also returning )
Also there is a new " Treasure Vault " level .... that has a Tentacle Slime monster as a boss.....
The Shadow Realm event thingy from last week ..... I remember it vaguely ..... but never played it. IF i did , i probably died on arrival....
I played back in 2012-2013 and just came back almost a decade later with my 5 year old son. The game is still as challengind and interesting. I have always loved the puzzles in this game, there is none quite like it!
I play as PapaKrom and I'm looking for casual guild in English or French.
Seeya ingame

Welcome back! I hope that you and your son enjoy the game. It's great.
It's been a very long time. I have an old account though, but I'll just start with a new knight instead... LOL. Btw, so far the game looks the same, well correct me if I'm wrong.