Tupi thunder's recipie store 2.0

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(Lost my forum account so here's the same thing but from my alt)
Looking for rare Basil recipies?
Selling all kinds of Basil exclusive recipies for reasonable prices (prices are negotiable, all offers welcome)
Current invintory is as follows
2x avenger 4*
1x Barbarous thorn blade 5*
2x breach blaster 4*
1x charged quicksilver helm 4*
1x Dark briar barrage 5*
1x dark thorn blade 4*
1x dark thorn shield 4*
1x faust 4*
1x frozen pulsar 4*
2x fusion blaster 4*
2x gigawatt pulsar 4*
1x graviton bomb 4*
1x grim repeater 5*
1x heavy pulsar 3*
1x Khorovod 4*
2x mega tundrus 4*
1x raptor 4*
1x riftlocker 5*
1x shadow blaster
2x spike shower 4*
2x tundrus 3*
1x twisted spine cone 3*
1x umbral driver 4*
1x virtulent catalyser 4*
2x wildfire 5*