I've gone through and added the last few entries and I should be caught up on edits now too. The exception is Xplad, I'm not exactly sure what you want entered. The last post you made for your entry is is over 25 words, unless I'm not understanding where your plan starts or stops in your post.
The edit grace period is nearly over! If you spot a whoopsies in your post fixi it quick!

"If you spot a whoopsies in your post fixi it quick!"
How ironic. :3
And good luck to everyone on getting a raise for those fiendish plans~

Alright xPlad, all taken care of now.

Dogrock said: Alright xPlad, all taken care of now.
Dear Dogrock,
The contestants are not hood ornaments for your great pumpkin tardis chariot. Please return xPlad to his original condition before you took care of him.
Meanwhile, will contact the other judges on Monday to start picking plans. Eurydice might be a little busy as OOO is also holding a Caption Contest on Facebook which ends soon.

any idea when the judging will be finished?

Oh yeah, and my in game name is Michaelb.

I fixed my submission.
(1) During Monday's two minute lunchbreak.......
(2) /shout "Dogrock is STOOOOPID"
(3) Step1 Invokes the wrath of Allpowerful Dogrock's throwing arm...
(4) *Takes cover inside breakroom behind coworkers*

Dogrock I don't think you added me...

Dear evil doers...I mean contestants,
Thank you all for making this event so delightfully evil and strangely gratifying.
We did get to judge and see all the entries including the ones our over worked intern devilite misplaced. It's ok, our interns get free food from King Krogmo's Kitchen. Thebadger added the rancid leftovers.
Our apologies for taking the full three weeks to pick the winners. Thebadger wasn't feeling well last week after eating something at the King's Kitchen near Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee. Yes, Thebadger really does reside in Memphis and he really did get sick last week.
Eurydice and Raspberry will be awarding the salaries to the new office temp managers in game or game mail this week. Please don't go near Thebadger as he still looks green.
Meanwhile, you can check out the winning entries and wallpaper art on the SK Wiki.
Warmest regards and mirth,
Raspberry and TheRoadkill (formerly known as Thebadger)

Grats to the winners, thanks Obsidian for the contest, and thanks Dogrock for the wiki.
Your contests hate me Raspberry, I never have any luck. :(
Grats and thanks again!

I had a lot of fun helping judge this. Contestants, I almost feel sorry for your bosses.
Almost. ;)

>Contestants, I almost feel sorry for your bosses. Almost. ;)
I just lol'd there Eurydice, you must love bein evil. Almost. ;)
Yeah, I think my best bet would just be to judge as I have no luck with contests. I could imagine you had fun judging Eury, I hope others had fun submitting and judging.
Best of luck on the next contest, (There will be one, right? O_O)
ah dang it, didn't win anything -_- gotta admit though, i love the top 3 winning entries. Oh well. Anyway, will you guys be holding another contest? I'd love to try my luck in another one.

Congratulations to everyone who won.
You all had great entries and I enjoyed reading everyone of them.
Thanks Obsidian for yet another great contest.
Thanks Dogrock for all the work you did.
Thanks judges for for picking the winners (even though I didn't win) :)
I'm sure it was a difficult decision but I think you picked some good ones.
I look forward to the next contest.
The one and only, Guardianknight
Officer of the Iron Dragon Guild.

Tell Bossman 'I'm getting you a GF. Use it well.'
Give him a Gran Faust.
Watch him try to kiss it and get cursed.
Extra credit (even though it's over the word limit):
Sneak a Trojan into his small office so no matter where he turns the Trojan will be facing him.
Watch him
a) get smashed by the Trojan
b) get cursed when he tries to use his Gran Faust
—Spiral-Connisseur or Spock-Ninja—

Arise long lost thread, and haunt the forums once more!
But seriously, you necro'd this thread?

Oh, its this thread again. You should really check the dates on these things.
Crud, I feel a little embarrassed now. I hadn't meant for my comment to come off as an attack on the judges ability to read the thread. I had merely misinterpreted this comment, "We'll go over all submissions once again before judging commences after September 1st". I thought it meant the judges would be reading the thread over again on September first. I'm sorry for any negativity that may have been interpreted from my post. I understand that you guys are only human and have a lot of stuff you have to deal with, not just this contest but every day things as well. If it means anything though, I think you are wrong. Just the fact that you guys are doing this contest and asking for nothing in return but some common courtesy and that every one has a good time, makes you guys superheroes in my book any day. :)