I can't log in to the preview client

4 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Romasanta

I'm not sure why, but I can't log in. It tells me that it's not open to the public, which shouldn't be an issue, since I bought enough CE a few days ago. I don't know where to take this, but I figured it would be relevant here.

Legacy Username
Did you read all the stickied

Did you read all the stickied posts?
Test server is NOT open 24/7, it is only open at the times Nick specified in another post. You probably just missed the last session.

Bild des Benutzers Romasanta
I was fairly certain that the

I was fairly certain that the schedule said the sever would be open today from 8pm-11pm PDT.

Look at the time that you

Look at the time that you just posted at. Still 30 minutes remaining :)

Legacy Username
And what time is it now? 7:30

And what time is it now? 7:30 PDT.. I wish there was some punishment for being uninformed when information is readily available...