• • Tier Zero • • A Tier 3 guild for mature, experienced, and clever players. Embarrasingly high active rate!

151 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Wolfe-Knight

I can already see that you are funny, and it would be fun to have you here. So you have my vote (even though it doesn't really count, its all up to Weeble)

Bild des Benutzers Hanktron
Who said I like cats?

I don't like cats. Don't put words in my mouth!

Bild des Benutzers Omnihaze

My name is Omnihaze, and I wish to join your guild.

I have been the victim of countless (maybe 3-4) inactive T3 guilds *weep* and sob as I see others brandish and trade FoVs while my 8 Almirian Seals gather dust. :(

I haven't played SK in a while, but I'm ready to get back on the horse!

I see that your guild is recruiting and I must say, this guild is both refreshing and funny.

Well enough chit-chat, here are my answers to said questionaire:

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Well my game says I clocked in 18:08:53:28, but I started playing this game in April this year because I saw an article on Yahoo! Games saying this game was great.

What is your loadout?
Helmet: Vog Cub Cap (UV Elemental Defense: Medium)
Shield: Volcanic Plate Shield (UV Normal Defense: Medium) or Barbarous Thorn Shield (Depends on my mood xD)
Armor: Skolver Coat (UV Fire Defense: Maximum!), may revert back to Vog Cub Coat (UV Elemental Defense: Medium)
Trinket: Elite Sword Focus Module (UV Beast Mode: Maximum!)
Weapon 1: Leviathan Blade (Double UV CTR Medium & Damage Vs. Undead Medium)
Weapon 2: Voltaic Tempest (UV Damage Vs. Undead Medium)

What is your favorite food? (I agree on its importance)
Korean BBQ, yum!

Well, if you read up to this, thanks again for considering me xD, have a nice day!

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
@Incoherrant Great app! I


Great app! I appreciate the time you took to write it (twice). You sound like a legit fellow, so I'll shoot you an invite the next time I log in!

And PS. Pizza is solid. What kind? Flatbread? Deep-dish? New York?
Also PPS. Your lizard may be larger than mine, but it's bumpy and has a horn. So who are the ladies gonna pick now? Huh?


Of course your vote counts! Even though you're temporarily inactive! >:(


Herro! I think I remember you, Omnihaze. I'm always happy to incorporate more veteran players in the guild. I'll shoot you an invite as well! And I'm going to have to agree with you on Korean BBQ. Stuff's off the chain. Except you can't wear nice shirts or else they will be permanently infused with BBQ smoke. (Which may not be a bad thing, I suppose).

Bild des Benutzers Voltaire
Just messaged an application

Just messaged an application in-game.

Also; Hi everyone else in this thread! How are you doing today?

Bild des Benutzers Toastyspiralknight

All of you item stealing Lizards!You shall never steal me!

Bild des Benutzers Hanktron
Who says I want to


Bild des Benutzers Incoherrant
Surely you should want to. Unless Toastycat.

"Pizza is solid. What kind? Flatbread? Deep-dish? New York?"
Any kind, though I tend to be picky with the stuff that goes on/into it due to a habit of being a vegetarian. Lots of cheese is always the answer. Odd veggies is sometimes.

"Your lizard may be larger than mine, but it's bumpy and has a horn. So who are the ladies gonna pick now? Huh?"
Well that depends on the kind of ladies, now doesn't it. I hear some find bumpy horns intriguing. :o

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Incoherrant, I think I sent

Incoherrant, I think I sent you an invite. Did you get it?

Also, do you live in the Bay Area by any chance? Have you heard of Cheeseboard Pizza?

Bild des Benutzers Incoherrant
I did, and I accepted it and

I did, and I accepted it and took a look in the guild hall. I was amused. Then I ran off to do some other stuff, but yeah, I'm in now, thank you. :)

Located all the way over in Denmark, though. Cheeseboard Pizza doesn't ring a bell. To the google-mobile!


One google-drive later, I have concluded that their stuff sounds delicious and I want one. :o But it would be a bit far to go for pizza. That said, I didn't get around to get a local one yesterday like I planned and now I want one more. To the real-life-mobile!

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Glad to have you in the

Glad to have you in the guild!

Updated the guild roster. Welcome to all new members!

Bild des Benutzers Marneous
Im interested!!!! !!! 1

Sounds fun! I roll with Full Ancient Plate, khorovod and a magnus. (I rock the lower tier weapons because I feel like actually leveling them to 10 and then using the recipes, I still carry around a leviathan :)
My goals are to get max UVS on all my gear and get my sudaruska. Call me crazy but I think im in love!

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Hi there, Marneous! I'll

Hi there, Marneous!

I'll invite you next time I log in! Looking forward to meeting you.

Bild des Benutzers Wolfe-Knight
Im back ^_^

Well after about one week of work (alot short then i was suspecting) im back to play and kill that annoying jumping pumpkin.
btw Incoherrant i love the way you spell, your really funny.

Bild des Benutzers Deadpanther
Looking for somewhere fun and enjoyable to call home.

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Couple months now a few or more hours a night, almost 200 hours clocked in so not a whole lot.

What is your loadout?
5* Nameles hat and Poncho, Blitz, Callahan, Polaris and Bio Hazard though I sometimes only go with three guns and something else.
Guns, guns and more guns thats me.. I sometimes carry a sword or bomb but those are still in the process of obtaining the heat for
5* and I do have a 4* bomb set I was working on for a little bit.

What is your favorite food?
I would say here but that isn't exactly a SFW topic now is it? XP
But seriously a nice handmade milkshake can do wonders for how you feel durring the night after a day at work. XD

Pretty much after joining knights and derping around with the help of a friend the guilds Ive joined from those I know are more or less dead.
Not a whole lot of fun just pugging and not getting to joke around or just relax in a game thats whole PURPOSE is to entertain and let loose.

IGN is the same as the forums, Kinda something personal Ive kept over the years of playing games.

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Hey Deadpanther! You sound

Hey Deadpanther!

You sound like a good fit for TZ. I've been horribly busy with school recently, but I will certainly send you an invite the next time I log in!

Milkshakes are bomb. I hear Ramenfrog's brings all the boys to the yard. (Just kidding, don't tell her I said that).

And I 100% agree with you about the purpose of games. People forget that games are for leisurely entertainment! It annoys me when people get legitimately angry about Spiral Knights. I'm glad we see eye to eye on that!

@Wolfe-Knight: So ironic how you come back from a week of inactivity right as I start mine. :(

Bild des Benutzers Deadpanther
Sweet and thank you.

Very nice and thank you. Looking forward to joining you all, if I'm not on SK then I will always be on steam most of the time so I can be caught there under the same name too.

Bild des Benutzers Luiskywalker
You Guild looks promising!

To tell you the truth I always looking for funny allies and entertainment game stuff. Its a game. So:

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
at the end of July

What is your loadout?
5*, Now I have full Skolver set, partially Vog cub, CIV, and I Always try to balance Heavy/solid Sword and Fast sword in my game style, Im a sword player (and a Spur freak)
In craft of Vog Cub set, Avenger And Faust, Actually I have the 4* of these, and the Owlite shield and miracle set.

And a lot of funny stuff, like the Halloween masks

What is your favorite food?
Good thing about pizza its you can have all the ingredient for you mood, since baccon and mushroom to surprisely good combos like TMNT Michalangelo's Pizzas (I swear the avocado, pickles and salami its a win combo)


Before the IGN thing and that stuff, let me ask you how many people are in you guild mate? and how is the availability? This is the deal Im still in my first guild, Just join a weeks ago, its about 30 players but you find like 9 online and mostly in Havens, the many chances to do (not alone) a Jelly Run or twins, etc. are because my allies, thats why I believe more in allies than guilds actually.

By the way I like Lockdown a lot, I have tier2 and tier3 stuff to play both, play the Guardian mostly and thats the reason why Iam in the current guild, its kind of Lockdown Guild. But im looking for more boss runs because I still haven't the chance to do FSC in a group and Im still crafting fire protect stuff.

Bild des Benutzers Incoherrant
Luiskywalker, I think we're

Luiskywalker, I think we're about 35-40, not entirely sure, though (and too lazy to open the game and check).
The online number seems to vary from 1 (in the middle of the day on this side of the globe I'm pretty alone :P) to about 10 currently, but the more who join the better chance of more being online there is.
When people -are- online, though, most are doing runs of one form or another. Punkin hunts, boss runs, seemingly random dives, lockdown, a nice variety of things as far as I can tell, although not very planned, more "I feel like doing X, who wants to join?" or "found PK, anyone want in?". Or my "OHNO, I'm alon3 in th3 middl3 of th3 FSC and n3v3r b33n h3r3 b3for3, what do I doooo? D:" and then being saved by a couple of guild peeps. I liked that.

On a sidenote, guysguysguys, lookit dis. I draw things.

Bild des Benutzers Godzy

Just thought i'd dropby to ask hows Rammy doin? especially with teh trees?
<<< quit due to work/playing S4 and prolly don't remember me

joining the guild

the guild sounds quite good. been in a few but they went inactive within weeks.

how long been playing?: a few months. total playtime is 209 hours

Load out currently is: 5* volcanic plate mail w. uv shock resist low, 5* volcanic plate helm,5 * volcanic plate shield, 5* leviathan blade w. uv sttack speed increase low, 5* supernova w. uv best damage high. once i get my goal of 10,000 ce, i will start gettin many more 5* armor and weapons.

favourite food: hard to choose from when theres so many delicious things in the world. ostrich parent/child is really tasty( ostrich meat topped with ostrich egg).

i play almost everyday and i love playing lock down. also been to the core a few times.
i also collect recipes and sell materials. i can sell them for a promising price to guild members if its good.

oh also

also i live in england so im at british time. just saying in case everyone else is on on different times

Bild des Benutzers Godzy

Mustado is that you?

sorry but no

sorry but no. its just Mustaf. sry if i am mistaken for someone else.

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Hello everyone! It's been a

Hello everyone! It's been a busy week for me. I will be able to go online with some more frequency from now until Saturday :)

@Luiskywalker: Incoherrant answered your question pretty accurately. You'll find that in most active guilds, the proportion of online players to offline players is around 4-8% during dead hours and 10-25% during peak hours. If you're interesting in joining, I'll be happy to send you an invite.

Also, I've never had the Michelangelo combo. But if it's as bomb as the TV show, then I'm willing to try it :)

@Mustaf: You sound like an ideal applicant. I'll send you an invite the next time I log in! Looking forward to meeting you.

And ostrich parent/child sounds badass. Two generations in one meal! Take that... ostrich!

also forgot important

i forgot to mention, but i wont be on Friday and Saturday, as i will be visiting my grandma, who doesn't have any internet whatsoever. just saying again sorry. i will be on afterwards though again.

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
@Mustaf: That's fine. We'll

@Mustaf: That's fine. We'll see you on Sunday!

Bild des Benutzers Centurionknight
can i haz guild?

I've been playing for about 6 months but took a break for two. After realizing that I really have no life in the outside world I descended once more into my man cave to rediscover the game. I think the games awesome even with its flaws and I loved to be part of an active guild again.

My loadout is ash tail set with a levi blade, DTB, gigawatt pulsar, and wise owlite shield.

My favorite food is... apple pie... with ice cream!!!

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Hi Centurion, I'll send you

Hi Centurion,

I'll send you an invite right away! Apple pie and ice cream is hard to beat.

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Updated the roster, and

Updated the roster, and finished the Wiki page! You can view it at http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Tier_Zero_(Guild).

Bild des Benutzers Hanktron
fix your grammar on the wiki

owait it's fixed

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Something is wrong with the

Something is wrong with the SK wiki. It won't display the most recent version of the page, where I fixed the error :)

Bild des Benutzers Hanktron

it displays now

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Yup. Working now! I think an

Yup. Working now! I think an admin fixed it for me.

You've finally made that wiki

You've finally made that wiki page Weedle! Looks nice man! It's Mightyputty here.

im back

im back from 3 days without internet and be on every night, british time.

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
@Mightyputty: Thanks dude!

@Mightyputty: Thanks dude! It's pretty basic right now. I'll have someone in the guild make me some more images to throw in there to spice it up. Or maybe I'll do it :)

@Mustaf: Awesome! I'm in California, so hopefully I'll be able to catch you online. Akeal is in a similar time zone, have you met her?

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Roster updated. Also, I'd

Roster updated. Also, I'd like to congratulate Kioso on his promotion to officer! His bio will be up soon!

Bild des Benutzers Voltaire
Greetings from the World of Yesterday!

So yeah.

Sorry about my most ingracious and furthermore abrupt absence from activity. To put it bluntly, real life got in the way and how. I'm still in High School, and this interruption cost me the better half of last week, so I'm probably not going to be terribly active until this weekend sheerly from the amount of coursework I have to make up. Most importantly, sorry for leaving without notice: Internet access was scarce and I was in a rush the day of. In any case, it's good to be back, and I hope to see you all again soon.

Dearest Regards,

[Faux-Old-Englishy flavor brought to you by AP English coursework. Don't judge.]

[EDIT: And I never did comment on the wiki page. Nice work! Was actually thinking of bringing it up the day before it was brought up and asking to do a logo for us. A bit late now, but if we need any other graphics feel free to ask; I mean, this sort of thing is what I plan on majoring in, and I would be glad to help the guild and have a bit more practice all the same.]

[EDIT 2; THE QUICKENING: Wait, guild page on the wiki seems to have gone haywire. May just be me, and may be because someone's updating it right now, but all I get is the title and literally nothing else info-wise.]

Bild des Benutzers Hanktron
hey it's only a video game


Don't worry about it, real life is always more important. I loved AP Lit, one of my favorite classes in high school. AP comp, not so much.

When did you add this one?
Drunk Vanaduke runs with Hanktron and Festering

It's a good guild pastime.

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Haha, idk when I added that.

Haha, idk when I added that. But yes it's a good guild pastime.

@Francois-Marie Arouet: Yeah man, glad to hear you're keeping up with school. Lookin' forward to seeing you whenever you finish your schoolwork!

And I would LOVE for you to make us a new guild logo (assuming you still want to). Mine sucks, it's boring and colorless. You can make it be anything, as long as it has a transparent background, and is smaller than 300 pixels wide. In fact any art that you want to make for the page is fine. I'll slap it in!

Looking at the page history, it looks like someone vandalized our page. Who the eff is Konurb? Looks like he/she tried to blank our page. Thanks to whoever reverted it back to how it was.

Also, yes -- the wiki page sometimes just goes haywire. I've already talked to technical support about it, and they said that it sometimes has problems displaying the most up-to-date revision. So... hopefully it fixes itself again?

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Hey T0, My desktop computer

Hey T0,

My desktop computer decided that functioning properly was for losers, so I won't be online until I can convince it otherwise. Just letting everyone know!

Hi, would like to apply for Tier Zero

Hello Tier Zero,
I wanna be a part of this guild.
Started playing this game a month ago. Found this game out in Steam list of Free Games (lol im a cheapskate)
Decided to join after much research as felt this game was cute. Team Fortress 2 as my only game was booooooring.........

Finally got T3 clearance today, with Ash Tail cap, coat, dark thorn shield, ascended, avenger and heavy pulsar.
Yes, im aspiring to be a swords knight and my heavy pulsar is kinda obsolete until i buy another weapon slot =(

OMGGGGG hope this isnt too formal

My fav food huh... erm.... as long as there is NO trans fat, NO artificial sweeteners, NO high fructose corn syrup, NOT microwaved, NOT made in china (ironic though; im chinese) im fine with it =D Im a LITTLE health conscious.

BTW my ign is Wadeva (Pronounced whatever, NOT wade-va @.@ zzzzz). Just cant seem to login to forums with my steam acc due to error.... So im using this sub acc.

Bild des Benutzers Hanktron
hey guess what

apparently we're "know for being very active"


Bild des Benutzers Weedle
@Wadeva: Awesome, congrats on

@Wadeva: Awesome, congrats on getting Tier 3 clearance! I'll send you an invite. Welcome to the guild!

@Hanktron: Interesting! We are very active indeed.

Bild des Benutzers Nolybot

Ive been playing spiral knights for about 6-12 months or more

I Used to use the Mighty Cobalt helm and Chestplate but im working on getting my ash tail helmet to go with the coat :D and i usually use faust/avenger combo... i change it accordingly to bosses though

Mac & Cheese FTW!

Ive been looking for a guild since i left my last one... *The Spiral Saints* due to it being way too inactive and haven't found a replacement since... not to say i want to join just to replace that empty hole where my guild name should be... i wanna choose a good guild to replace them and i decided to apply here cause it looks pretty cool :D so... thats my application... hope ya like it :D

P.S. tell me if im using too many ":D's" and "...'s"

Bild des Benutzers Longrod
*Bangs at Door* LET ME IN!!!

Hellooo, Been playing for about 4 months.

For my apparel I have: Ash Tail Coat + Miracle Hood [With a few acessories]

And My weapons, I Have: A Silent Nightblade, A Electron Bomb, A Firey Pepperbox and A Blizzbrand

Lastly, For Defence I Have: Sinister Skelly Shield

My Shield, Nightblade, AT Coat and Miracle hood are all nearly at Level 9 and I am hoping to get them all upgraded soon.

My favorite food is pizza topped with pizza that is topped with cheese, pepperoni, peppers, onion and chorizo all topped with more cheese :D

Look Forward to hearing from you

I'd be interested in joining

I'd like to join, but im not sure if my gear or experience is up to par...
My loadout is currently a 4 star swordsman build, with ash tail, ascended calibur and dread venom striker (I know its not great for T3, but I couldnt resist. Im trying to level up a sealed sword so i can replace that.)
Ive played for around 30 hours. I would have played for more by now, but im affected by the disconnecting issue that plagues users with certain routers. Lately, though, its been better. I hope that its not a problem.
I also have yet to actually play T3, even though I have all the requirements... Ill have to try that soon :S

Aside from that, I will be playing a lot more since I'm taking a break from my main game (Global Agenda.)
I have actually been looking for a guild for a while, but haven't bothered to apply to any. But I already like this guild just from this thread :D
Im hoping that Tier Zero can also help me to get my character better gear, get me more skilled and make this game a lot more fun. (Ive spent those 30 hours playing alone... QQ)

I am (usually) a mature person, and even on days when I feel like talking in all caps, this game prevents me! Its so convenient!

Anyways, hope you'll consider.

Also, may favorite food is... Soap.

Bild des Benutzers Wolfe-Knight

Dont worry about your gear, it looks fine to to me as i have some items way worse the yours.
Most of the players here will definitely help out if you need it. Just ask for help at anytime and im sure someone will help you out.

you have my vote just because you said you favorite food is soup, as when i was a kid a prank store near my house had soap flavored gum and i loved it.

Bild des Benutzers Weedle
Hello everyone! I am not

Hello everyone! I am not dead, but my desktop computer is. I won't be able to play nearly as often until I can get it fixed or until I get a new computer... sigh.

@Nolybot: That's a pretty wide range of time you've been playing for, haha. I'll send you an invite when I get the chance! And you can't go wrong with Mac & Cheese.

@Longrod: *Opens door* Okay!! Hah. Anyways. You sound like a qualified candidate, so I'll shoot you an invite as well.

@Gutslyoir: You sound like the ideal candidate. Low play time with decent achievements, and decently literate. As long as you have a 4* set, you're free to join. We will certainly be able to help take your game to the next level! And soap, eh? Do you have a dirty mouth? ;)

@Wolfe-Knight: Thanks for bumping and commenting! Btw, you need a promotion. Do you have a full 5* set? I'll make you a Veteran if that's the case.