
1012 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

Impervious Wiki Page
Impervious Blog
Original Thread: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/19698
Guild Banner: http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/d/df/ImperviousBannerFinal.png (drawings by Chiorix)
Guild Screenshots/Annoucements: Post #1 below or on Wiki

Impervious is a very laidback guild that is currently looking to build an active, strong and mature community of T3 players who are friendly, helpful and just want to have fun. We have a great core group of players (quite a large group of older players along with some young'ins in the mix) but are always looking to have other like-minded individuals join our unique and unparalleled community.

In general, Impervious...

- Is a safe and fun community guild where members can play, socialize and chat about Spiral Knights including tips and strategies, and other interests
- We do a variety of runs, help each other out with clearing clockworks and bosses when possible, do T3 basil runs to obtain recipes for members, occasionally do guild pvp for fun, as well as answering questions with our combined SK knowledge/experience on topics in-game or off
- We will not force or harass members to play or to do anything unless they want to

All in all, we believe people play games to have fun. So here at Impervious, we don't take things too seriously...BUT, we still thrive to have an order and can get stuff done to provide a fun and engaging experience for all.

Furthermore, Impervious is a guild that runs itself and thrive on members who like to take initiative to make the community and their experience a good one - the GMs/Officers are on quite often but mainly only step in when needed and to play all the same (no real hierarchy here). Members may not be up to play all the time as we all have lives which comes first and we respect that, but when members are up to play, you know they would be good for it :)

With all that said, if you are interested in joining Impervious, please post the following filled out application in this thread. We are ONLY considering applications and recruiting through this thread (so please do not mail GMs/Recruitment Officers your applications) and if we feel you could be a good fit with us, a GM/Recruitment Officer will followup with a friend request for a chat/interview. However if you don't hear back within 1 week of the date posted, your application has been declined.

1) In-Game Name (IGN):

2) Timezone:

3) Star of Gear:

4) Do you play SK through Steam or have it? (We have a steam group where we post announcements):

5) When did you start playing SK?

6) What other guilds have you been a member of? Why did you leave them or think of leaving?

7) How often do you play?

8) Are you more of a PvE or PvP player? What do you usually do with your time on SK?

9) We are a largely international guild with people from all across the globe. What is your main language?

10) How did you hear of Impervious and why do you want to join? Do you know someone from our guild?

11) What do you look for in a guild and how do you think you can help and contribute?

12) In your opinion, what does Impervious mean to you (for example as a guild, the word, etc)?

13) Tell us more about yourself (optional)

NOTE: Know that good applications help; it is easy to tell the people who have shown they have spent a considerable amount of time and thought by reading their application. With the guild update, we do have a 300-member limit but know we will not even fill half of the slots as we're really aiming for quality over quantity (!). Any mature, active, skilled players are most welcome to express their interest as we want to continue to build and expand our community of friends, so if you feel like you would be a good fit, please don't hesitate to give us a shout :)


From Team Impervious

GMs: Levitch, Produkt, Swarleysparkles (retired)
Recruitment Officers: Narfle, Objectified, Solimando, Thephoenix, Toshk, Urta
Officers: Aolism, Azkaellion, Cameraboy, Cordiceps, Fruitpanda, Infinitesimality, Knightblood, Metavox, Mhmok, Mohandar, Myamoto, Seqh
Veterans: Albey, Angeldevi, Asukalan, Aznassn, Banana-Otoko, Beckat, Benedicar, Bilstone, Blazeik, Brandonasilva, Briskool, Bugboyblake, Bumbling, Championne, Chiorix, Cloudwuskyfluffs, Cryptikaa, Dice-Man, Doomfox, Dragonseeker, Drasticos, Driewieler, Fodow, Forestmacedonia, Ginungagap, Invincibility, Jarfour, Jazzlist, Jethrotron, Kegal, Krysophylax, Ladycarver, Luckyface, Luigirulzz, Mariogamer, Megajx, Mirathinas, Owao, Pinkadey, Piratesforever, Playerman, Plebbyy, Punxas, Retrospekt, Rm-Anami, Rmunoz, Robespeare, Schapenvlees, Schick, Selecthumor, Skykabob, Speetz, Takhan, Tempestrage, Thermic, Turqmelon, Vanbamf, Vitorakun, Warlordthesecond, Williom, Worrax, Xxnulgathxx, Zdarklight, Zevier, Zorofab

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles


For the most up-to-date announcements, please feel free to check out our Impervious Blog here! And if you would like to contribute towards this awesomeness, please contact Fruitpanda or Cordiceps for more details :)


Guild Screenshots (more on Wiki!):

Simon Says lols - Event 7 - April 15 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/a/ac/ImperviousEvent7Simonlol...
Simon Says Face Left - Event 7 - April 15 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/c/ce/ImperviousEvent7SimonLef...
Bigger Guild Hall Needed Event 7 - April 15 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/3/3a/ImperviousEvent7BiggerGH...
42/100 - Event 7 - April 15 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/f/fb/ImperviousEvent7GuildPar...
Impervious Party - Event 7 - April 15 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/2/2d/ImperviousEvent7GuildPar...
Spontaneous Impervious Heart Portrait - March 25 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/b/b7/ImperviousSpontaneousHea...
Impervious Applauds for Nick! - March 16 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/8/88/ImperviousPartyWithNick2...
Impervious Party with Nick! - March 16 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/7/79/ImperviousPartyWithNick.png
Impervious Party - Event 6 - Feb 19 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/d/d9/ImperviousEvent6GuildPar...
Trivia lols - Event 6 - Feb 19 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/f/fb/ImperviousEvent6TriviaMe...
Cool Imp Loading Block - Event 6 - Feb 19 - http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:ImperviousEvent6LoadingBlock.png
Punch Party lol - Feb 5 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/0/09/ImperviousFeb5PunchParty...
SL Vials - Dec 4 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/3/37/ImpShadowLairVials.png
Arts Installation - Nov 29 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/d/d0/ImpWall1-nov29.jpg
Arts Installation > After - Nov 29 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/3/3d/ImpWall2-nov29.jpg
Trivia - Event 3 - Nov 13 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/f/f6/ImperviousEvent3TriviaQ1...
Impervious Wall - Oct 29 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/8/85/ImperviousWall.jpg
D1-29 with up to 4 achievements unlocked! - Sept 24 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/d/dd/D1-29onerun.jpg
Impervious Fountain - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/2/2e/Imperviousfountain.jpg

Event Portraits:
Guild Portrait - Event 7 - April 15 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/c/c1/ImperviousEvent7GuildPor...
Guild Portrait - Event 6 - Feb 19 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/d/d6/ImperviousEvent6GuildPor...
Happy New Year - Event 5 - Jan 8 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/1/11/ImperviousEvent5GuildPor...
Happy Holidays - Dec 17 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/2/2c/ImperviousHolidayGuildPo...
Happy Holidays - Dec 18 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/b/b8/ImperviousHolidayGuildPo...
Guild Portrait - Event 4 - Dec 11 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/f/f5/ImperviousEvent4GuildPor...
Guild Portrait - Event 3 - Nov 13 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/6/64/ImperviousEvent3GuildPor...
Happy Halloween from Impervious! - Oct 30 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/f/ff/ImperviousHalloweenPortr...
Guild Portrait - Oct 30 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/e/ea/ImperviousGuildhallPortr...
Guild Portrait 2 - Oct 30 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/1/14/ImperviousGuildhallPortr...
Guild Portrait - Event 2 - Oct 16 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/c/ca/ImperviousEvent2Guildhal...
Guild Noobs - Event 2 - Oct 16 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/0/02/ImperviousEvent2Guildhal...
First Impervious Games Event - Sept 24 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/9/98/ImperviousGamesEventGuil...
A spontaneous first guild screenshot - Sept 19 - http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/c/ca/ImperviousGuildhall1.jpg


If you have suggestions... in terms of the guild of what you would like to see or have implemented (within reason :P), don't hesistate to let the GMs/Officers know because we want to hear it!

If you had a bad/unpleasant experience with another guild member...which may happen at times, I just want to put it out there to please let GMs/Officers know. It's important to have fun so letting us know would be really helpful so we can figure out what went wrong before we can make it right. We don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable in the guild which can put someone off the game altogether (and we definitely don't want that!).

If you are planning to be inactive for a while... - be it a few days or a week or two, please let GMs/Officers know so we don't think you quit the game and mark you as inactive.

If you used to be in Impervious... and find you are no longer with the guild, chances are you probably haven't logged on for a while and have been deemed inactive to free up spots for more active players to keep the guild alive. If you're thinking of becoming active again and are interested in coming back, know that you're always welcome.


Graveyard/Past Events:

June 23/24 - Impervious Shadow Lair Weekend: Ice Queen Edition
June 9/10 - Impervious Shadow Lair Weekend (Snarby)
May 25 - Narfle's Impervious Haiku Contest
April 15 - 7th Impervious Event
March 11 - Shamanno's Construct Your Own Tail Contest
February 19 - 6th Impervious Event (Take Two)
February 12 - 6th Impervious Event (Steam went down)
January 8 - 5th Impervious Event
December 18-25 - Secret Santa Event
December 17/18 - Holiday Portraits
December 11 - 4th Impervious Event
November 13 - 3rd Impervious Event
October 30 - Halloween Portraits
October 26-29 - Shadow Lair Contest
October 16 - 2nd Impervious Event
September 24 - 1st Impervious Games Event

Bild des Benutzers Lhykos
2nd Impervious Games

Fun times! Good turn out I thought too. Wish I could've stayed on for longer.

Any idea when another games night will be planned?

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles
RE: Lhykos

Haha glad you enjoyed yourself, Lhykos! It was definitely GOOD times :) I posted a few photos up top so definitely feel free to check those out when you get the chance but the wiki page has a few more.

In regards to the next games event, we're averaging about once a month at the moment but perhaps we'll try to make it more frequent as everyone seemed to have had fun! We shall see :)

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

Is your name anything related to How I met your mother?

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

Yes! :)

And bump.

Bild des Benutzers Beans

1. IGN: Tazurin
2. Star of Gear: 5*.
3. How often do you play?: Frequently.
4. Timezone? GMT -05:00
5. Do you play Lockdown or enjoy playing LD?: Yes to both, but I'm not very experienced and my equips are limited.
6. Why do you want to join Impervious? Is there a reason I wouldn't want to? You guys all smell funny or somethin'?

Bild des Benutzers Aryll
helo i wud liek 2 extend 2 u a invitation 2 pants party

1. IGN:
2. Star of Gear:
3* & 4* right now. Working on getting the recipes for my armour/helm.
3. How often do you play?:
Usually on daily to use up mist at the very least.
4. Timezone?
EST (UTC - 5 hours)
5. Do you play Lockdown or enjoy playing LD?:
I've not played yet, wouldn't mind trying it out and seeing what's what.
6. Why do you want to join Impervious?
Looking for more people to play with instead of Tazurin because he smells funny.

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles
New Annoucements

There are some new annoucements for guildies above - check it out in post #1!


everytime u have a forum anouncment please mail me the web adress to me in game mail ty

Bild des Benutzers Nergee
what an awesome guy! btw, im

what an awesome guy! btw, im looking for a FOUR SOME TO JOIN! you can test run me at fsc if you like.

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

I just wanted to say thanks for everyone who participated in the guild contest for a chance for a free Shadow Lair run! We got a total of 5 teams which is a lot considering the short turnover of 2 days we started to plan it. The winning team will be annouced shortly!

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles
Shadow Lair Contest

Here are the results:

And the winning number for the Shadow Lair contest is...4!

Congratulations Imperial-Soldier, Beaglz, Unknownhermit and Nullchan!

And especially THANKS to RMUNOZ for donating a key to make the contest possible! :)

Edit: Realized I rushed editing the image and made a mistake. Produkt's team was suppose to be one of the Brownknees :P (sorry!)

Bild des Benutzers Jmsa
Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

Hey Jmsa!

Thanks for your interest in joining Impervious! Unfortunately we don't just shoot out invites unless people are completely sure they want to join our guild as we don't really want unaccepted invites sitting in inboxes or floating around. Were you also interested in joining another guild though? If you're sure about Impervious, you can feel free to contact me in-game and we'll talk :)


Bild des Benutzers Ginungagap

I would be very interested in joining your guild! I'm doing my best to get all 5 star equipment within the next few weeks!

1. IGN: Ginungagap
2. Star of Gear: Half 4*, half 3*
3. How often do you play?: Every day, at least to use up 100 mist energy, trying to save up for four and five star gear.
4. Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
5. Do you play Lockdown or enjoy playing LD: I do! I'm fairly good at it but not great, though since I just broke into tier 3 of PvP, I'm having a tough time with my weaker weapons.
6. Why do I want to join? I would love to play with a good, dedicated group of players so that I don't get stuck with people who flake out half way through a run. Y'all seem pretty awesome, and I would love to be a part of that.

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

Haha yea, T3 pvp can be a completely different ball game at times from T2 but should be easier when you get full 4-5* star which you're working towards :) Anyway, welcome once again Ginungagap!

Bild des Benutzers Icycloud

Deleted in good faith

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

Hey Icycloud,

Thanks for your post and letting us know. We invited him as he recently friended one of our current members and was looking for a guild so we kind of took him in good faith. Most of our members are extremely mature so we don't post rules or anything like that because we assume most know good player etiquette, but at times, that's also a risk that we take on our part when they aren't aware. With that, I guess occasionally, situations like that will come up and we'd have to deal with it like this one. I really apologize for what had happened but thanks a lot for taking the time to bring it to our attention -- really helps! :)


Bild des Benutzers Jmsa
Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

We actually don't have many inactives and are at cap on members so we aren't actively looking for recruits... However if there are people who are interested in joining just Impervious because they feel its the guild for them and like what we offer, then we do what we can for them.

Don't really want people who put in applications for handful of other guilds and see what invites they get though :P

Bild des Benutzers Konurb
Guild Alliance

Hi Impervious!

I was thinking about having a alliance between our guilds. Mine is called Jelly Hunters and we already have 4 guilds allianced with us.

From, GM of Jelly Hunters Konurb

Hey :)My friend and I would

Hey :)
My friend and I would like to join

1. IGN: Shamanno
IGN: Loryen
2. Star of Gear: 5 both of us
3. How often do you play?: mostly every day
4. Timezone: GMT +1 & +2
5. Do you play Lockdown or enjoy playing LD?:

We've tried to play LD and really enjoyed it. But since we're playing almost all the time together and there's no possibility to join together a Lockdown team we didn't play it that much at all.
We would love to play it as a team and get better in it!

6. Why do you want to join Impervious?

Because it looks like a good and active guild! We've been in quite allot of guilds and almost all of them were inactive, so we decided to check some guilds on wikipage > found impervious. Lovely screenshots gallery =P

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

Haha we definitely take pride in our screenshots gallery because I feel it speaks more than words in terms of how we are as a guild with great players that just likes to have fun. Really happy to know you liked some of our screenshots! :)

Welcome once again to Impervious Shamanno and Loryen!

Bild des Benutzers Lhns
Interested in joining.

Heyy guys, and ladies(if any :) ) I'm interested in joining. Been into this game for a week now and looking for more than random pve.

1. IGN: Lhns
2. Star of Gear: 4*
3. How often do you play?: Every day =)
4. Timezone? : Cet (GMT+1)
5. Do you play Lockdown or enjoy playing LD?: Haven't done it yet. So I can't say :P
(We have many players who love it and others who don't and we respect that. However it would be nice to have more knights who would be flexible enough to jump in if needed to get a game going)
6. Why do you want to join Impervious? Looking for a great and active guild. And from the #1 post in this thread, I can conclude Impervious is the type of guild I'm looking for, and I've heard nothing but good things about Impervious from the SK community. :)

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

Welcome, Lhns! :)

Bild des Benutzers Jonathansiu

1. IGN: Jonathansiu
2. Star of Gear: all 5*
3. How often do you play?: a lot on Friday, Saturday and Sunday; as for weekdays it depends on how busy I will be
4. Timezone? EST; i live in Toronto
5. Do you play Lockdown or enjoy playing LD?: i LOVE playing lockdown and I guess Im pretty good at it. My highest score was around 18.5k and I could score over 10k on a good day
6. Why do you want to join Impervious? well one of the main reason would definitely be the Guild Teammatch, as I have never tried that before and Im eager to do that. I also want to do more boss runs with guildies and have some fun together :)

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

Welcome again, Jonathansiu! ^^

Bild des Benutzers Artonation

Test 1 2 3

Bild des Benutzers Erridunno


Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles
Welcome + Update

Just a quick welcome again to the couple new members who recently joined us :)

Also we will be having another guild event soon - either December 4th or 11th so just a heads up for those who can make it! The official date will be posted in the annoucement section of this thread as soon as it's confirmed!

Bild des Benutzers Fodow
I want to join~

1. IGN : Fodow
2. Star of Gear : 5/4* armour, 5/4* weapons, 2/3* shield (getting shield after since not needed in LD >.<)
3. How often do you play? : I play everyday - Weekdays = 1 to 2 hours, Weekends = 2 to 4 hours.
4. Timezone? : EST
5. Do you play LD or enjoy playing LD? : Yes, I love playing LD and I play it when I'm done with clockworks or if the guild wants a match.
6. Why do you want to join Impervious? : I want to join Impervious because I've had fun with some of their members in Lockdown, and it seems like a fun guild that does runs with each other frequently.


IGN: CursedHalo
2. Star of Gear: all 2* besides my weapon #1
3. How often do you play?: every day as long as i'm feeling good, haven't played much this week due to being ill.
4. Timezone? EST; i live Michigan(Eastern time zone)
5. Do you play Lockdown or enjoy playing LD?: I Enjoy playing Lockdown because it's something to do while i'm not in the clockworks!
6. Why do you want to join Impervious?
I really want to join because Impervious seems like a well joined Guild with nice mature players. I really hope i get accepted because I would love to be a part of this wonderful guild.


Ign springz
Gear 5*
Lockdown played once, it was fun
I play daily in the EST timezone and am looking for a fun group to play with

Bild des Benutzers Baraska
To Join~

IGN - Baraska
Star of Gear - Part 2*/3*
How often do you play? - I try to play on weekdays and I am on often on weekends!
Timezone? - GMT (Britain)
Do you play Lockdown/Enjoy Lockdown? - I am not to keen on lockdown, but I am sure that once my star of gear improves, I will become more active in PvP!
Why do you want to join Impervious? - I read the wiki page, and by looking at your awesome screenshot gallery, I can see that you are a fun group of people, and I would love to be part of it :)

Bild des Benutzers Th-Urret
To Join

IGN: Th-Urret
Gear Stars: 4*
How Often Do I play: Every 2 Days or so, crafting when not enough time
Timezone: +0:00 GMT
Lockdown?: I play some lockdown but also enjoy bast network
Why join?:
I feel sad that my friends do guild runs and I don't have a "decent" guild. Like to play in good party's.

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

Just wanted to say a quick hello to our few new applicants above! I apologize for not getting back to you guys sooner because I don't check the forums as regularly as I am in-game. I do want to mention we are at cap at the moment with *very little* inactives where it's difficult to make room, and therefore we will have to be more selective in our applicants and their applications. Also, I do want to mention we are mostly a T3 guild so if you meet that requirement and are still interested, please send me a friend request in-game and we'll talk further :)


Bild des Benutzers Kabraneel
1. IGN: Kabraneel2. Star of

1. IGN: Kabraneel
2. Star of Gear: 5 & 4 nothing less than that ( Civ , Faust , Combuster , final flourish)
3. How often do you play?: i play normally 2 -3 hours a day. sometimes i go mad and play more than 5 hours!!
4. Timezone: 5:00
5. Do you play Lockdown or enjoy playing LD?: I love to play lockdown- My average damage is always 9k to 10k.
(sometimes more or less)
(We have many players who love it and others who don't and we respect that. However it would be nice to have more knights who would be flexible enough to jump in if needed to get a game going)
6. Why do you want to join Impervious?: I want to join it becAUSE I HAVE HEARD about it .
i want a guild which is famous and have many players online at times.
i have done all bosses and have tokens in tons!.

I request u to add me as fast as posible.

pls reply a MY Post. and i think 'Sciasz' is my friend in game.

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles
4th Impervious Guild Event

Refresh and find the link HERE when I say GO!

LINK for Scavenger Hunt: http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/3267/impgames4picfindscaveng.jpg

please let me join.

1. Sirblueman
2. 4 and 5
3. very often
4. central
5. i kinda like it but i prefer the clockworks
6. because i want to be in a active guild that consist of good players

Bild des Benutzers Kabraneel
Hi Guys My Name Is Manan. IGN

Hi Guys
My Name Is Manan.
IGN : Kabraneel

I want to join ur guild . I wanna be a part of a guild which is famous. And ur guild is the most famous as i know.
I am playing this game from about 4 - 5 months.
My star of gear si 5.
I have Gran Faust, Final Flourish , Combuster , Blitz needle , Cold Iron Vanquisher.
I live in asia and time zine is about 5:00.
I have soloed all the bosses . But Not Vanduke.
I am champion at all the bosses. Jelly king take almost 30 sec.
I can also solo fsc ( sometimes) and ofcourse tier1 and tier 2 .
My average damage at lockdown is 9k-10k.
Pls i wanna be a part of ur guild because i love to play lockdown guild and ur guild do guild lockdown very much.
Pls reply to my post and invte if u like me.

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles
@Sirblueman Thanks for your

Thanks for your interest in joining Impervious! We are really full atm but if you are still interested, you can add me as a friend and we can talk further :)

Sorry Kabraneel. We are mostly interested in those who strongly feel our guild is the kind of guild they're looking for they and feel they would be a good fit with us. Unfortunately we don't really want those who put in applications for many others and see which invites they get. Either way, best of luck!

Bild des Benutzers Kabraneel
I am just typing in some

I am just typing in some guild because i really need a good guilds

Im just accepted my knightmare.

But if u think im agaiin requesting u to try me for a week.

Thanks :)

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

New Annoucements! Check it out :)


1. icesprit
2. 4 and 3
3. mostly randomly on weekends
4. USA
5. love tier 2 lockdown would jump in anytime unless i'm in the clockworks or broke, tier 3 a little to hard because i don't have 5 star gear
6. my guide is as unactive as a guide can be so i'm looking for a fun active guide

Bild des Benutzers Kaisermobius
Joining in the future

I'm tier 2 right now but wait for me.I'll be joining when I'm already T3.I'm only active every fri, sat, and sun(Pacific date time) because I'm only 13 and need to go to school. My parents are strict that's why I'm only allowed every weekends. I wish you can understand and hope to join your guild :))

Bild des Benutzers Swarleysparkles

*excited for Secret Santa* ^^

Bild des Benutzers Yfke
Yes Secret Santa is super

Yes Secret Santa is super awesome!

Yfke I'm your secret santa,

Yfke I'm your secret santa, and I'll get you a monster bone!
Ho! HO! HO!
Merry Christmas!

Bild des Benutzers Mariogamer
My application

1. IGN: Mariogamer
2. Star of Gear: 5*
3. How often do you play?: Try to play everyday
4. Timezone?: EST
5. Do you play Lockdown or enjoy playing LD?: Occasionally. Prefer it over Blast Network. Usually play Tier 3.
6. Why do you want to join Impervious?: Number of reasons. I have some friends that are in this guild that recommended it to me and I'd love to be a part of a guild with people that are just playing for fun. And all the people in the guild I'm currently in left or just don't play anymore, so it's pretty much just me in the guild.

To be honest, this is my first time trying to join a guild that wasn't made by a friend. Apologizes of I messed up somewhere. I look forward to your response.

Bild des Benutzers Erridunno
What is the name of ur guild?

What is the name of ur guild? i think ur in my alt accounts guild :D