(((Valour))) Help us reach out and expand our horizon of friends!

"Victory in Valor!"
Est. 2011
Guildmaster Cricketheart
Senior Officer Konat
Officer The-Director
Check out Valour's new wiki page!
Created by our illustrious, Iskrica!
To create a haven for any knight that seeks our friendship.
We aspire to associate with those of quality and character.
Our focus is to maintain a loyal and dependable circle of members.
And now for an epic tale...
There once was a guild called The Illusionists. Strong and merry, they existed before the days of Eternal Orbs, Krogmo, and furnished halls. It was a simple, yet satisfying age in Cradle.
Though, over time, the clockworks of life took its toll and the once powerful guild began to fade away. Eventually only a handful remained.
These stalwart knights did not know then that they would be the ones to carry on a legacy into a spiraling new era! For a time, they marched through a silent void in memory of those they had lost.
But no longer.
Their endurance has inspired The Illusionist's leader to start again. Today, this guild has been renamed to reflect its members:
I hope to return this guild to its days of glory and welcome any knight who would be so willing as to join us in this vision.
So please, read on and decide for yourself how you can contribute to this guild.
How to be a part of Valour...
Firstly, embrace life. Our members are not expected to be "severely active". Unless you've quit spirals for good, I'm usually lenient on those who decide to put their real lives first (e.g. school, work, vacation, religion, other games, potato harvest, disco lessons etc.). Some of us use Skype as an outside communication and contact each other when we want to delve the clockworks in our spare time.
Valour, at this given time, will not be recruiting more than 100 members. Space will become more exclusive over time, so ask about joining now before its too late!
As it stands, recruits who haven't logged in or been heard from for over a month are at risk of being removed.
Members are at the same risk though they will be demoted to recruit first and allowed a longer grace period before removal is considered.
Special conditions may apply and we are willing to make accommodations according to each knight's unique situation!
As far as our guild hall is concerned, we do not upgrade or expand so there are zero upkeep fees. Those crowns are better spent on crafting and reaching your knight's potential. Even so, do not let our humble halls fool you, many a rich friendship has blossomed there.
Valour is a guild for knights who are...
-comfortable with chatty conversations during a run.
-satisfied with a cozy guildhall (0 upgrades= 0 upkeep).
-more suited to intimate gatherings (100 or less guild members)
-and able to act maturely, regardless of actual age.
If you are interested in joining please contact me (Cricketheart) or Konat in game with a message including your responses to the following:
-How did you invent/decide your knight's character name?
-Describe yourself with one word that does or does not exist.
-Time zone?
-What do you consider the most important asset to a guild?
After submitting, we will either contact you or send an invitation as soon as possible.
We hope to hear from the swankiest knights of spirals, so give us a try!
Recruit- New and/or fairly uninvolved.
Member- Well known and a solid addition to the guild.
Veteran- Knights have been a contributing member for 8 months or more.
Officer- Selected exclusively.
The Valour Treasury
A collection of old and new guild members, adventures, and ideas from the spiral community.
[Illusionist logo concept 1] http://bit.ly/sU52Xv (created by Irenarch for retired guild name)
[The Three Musketeers] http://tinyurl.com/7lnmesv (taken by Blinkspeed, with Nzninja, Seeden, Cricketheart, and Florestan)
[Illusionist logo concept 2] http://shiro-oni11.deviantart.com/art/The-Illusionists-Logo-302687666 (created by Shirooni for retired guild name)
[Illusionist guild crest concept] http://s1263.photobucket.com/albums/ii639/Cricketheart/?action=view&curr... (By yours truly, Cricket- entered in the guild crest contest. For previous guild name.)
[Guild Jelly Run] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8zLKr7FBY0 (By Daveonsteriods, with Dave, Rushenka, and Gel-Blue)
[Making hearts!] http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/chocoholicasia/media/heartspirals.jpg.... and http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/chocoholicasia/media/lovespirals.jpg.h... (With a lot of old guild members! <3)
[1st Guild Celebration- Must herd ALL the Snipes!] http://s1263.photobucket.com/albums/ii639/Cricketheart/?action=view&curr... (With Sanyon, Konat, and Cricketheart)
[Dauntless Delver achievement unlocked!] http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/chocoholicasia/media/29depths.jpg.html... (with Konat and Cricketheart. Pardon my typos in the picture XD)
[Proto armor Vanaduke run! Just for the heck of it...] http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/chocoholicasia/media/protovana.jpg.htm... (with Konat, Sanyon, and Cricketheart)
[We're a'fire'n our lasers!] http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff474/chocoholicasia/laservortex.jpg (with Konat and Cricketheart)
[3/4th Guild Roarmulus Run.] http://youtu.be/2BU5OTvsEIs (Recorded by guildmate Moonstone-Shades, with Konat and Cricketheart.)
[Our Guild Hall plants have names!] http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/chocoholicasia/media/valourplants-1.jp... (Named by Thewinniecake)
[Picture unavailable currently] We have a Gobblesnipe! Finally named Gnar! Such cute squeaks.
[Our charming Konat has a youtube channel! And he asked me to do the channel art! Check it out!] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9sNoVap_6k&list=PL191pFz9Ft-fvk3kI8VLsg...
[And so does the dashing Moogle! Check'm out here!] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuxOUGrg932nYBt59j5t5w/feed
Further questions can be submitted in game to Cricketheart via mail or pm.

Hey Cricket :3 Good luck for the recruitment ^^ !

I love to play spiral knights and help people
You get what you get and you dont through a fit
you see me and now you dont
I got wolver armor (unique right lol)
and i mainly just love to hang around just about anybody

cricketheart! nice to see your guild has come this far :) best of luck!
---Character traits best suited to guild~~witty to the max, vary friendly, 5* gear, a roleplayer, helpful
---Your favorite quote/phrase~~ "indeed the time is near"
---Your battle cry!~~ "death do us part"
---And anything else that makes you unique.
im a vary chill go always siting in neat spots all throw out the havens and am always good for a chat ..
i like to role play a lot and i use gaiaonline .. i also have a pretty neat avi on spiral knights vary shadow like
i would be happy to have the guild name as my guild above my head and so on..
ING: seeden
Character traits best suited to guild~~ never gives up. loves to laugh and to make jokes. like to make faces, :P
---Your favorite quote/phrase~~ "Even The Blackest roses were once seen bye the sun."
---Your battle cry!~~ "We Will Not Go Quietly Into the Night!"
---And anything else that makes you unique.
surives on coffe, likes to make jokes.!
im yamamura and this is my app!

Your use of power-words such as 'fresh' and 'tasteful' make me think of bread, and sir, I like bread. I think our guilds would get along famously.
Let's chat about a guild-partnership. We have a lot to offer. Look over our guild criteria/description, I think you'll like what you see.
I think we'll make pretty good friends, Illusionists.
The Trolls Patrol
I, Florestan, humbly submit to you my application for this guild.
---Character traits best suited to guild
My conversation can range from witty to Dobbs-awful, Animal-Crossing-worthy puns.
---Your favorite quote/phrase
I have far too many, but through a dice-rolling tournament, the victor shall be posted here:
Jefferson Smith: "I guess this is just another lost cause, Mr. Paine. All you people don’t know about lost causes. Mr. Paine does. He said once they were the only causes worth fighting for, and he fought for them once, for the only reason any man ever fights for them: Because of one plain simple rule: Love thy neighbor. And in this world today, full of hatred, a man who knows that one rule has a great trust. You know that rule, Mr. Paine. And I loved you for it just as my father did, and you know that you fight for the lost causes harder than for any others. Yes, you even die for them, like a man we both know, Mr. Paine.
"You think I’m licked. You all think I’m licked. Well, I’m not licked, and I’m gonna stay right here and fight for this lost cause, even if this room gets filled with lies like these!"
- from the film Mr Smith Goes To Washington
---Your battle cry!
Eulaliaaaaa! (Redwall, anyone? >_O)
---And anything else that makes you unique.
I praise the Beefy Miracle that is Fedora 17! (I really can't think of anything XD)
I decided to play this game, because it's been described to me as a multi-player Zelda game with a great community. Ultimately, I simply wish to relax for a moment in my normally hectic schedule, and the energy system reinforces that, I think. I just started playing yesterday, and I -think- I have the hang of it now, so I've been actively looking for a fun, relaxed, preferably conversational group/guild. A quick search, and yours showed up, so I'm super excited about this.
Thanks for your time,

Here is the link for the new logo concept hope you like it.

I'm in love with this logo design! Great work!
Yours truly,

Ladies and Gentleman of the Illusionists!
I’d like to welcome you all out to our Guild’s One Year Anniversary Celebration!
When: July 28th, Start time- 20:00:00 UTC (Universal Time) till the End of the Day.
Where: Illusionists Guildhall and various other Cradle locations suitable for domination.
Wear your guild costume! (Magic Hood and Cloak series of any variety or star level)
Get ready to party with other guildmates on clockwork dives, boss runs, Lockdown Slaughterfests, tea parties, pie-eating, snipe-herding, confetti-mayhem and whatever else we can think of! This day belongs to The Illusionists!
Hope to see you there!
Yours truly,
The Illusionists

Hellooo Cradle!
I'm Guildmaster Cricketheart and Valour would like YOU to join!
We strive to create a haven for any knight who wishes to enter our humble halls
Please see top for more info on how to join or get to know us!
Valour is currently recruiting knights who are:
-comfortable with chatty, drawn-out conversations during a run.
-satisfied with a lowly stable for a guild hall.
-able to act maturely, regardless of actual age.
We hope to welcome you!
Yours truly,

Hello Knights of Spirals!
Valour is still recruiting and looking for members from all over Cradle!
In other words, we need knights from all sorts of time zones.
Currently in need of those in the GMT, EST, and CST areas.
We want to be active around the clockworks!
Read above or at the top of the thread for more info about Valour and how to join!
Yours truly,

Hello Knights of Spirals!
Have you been looking for a little slice of Haven to call home?
Consider joining Valour!
You can read more about us at the top of this page and then decide for yourself if this is the guild for you.
We hope to hear from you soon! You can contact me (Cricketheart) or my Officer (Konat).
Yours truly,

[3/4th Guild Roarmulus Run.] https://www.youtube.com/user/ColourKnight (Recorded by guildmate Moonstone-Shades, with Konat and Cricketheart.)
That's the wrong URL, but here's the correct one: http://youtu.be/2BU5OTvsEIs

Hello and welcome! We are Valour.
Read more about us at the top, or if you already have, continue reading on how to join!
I am currently on the hunt to find the swankiest knights in Cradle. This could be you!
We'd love to welcome you into our little family in hopes that you will invest the dedication and patience it will take to help us become your haven and home.
Valour is a guild for knights who are...
-comfortable with chatty conversations during a run.
-satisfied with a cozy guildhall (0 upgrades= 0 upkeep).
-more suited to intimate gatherings (100 or less guild members)
-able to act maturely, regardless of actual age.
If you are interested in joining please contact our officer, Konat, for the time being, in game with a message including your responses to the following:
-How did you invent/decide your knight's character name?
-Describe yourself with one word that does or does not exist.
-Time zone?
-What do you consider the most important asset to a guild?
We want Valour to be the end of your fruitless guild hunt, so contact us now!
Yours truly,
*Note: Due to the school year and overall decreased activity, we will not be as strict on the activity levels during this time. If you are looking for a purely "active" guild I suggest remaining patient or continuing your search. Otherwise, make yourself at home and catch us online when you can! I hope to hear from you'all soon.

Seasons Greetings, Cradle!
Just a shout out from Valour wishing you all a Happy Holiday!
If you'd like to find out more about us, visit the top of this page.
Take care!
Yours truly,

Been around a long time. Looking for a guild to chill with, and I guess I've been looking for something a little more special. Fate would have it that a member from your Guild recommended I ask to join, so here I am.
-How did you invent/decide your knight's character name? - It chose me.
-Describe yourself with one word that does or does not exist. - Myztical.
-Time zone? - UTC/GMT +8 hours, Perth Australia to be more precise.
-What do you consider the most important asset to a guild? - I've been in quite a number of guilds, I have made my own, and even been given a guild. Unfortunately, as I would consider 'time' to be the most powerful thing in the universe, these guilds deteriorated. I think the most important asset for a guild is that it's a group of people working together, whether it'd be for fun or whatever.
All the best!

Do you hear it?
Yes, Cricket here, guild master of Valour, wanting you to help us build a great and powerful guild we can all be proud to be a part of!
We welcome knights old and new who want to become a member of our growing family. While the guild itself is a couple years old, we are considered less "active" by the community since most of us don't log hours 24/7. Rather, some of us use skype to message each other outside of SK.
(Don't ask me why skype... I'm open to suggestions.)
Read more about us at the top of this page!
Hope to hear from you soon!
Yours truly,

Bumpy bumpy bump, the Sparks is back! Played SK basically all day today. Gotta love summer time. <3

Welcome to our guild Poteli! We hope you will enjoy your stay here. =)

Your guild hall smiles at you. =) Smiling Valour guild hall! [November 2014]

Congrats to Snow-Moogle for his first Vanaduke run and reaching the rank of Vanguard! =)

Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed your summer time, or are still enjoying it.
Few things are planned for Valour in order to organize our clockwork runs better and to bring more people into the guild. But more about that later.
Dear recruits,
"Valour Is a Guild For Knights Who Are:
- comfortable with chatty conversations during a run
- satisfied with a cozy guildhall (0 upgrades = 0 upkeep)
- more suited for intimate gatherings (100 or less guild members)
- and able to act maturely, regardless of actual age."
As a member of Valour, I would also add we are people:
- who are realistic about having limmited amount of time to play and put our obligations first (school, college, work)
- who still wish to play Spiral Knights with a friendly group and be a part of them
- who always welcome players even after months of inactivity
If you feel you fit these standards, than you are more than welcome to join us.
Post an application here!

Hi y'all :)
1. How did you invent/decide your knight's character name?
My favourite name for my game characters is Fluid because it goes well with my personality. However, it's often taken, so sometimes I'll make something that's just similar.
2. Describe yourself with one word that does or does not exist.
3. Time zone?
GMT +1
4. What do you consider the most important asset to a guild?
Companionship :)

Welcome to our guild Flooeed! We hope you will enjoy your stay here. =)

Dear Valour!
As it was stated before, a few things were planned for Valour in order to organize our clockwork runs better and to bring more people into the guild. Those plans have come to life.
I'm glad to present to you Valour Wiki Page and Valour Steam Group! =)
In Valour Wiki Page you can find all basic information about our guild, like Guild History, Rules and Standards, How To Join Valour, and also watch a few videos of our runs and see some screenshots. More videos and screenshots, guild related of course, are very much welcome.
In Valour Steam Group you can chat with all of our guild members, check for planned guild runs and also Schedule Events of your own to hang our with us or ask for help with whatever you need. This makes organizing guild runs easier, so do not be shy to post! Valour Steam Group is not public and is based on invitations, so in order to get into the group you must be a Valour member and send a message inagme to Konat or Iskrica (group administrators) with a request to join Valour Steam group with, naturally, your Steam name written in it.
Join us and see you in Spiral Knights!