Black screen all the time!

19 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Psycho-Dani

Steam preview client: Everytime I hit the elevator, after my heat has banked, and I click close on the mission report...... Nothing.
reopen client, mission isnt complete, so have to do it again. Doing this gets me nowhere, and I'm infinitely doing "crossing the chasm" and getting nowhere. Halp?

EDIT: Now that that has miraculously(?) passed, after talking to Kora again, Bechamel now leads me to a black screen when trying to go shopping. Any idea whats causing this?

EDIT moar: Yup, also getting the forever 0% loading on steam too.

Imagen de Melisan

Stand alone preview client sticks: at %0 when choosing "Start Mission" or gives me a blank screen with curser if i choose return to rescue camp.
ok the loading problems in all other areas is fixed but I cannot move on from the character report at the end of any levels, it just sticks with the music playing in a loop (the whole piece not juddering like a crash). Either the loading screen is stuck or not initiating

Imagen de Eeyup
Happens to me, too.

I've noticed black screens are happening each time I try to go to Haven (or in the rescue camp, before I completed the mission to reach Haven).

Imagen de Psycho-Dani
Would like to point out

That Golza has managed to get through fine, so this is indeed confusing.

Just joined on Golza into jelly farm no problem. Everytime I've join him I've had no issues at all, but without Golza there is no preview for me.

Imagen de Eeyup

Joining the clockworks via missions works normally. Just can't load Haven. I'm currently re-downloading, hoping for it to fix the problem. I'll edit this post if it happens to work.

LATE EDIT: Sorry, totally forgot of this post. It was fixed by switching to the US server, as it's been said already.

Imagen de Psycho-Dani

Atday just informed me that playing on US server can fix this.

How can I join? i recieved

How can I join? i recieved the mail, but if I have to download a client i dont know where to download it, help?

Imagen de Dogrock
Instructions to get onto the

Instructions to get onto the Testing Server are in the Sticky Post at the top of the form.

Same problem. whenever i try

Same problem. whenever i try GOING to haven, it blacks out or doesn't go beyond 0%. Oddly enough.. joining someone in haven works perfectly fine...

EDIT: Also wouldn't let me "return to rescue campsite" or w/e it's called.. seems to just be generic public areas that cause the problems.
(Also, a steam client user)

Imagen de Round-Shinigami
Steam client. Tried to reach

Steam client.
Tried to reach rescue camp - stuck at black screen instead of loading.
Restarted client - got a new intro screen with my knight, pressed "go to rescue camp" - stuck at black screen.
Trying to re-login again leads to "logging in" screen, the game never loads (because it tries to "reconnect" to the game instead of going elsewhere and allowing me to select knight).
Shutting down the game and restarting it gets me into same screen, with my knight.

Changing to US West server fixes the infinite black loading screen - it loads rescue camp.

Imagen de Axylus
I'm also experiencing this

I'm also experiencing this problem. :(

I'm using the stand-alone client on Mac OS 10.7.3, and I also live in Europe.

When I first attempted to enter the Rescue Camp from the Crash Site, the client became stuck on a screen with the following message displayed:

"Please wait while we install the rest of the game.


100% complete"


I closed then reopened the client, logged-in, then chose my character, which I found in his Ready Room. I opened the missions window, browsed the available missions, purchased and used some upgrades, then closed the missions window. When I pressed "go to rescue camp", the client became stuck on a completely black screen.


Edit: The problem doesn't occur when my region is set to "US, East".

Imagen de Melisan
All problems with loading

All problems with loading were fixed on changing over to the US server.

Imagen de Fabispieler
Yes, Melisan, maybe for YOU,

Yes, Melisan, maybe for YOU, but not for ME.

And no, I'm not stupid!

Imagen de Fabispieler
And it looks like that only

And it looks like that only the US server part is available (I see 2 bars at the crash site), so I dont know how changing should fix that. I tried it many times with changing to US ost, relogged so many times and always get black screen when it's the Rescue Camp or Haven.

Imagen de Fabispieler
I found the solution! You

I found the solution! You need to change the language to English, it's very important. Spanish, French and German players need to change the client language to English. At least that works for me, but it should work for other people too.
@Psycho-Dani Maybe your great Atday should have said that too...

Imagen de Melisan
Fabispieler calm down. Nobody

Fabispieler calm down. Nobody said you were stupid and I did mean that for me it fixed the problems.

Imagen de Psycho-Dani
Why am I getting hate?

Okay I didn't mention that other languages didn't work, but thats not my fault, I don't go setting it to german just because I am bored. Atday plays on English too, so don't hate on him either ¬_¬

Imagen de Melisan
Leave it Psycho-Dani you did

Leave it Psycho-Dani you did nothing to deserve it, just some frustrated kid having a pop.
I think this thread can be locked now.

Yo guys

Hey I've been having this problem for quite a while now, the blackscreen is no different from the 0% loading that happens when trying to connect to Haven. Wait for the loading screen after the blackscreen to pop up, if you can press escape and the menu works, then just wait for it to load. This may be due to synchronizing with the many players in the location you are going to (Haven) since loading the map is separate to connecting. It's annoying, but at least it still works.

Imagen de Zenpai
Eury, please graveyard this.

Eury, please graveyard this.