This is why I love the game!!~ Beep boop

Omg Beeep Booop Beep y u so dam sexy REP

In all seriousness. This is a game where I met someone I love very much. This game is where I met my friends. And met great people. And played A FREE FREAKING GAME THAT IS FUN.
You people need to stop, take a breath. And do something relaxing. Like play the game. It's really good.
And if the game makes you so angry that you gnash your teeth in anger you should go read a book.

To add to Rep's point, I recommend Slaughter House V and the Razor's Edge as good reads.

you know pople cn't read right?
too late at night.

I want a dam epic VIDEO Rep like 1 with a girl and a GUY and a tiger make it happen.

Rept hat video u linked on youtube doesn't count

Choob if the future is in the the present in the future?

no it's farther in the past nj

Hate those that want everyone happy by letting people get their fair share? Or to try to keep it classy and try to respect others so that no one causes a fuss? I didn't know that was bad. Maybe there's something wrong with nearly every person's view of who deserves respect or not? Well at least when I got here.

Oh wow Ret ur way 2 smart...Thanks for clearing it up for me...question tho
Is the present the past and the past the present and also I must ask:
Is Eos in the past present or future or NONE
Get the dam BEERS