SK Performance Tweaking Guide

116 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Redblades

dudeee you have a fast computer .-.
you could set Xms and Xmx to 10G :) (jk)

Bild des Benutzers Moonlight-Flower

Hello. Is there any line I can add to the extra.txt so I can play in window mode without border ?

Bild des Benutzers Eeyup
For borderless mode

Here, from Spiral-Spy's blog (creator of Spiral Spy).

Add this to your extra.txt file.

Bild des Benutzers Moonlight-Flower

It worked thx for sharing

Bild des Benutzers Sexios

Maybe make a video, im stuck. How do i know im using 64-bit on SK (where activity monitor!?) , even though java says im on 64-bit


Bild des Benutzers Luckyface
@Luckyface: Stop using Beats

@Luckyface: Stop using Beats headphones.

LOL I'm not using beats

Im using Sound Blaster Tactic 3D Wrath Wireless. It was a strange change in sound after the switch. My striker boost sounds much more muffled than before. Nothing else was changed except the Java change.

If you don't have an answer that is fine I have gotten used to it already.

Bild des Benutzers Thrillhaus

Lucky: Every system is different so I can't give you an answer to why your specific setup is encountering issues. However if you do find a solution please do share it so I can update the guide, and give you credit of course.

Sebastian: Your question is not specific to the tweaks but rather a very general one regarding navigation of the Mac operating system. Something that no doubt is chronicled in many parts of the internet. Did you consider spending a few seconds of your time to first google your question before asking me to spend what would likely be at least an hour to record, edit and upload a video of an operating system I do not own?

Heads up for everyone who already did this tweak. The last update (Winterfest) seems to have overwritten the java_vm folder in the Steam PC installation, causing Java to crash if you launch it with an extra.txt that requests more than 2GB of RAM usage (32-bit applications cannot utilize more than this amount). Therefore you will need to recopy your 64-bit Java (jre6) folder for SK to launch in 64-bit again.

Bild des Benutzers Hawkxh
More frames on my i7

Now Spiral Knights is using all my cores, thanks Thrillhaus!

I get more frames in Haven especially, like...Auction House.
Java 7 Build 11 works for me.

Bild des Benutzers Redblades

ermmmm... correct me if I'm wrong, but a program doesn't use more cores unless it's written that way.
I always thought java would run on all cores if the program was written for that amount of cores.

Bild des Benutzers Kethus
How much of this is still

How much of this is still valid? I am running on windows 64bit and steam. The game wont run if I have the -Xms and -Xmx lines in my extra.txt file, if I remove them it runs, but I don't see any difference.


Thrillhaus got the Xmx and Xms instructions mixed up in the initial post

Xms is the lower parameter or intial heap memory size
and Xmx is the upper parameter or max memory size

if your Xms is bigger than your Xmx then your SK won't launch

Bild des Benutzers Redblades

@kethus I would always just put the same value for both.
@grug that's not what he told me

Why isn't this stickied yet?

Bild des Benutzers Redblades
Not a bump.

Since Thrill apparently doesn't use linux, I will write a point form guide to tweaking on Ubuntu (I'm using 12.04)

-Install java 64 bit. Available at the java website and on ubuntu software center.
-Open the spiral knights desktop icon (spiralknights.desktop) with a text editing software.
-Change the "Exec=/javafolderpath"
-go to /home, press ctrl+h
-find /.getdown folder. go in, and go in spiral folder
-create new file "empty document"
-name it extra.txt
Paste the following inside:


(Note: these args worked better for me than the ones thrill wrote.)

Bild des Benutzers Sweet-Hope


The tweaking here its for a specific OS? because when i tried on XP Service Pack 2 (i did everything has you said in your step 1 and 2) i tried to launch spiral to check the "java" im running as setp 3 says. but everytime i try to launch the game says "Steam failed to start - Missing executable."

(because what i did was the rename the folder from java_vm to java_vm_backup" then pasting the jr6 in the folder of spiral then renaming to "java_vm") so when im about to launch the game to check the process it says "Steam failed to start - Missing executable." so... idk what were the error

So i just want to know if this work only for specific OS or i did something wrong in Step 1 and 2.

Hope i dont mind you with this question

Bild des Benutzers Redblades

correct me if I'm wrong, but windows XP is 32 bit isn't it? that would explain why java 64bit isn't working


if im not wrong it has a 64bit version too

Bild des Benutzers Sweet-Hope

@Redblade if dont work then yes prolly my win is 32 bits (since its XP service pack 2) so.. i cant use this guide to tweak my game :C? or which step i should take?

Thanks for the help

Bild des Benutzers Redblades

go to your spiral folder, and create the extra.txt file
then, copy/paste the following:


Bild des Benutzers Sweet-Hope

Awesome! really helped my game, made it so smoothly now. many thanks redblades!

Bild des Benutzers Icegill

@Redblades; Thank you for taking over the problems and the thread. The haus is absent from the game/forums.

Bild des Benutzers Redblades

no problem, glad to help! :)
no problem. I like helping people, and I like trying random stuff on computers

Bild des Benutzers Lukehandkooler
"correct me if I'm wrong, but

"correct me if I'm wrong, but windows XP is 32 bit isn't it?"

Several OEM manufacturers released a 64 bit version known as Win XP media center 2005 there are other versions of 64 bit XP, but this one is probably the easiest to overlook because unlike Win XP Professional 64 bit, media center doesnt jump right out and state that its 64 bit.

The only way you would have gotten win xp media center 2005 is if you bought it pre-loaded on a brand new machine, or existing on a used one.



Firefox will default to 32-bit Java unless additional plugins for 64-bit Java are installed.
4. Allocating additional RAM for Java

Power overwhelming!

Bild des Benutzers Redblades

not a bump
thanks for the info, luke

Bild des Benutzers Klipik-Forum

I did all the things and all it did was make me have framerate spikes :(

Mac OSX Lion, 10.7.5
Java: 7.something, the newest one
CPU: Intel Core i7 Sandy Bridge, 4-core, 2.7GHz
GPU: AMD Radeon 6630M
Steam client

Bild des Benutzers Redblades

more info on how you're lagging please.

Bild des Benutzers Klipik-Forum

I'm not sure how to provide more info on "now sometimes I get framerate spikes down to like 5 fps."

Bild des Benutzers Good-Spirit
"All the things" ... Did you

"All the things" ...

Did you type in ever single command listed in this post?

If so, that would be hilarious

Bild des Benutzers Terra-Necro
Thrillhaus, would these

Thrillhaus, would these changes do any real improvement if you have a poor internet connection and use a Lenova Laptop?

Bild des Benutzers Redblades
klipkik, sadly I have no idea

klipkik, sadly I have no idea on how macs work. I do not work with them often. something to keep in mind, my game ran smoother when I used xmx1g instead of xmx6g. no noticeable difference for xmx3g

terra-necro, thrill hasn't been active for like 9273303 years. also, there isn't much you can do about internet connection. this guide is to increase FPS and reduce FPS drops. keep in mind that some lenovo laptops are AWESOME. however if your laptop is slow, these tweaks will help you

Bild des Benutzers Thrillhaus

Redblades, what a hero.

Bild des Benutzers Dragneel-Wiki



Bild des Benutzers Jawny

He's alive!
Shameless bump to help people ;)

Bild des Benutzers Magnum-Frost
-Generic Subject Line-

For some odd reason, using 64-bit java makes all audio stutter. The graphics are running better than I have every seen, but every last bit of audio stutters like its a glitch rave. Halp pls?

Bild des Benutzers Son-Of-Hades
I wundr if any1 still responds to dis thread

Imma mac user, and I checked my activity monitor while running SK, and it already uses the 64-bit version of Java without me doing anything. When I get to this step tho...

"Exit SK and/or Steam
In your Java Preferences, make sure the 64-bit version(s) of Java are at the top
Navigate to your SK folder:
Web Client Users: ~/Library/Application Support/spiral/
Steam Users: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/spiral knights
Create a file in your SK folder named "extra.txt"
Enter the line "-d64" (no quotations) and save the file"

There's no Steam folder in Application Support. The only notable thing in Application Support is Oracle>Java>Two random stuffs. Is my computer just weird or am I supposed to search somewhere else for the SK folder? :o

Bild des Benutzers Glad-Amparus

Don't lose in LD now.

Bild des Benutzers Large-Noodles

Redblades said he got banned in the forums, so he won't even try to respond to anybody who needs help tweaking this.
So probably nobody responds to this thread.

Bild des Benutzers Ndognine-Forums

there are 2 application supports on a Mac. One is from Macintosh HD/Library/application support
the other (the one you want) is User/Library/application support/steam/ect

Bild des Benutzers Clown-Nine
Slight necro, but whatever. I

Slight necro, but whatever. I do not have the jre6 file and when I download it, it isn't showing up in my java folder. Any thoughts?
Edit: The jre6 file is in my (x86) but not in the other.

Bild des Benutzers Megawatt-King

I'm amazed, I can actually go now to arcade without stuttering on this portable toaster! It also feels like it loads faster too. I couldn't find that jre6 on the x64 folder, so I picked the jre7 instead. Still works fine.

Bild des Benutzers Zalmir
Mac User/Library/ Folder Missing

Hey just found out something helpful for those on Mac OS X Mavericks:

After upgrading to Mavericks, I realized I couldn't find the "spiral" folder to place the extra.txt file in. After some searching around, I found out that the User/Library folder is hidden in Mavericks, but can be revealed quite easily. Simply open up Finder, go to your User folder and hit Command + "J". Once there, simply check the box marked "Show Library Folder".

Hope this helps!

Bild des Benutzers Abelisk

Amazing! It literally speeds processes in SK by over 5x.

My SK its runing at 60fps

My SK its runing at 60fps locked in my low-mid end laptop.

Literally, you made the game playable again.

Thank you Thrillhaus.

Bild des Benutzers Zurmar
Hiho, idk why it always start

Hiho, idk why it always start sk on 32 bit... can someone help?

one thing i tried...

Have you tried to run it through Java Development Kit?
I heard its more stable and gives better performance.


Have you renamed the folder?

Bild des Benutzers Zurmar

@ Fight-Men
What folder do you mean?

@Zurmar The java_vm folder on


The java_vm folder on SK directory.

Bild des Benutzers Ill-Fate-Ill

SK runs on 64 bit by default on my MacBook but on my Windows desktop it runs on 32 Bit no matter what I did.

Bild des Benutzers Zurmar
@ fight-men

Oh ok Thx now it is working.

Need Assisstance

I am on a macbook pro 15" OSX Mavericks 10.10 with 4 gb of ram and i am trying to launch SK but its not working for some reason. I keep getting this error that says, "To view this web content, you need to install Java Runtime Environment." the thing is i installed the 64 bit and it is still giving me the same error. I tried to re-install the game still same thing so i decided to reinstall the Java and still same thing. Anybody knows why?

my 2 cents

You know there's a subsection of the forum called "Technical Issue"....?

You could simply go there instead of necroing Thread months old that are irrelevent to your problem