SK Performance Tweaking Guide

Most of the original extra.txt contents in this thread were incorporated into SK's normal launch parameter list (can be viewed, but not changed in getdown.txt).

I came to these options and numbers:
By the way...
UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is disabled by this (Notice the minus sign and not plus)... After a lot of testing SK freezes for half a second every second or two when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is used on a bunch of systems (It's on by default on many configs). Also a sharp eye will notice the 16 millisecond values used here are a bit above 60fps. getdown.txt is possible to edit, if you know what MD5 stands for and where it's applied. But knowing the userbase here, they'd probably screw it up so it's for the best the bar was raised to prevent them from editing it.

Yah, and needs to be re-edited every update (since the checks are updated for error correction reasons). Possible, but not worth it in the end since we already have the extra.txt.

...Which takes 10 seconds to update, and would usually only need to be done once every two weeks. MD5 isn't hard.
I literally cannot find the Java folder in my programs in the C:/Program Files. I don't know if its missing or if it installed some where else. I have the latest version of Java: Java SE 8u91 / 8u92. Can anyone help a knight out, I'm tired of constantly crashing in the town square and in the Shroud event...

Have you checked program files x86? It's likely you have the 32bit version of java installed and need to install the 64bit version via Java's website. Make sure you choose the windows offline x64bit version!

Yes, it's still relevant, they increased the amount of ram given by default but not that much, with the amount of ram people might have nowadays it's probably a good idea to increase it further.
One option I found useful is
since the game forces a GC on every map change, if you have a lot of ram then you don't need to do this and it helps loading times, especially if you repeat levels in the same session.

Since this thread is bumped again, just like to mention that the extra.txt file that I made following the instructions exactly does not work, and actually prevents spiral knights from launching properly.

Have you checked the log to see which directives it's complaining about?

My dude, THANK YOU.
I didnt even realize it ran on 32-bit right off the bat. This will help in the future.
Almost 10 years since I started playing, and I didn't have a clue why my game was so unplayable, doubt you will see this but just to let you know that the post is still relevant so TYVM! you have changed my gaming exp in sk :)
So i was playing SK for a few days after getting a new pc, been gone for a long time, and the fps was like 8-12 and laggy (client would freeze and such)
and i could not understand why, i have a laptop with quad core 8 gig ram 2 gig video card, low end system these days but still good for SK. i found this post and realized i was running 32 bit java on 64 bit windows 8.1, followed the instructions and boosted to 25 fps is most crowded haven area, dont know if there are any new lines to add in extra.txt or if its not useful now but TYVM!!
Only issue now is this weird bug that only i seem to have where my sound will click in and out with a noticable TICK! and then i cant see bombs placed and some attacks like DA charged attack or puppy blasts (so annoying and yes, it kills me sometimes)... not that im asking for help here, but maybe someone will notice who can debug this one cuz i have tried everything except asking for help so far, gonna make a new post maybe later today on it.
ty again and happy gaming