Spooky's Testing Experience! (To Be Updated Again! as of 9/10)

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Imagen de Spookydemi

Heya, let me first thank the developers for churning out this exciting new content. I'm really happy to get to review this. This is a first impression review and I'll be trying this danger mission again to get a better focus on what needs work, what actually works and give an overall opinion on this upcoming content.

- Level Design -

I believe the level design of the first floor is realy well made and offers good challenge, the opening to the level is a very nice touch, and really gets the player psyched in such a small corridor. The added pipes/tubes that line the ground is a nice addition to the traditional decon zone level that was used. Although, there should be more traps laid throughout the area; perhaps some more spikes to cover up some of the open ground. I should probably note that the level was particularly dark, though I'm sure this was probably done to set the tone of the environment more than anything. The second floor was crafted quite well, and was especially a tricky situation in some places. I feel the layout was fairly set between traps, totems and shock panels. The usage of the pipes/tubes was a welcome design choice instead of blocks that made up the borders to the level, well done on that.

- Monsters -

To be fair, even though the title of the Danger Mission is "Ghost in the Machine" (is that a reference to Ghost in the Shell? ;P) there was a lack of ghosts throughout the levels and I was somewhat surprised by that. Perhaps the addition of some Statikats and strictly just those Kats, should liven it up!
Please do not implement Grimalkins! The introduction of these cats could reduce the appearance of otherwise, slow and easy to beat, Frankenzoms. If not the Kats, then how about introducting an entirely new enemy here? Perhaps a new construct class monster? Now, about those Bombis, you know the one's with the exploding heads. We've got a shock variant of those now--along with a shock variant of the Deadnaught. These are really a nice change from the Frankenzoms, and are definitely a harder enemy to take down for less experienced players. I noticed there are patches of dirt/dust on the ground which the Frankenzoms spawn from, let's have some of the Bombis show up there too! Add some variety! There's a small part of the right side conflict room where there are heart containers but they actually have monsters inside of them! What a clever trick that was! Looks like the devs have been some Final Fantasy 8 and 9. :) A nifty idea and that's sure the shock (pun intended) the first timers of this mission.

- Boss -

To be completely fair, I'm not sure if I can call this a boss, but I'm going to. A great way to end a tough mission, but the boss was far too simple. It definitely needs a second phase or better yet, Ghosts. I know the knights will be busy dealing with the tendrils and laser beams, but there needs to be something else there to keep players on their feet. The tendrils are a bit slow but I think that leaves space for other monsters to join the fight. Usually these cores are accompied by other monsters. If you really wanted to make this fight difficult, let's add some real vengeful spirits to the fight--Phantoms! And if the boss doesn't get a second phase, please increase the amount of HP it has overall. From what I hear other testers can best this boss with the Blitz Needle (which, by the way, is still an overpowered weapon).

- Bugs -

Not any that I noticed on this run, but sometimes the Derelict Knights would end up getting stuck on the pipes and just run into them without stopping, you may want to look into that.

- End Statement -

All in all, this may be the best danger mission yet! High challenge, excellent song, spooky environment, and perhaps a new addition to the story of Spiral Knights. It looks like we weren't the first of space fairing species to arrive on Cradle, whoever these people were, they have a story to tell and I'd like to hear it. Extra note; the newest designs for the Proto equipment looks fantastic but please consider giving veterans and current players a chance to get these items. They could ways be for purchase from a vendor, just think of it. :)

Imagen de Oroseira
Adding Phantoms...


Adding monsters who are impossible to get rid of would be EPIC. It would spell out a far more difficult fight (I actually managed to kill a living wire, that's how broken the boss fight was) along with making the tentacles invincible.

Imagen de Spookydemi

Please reduce the rate at which the those floating spirit orbs spawn, it's pain to keep running around them and shoot them down. That's my only real big complaint about the mission. Of course, please consider what I mentioned in my first post too. :)

Imagen de Spookydemi
My third go through of the

My third go through of the second build of the mission had me glued to my seat. I'm still a little disappoint that there weren't any Staticats, but that's ok, just a little gripe. There was definitely an increase in frame rate drops and otherwise lag, as a major note. I'll provide a picture of something else that I thought was out of place.


I'm sure this wasn't suppose to happen right?

As an added note, the boss is much more satisfying fight. I think it has just the right amount of difficulty for a 4 member party (which I was never apart of unfortunately).

Imagen de Writhes

Ghost in the machine refers to a human mind inside a machine or cyborg even before ghost in the shell existed.

answer the test

i would like a challenge to this mr.spooky test thingy

kristijan hr

bok??? sori neznam st oda kazem ostao sma bez rječ