What is it with some parties as of late?

27 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Lusty

When i was starting this game, the party i would usually go with would pretty much welcome a good bomber in, specially one with 5 star equipment like shivermist. Normally i would have to kite around with my blaster or alchemer hitting different monsters with every shot thus taking a LOT of time to get rid of that particular wave, with a freezing bomb (specially a shivermist) things just stay there, ready to be picked out one by one without any particular danger (of course if you use a sword then you just gotta be careful enough to block at the appropriate time) truly something i and many others welcome...

But as of lately ive gotten in a couple of parties (more than a couple) in which i get shun because i use a shivermist and *GASP* keep the wave COMPLETELY STILL and people complain... wow... i was even kicked out of a party because i kept freezing things at the arena... god forbid... much better to have em constantly chasing around and around and then the joyous moment comes when one person of the party is kiting clockwise and another person counter clockwise... beautiful... much more efficient than having all the mob completely still... yeaaah lol. Funny thing i was able to solo the rest of the arena by freezing/cutting alternately... what truly makes me wonder if im doing something wrong its the fact that this was a tier 2 run... by the time we do tier 2 runs you MUST know your way around the game... SHOULD know anyway so i end up second guessing myself... wondering if what im doing really its wrong or what... some of those ppl had 4* equipment and still a pretty inefficient way to play...

I guess i can go and wish them happy kiting but then i wonder if the next party i play with its going to be this awesome -_-...

Legacy Username
This post makes no sense.

This post makes no sense. Bomber Knights are awesome, and whenever one joins a group I almost crap myself with excitement.

Maybe they're just upset you make the game too easy?

Feel free to join my groups anytime.

Portrait de Fallout
perhaps visibility and lagg

perhaps visibility and lagg causes great problems for party members. i know id lagg like hell if i upgraded to shivermist, and frankly its blinding when its being spammed. i myself have no problems with it, and think its one of the greatest bombs..... but people like to actually do damage against mobs, and not have to sit there and do nothing: its boring. think of the other players.

Portrait de Lusty
Thinking of others its what i

Thinking of others its what i was doing in the first place lol, i used to go with Nitron but then, quoting you Fallout, once the blue screen clears out, everyone is dead and everyone blames... us (bombers) xD, it usually happened because i was spreading the mob (altho i am pretty damn proud of my rythm and how im able to take on big mobs using just the nitron) but the blue screen and the shaking made some guys go "uuuugh i cant do anythiiiing"... so i thought that doing the opposite (keeping absolute control of the mob and not shaking the screen) would help... i should just go with Ash+graviton/poison... altho it would be pretty sweet if the devs could enable an option to not render some FX like bombs in this particular case... to my knowledge there is no such option.

I just enjoy very much the fact that im able to do my part in a different way other than HACKHACKHACK/SLASHSLASHSLASH... i prefer to PLANTPLANTPLANT lol xD

Legacy Username
N01r, what's your IGN? I

N01r, what's your IGN? I would love a good bomber especially on my jelly runs.

Portrait de Jealousy
I hate it

How I get kick for being a shivermist bomber.

sigh, and to think my potential at jelly king is useful in the eyes of few...

Portrait de Negimasonic
Shivermist isn't so bad as

Shivermist isn't so bad as some of the others(nitronome?), you can see through it unless its a blue like enemy (or really tiny like the royal jellies).

Oh and if people can't figure out that a frozen mob where they are free to use their charge attacks to instant kill anything isn't good, well oh well. The only bad use out of it is the potential to freeze a mob around a player, but I've never really seen that happen.

@Weaboo, JK might be one of the places where mass freezing is bad. JK moves too much and if you freeze the tiny jellies, they become hard to see if you're focused on the big boy causing lots of random hits. In addition, you can't push those frozen little guys which turns them into road blocks. I just use the freezing atomizer to start the match so the little jellies are frozen where everyone knows where they are and they can go straight for the king, but never past that.

Legacy Username

Baddies gonna bad, get more friends/guild to party with OP.

Legacy Username
This sounds exactly like what

This sounds exactly like what the Friend Recruitment Thread is for.

Portrait de Hazel
Any time I get a group with a

Any time I get a group with a Shivermist Bomber, I apologize in advance for my excessive use of the Combuster charge attack.

Legacy Username
I don't like the lag that

I don't like the lag that bombs cause me.

But I freaking LOVE the effects on enemy mobs. Bombers are welcome with me any time. ANY time.

Portrait de Lusty
IGN is Lusty, i do have a

IGN is Lusty, i do have a guild (Elysium) and usually do runs with them and they are ok with me using shivermist, its whenever im the only one logged in (usually at weird hours) that i go with pugs, which i dont mind...

Feel free to add me and if you see an Elysium member running around might wanna ask to party with us, we are a very chill group and like to use ventrilo.

Legacy Username

'never place it in the middle
.its annoying and shivermist radius will block up most of the possible escape path, especially when u're trying to mass kill mobs

'Make sure you don't place it when someone is attacking the crowd of mob
.It'll trap them and it'll get irritating

TBH, You didn't really explain the situation properly. So this are two thing that has occur to me and more that I won't list.

P.S. This came from a guy who uses bomb almost all the time

Legacy Username
as a heavy sword user with

as a heavy sword user with attack speed buff, id much rather have the mobs chase me. faust/avenger has a HUGE 2nd swing radius, about 180 degrees if not more, by properly funneling the enemies, it makes short work of DZ/arenas. throw a ice bomber in there and it'll totally mess up my groove, no offense to you of course.

now if you were running with say, ash of agni then its a different deal i suppse.

Portrait de Lusty
@Syor with any bomb i always

@Syor with any bomb i always plant where the mob will spawn, with Neutron i try to establish a rythm and keep em coming to the same (or a close enough) location in order to get blasted again, with Shiver i try to keep as many in the same spot as long as possible (unless the party its having trouble taking them out or we are 2 players in the party ill alternate in freezing as many as possible-or focusing on the most dangerous mobs in order to take out the easier ones first- and swording around), with poison i focus on planting ahead since it doesnt mess with mobility its usually a very runNplant tactic, specially when the party doesnt has any vile strikers at JK, if they do ill switch to mob control with Shiver.

Usually if someone tells me to switch to another bomb ill do it but only after making sure they are doing a good job at maintaining the mob under control, thing that usually doesnt happens with pugs since there is no real communication and youll often see party members kiting in opposite directions which often leads to mobs surrounding them/us...

The only moment i plant/spam middle in a DR/Arena its when i can get 90% or more of the mob with one single plant, in that case i really dont see how that is not a good idea specially since the remaining 10% should easily be killed by the rest of the party hence leaving the chance of getting specific targets, read: less dangerous and/or not killing the last of a certain wave as to not trigger another spawn.

Thanks for your input, i appreciate it.

Portrait de Eeks
I run an almost bomb set and

I run an almost bomb set and I rarely get any complaints. Quite the opposite actually. Maybe you are just joining the wrong parties.

I run nitronome/ash/shiveremist/toxic which are some of the most annoying visually as well.

Legacy Username
There are pros and cons

When I first started playing with people using freeze bombs it was difficult for me to adjust. I was pretty dependant on faust's knockback at the time, and having the enemies frozen in place really messed with my rythm.
Also, like a previous poster said, when you have the group chasing you it's much easier to knockback a huge swath of enemies before they can hit you, whereas when they get frozen you can only hit one or two, while the remainder have an opportunity to attack you from the sides.
And the most annoying part (and completely ridiculous and petty to complain about) was seeing the bomber's health bar remain full because he only popped into the fray long enough to drop another bomb before backing off, while I was getting torn to shreds in confusing new combat situations.

That being said, once I got used to it the advantages became very apparent, especially in situations like arenas where it's easy to get overrun. So I guess the people who boot you don't have enough practice fighting alongside bombers, and they attribute their failing performance to you (like I did).

And *that* being said, I don't believe every single situation calls for a bomb, but it's not a whole lot worse than relying solely on a sword or gun.

Legacy Username

Idk what u're thinking. But if u're a team player bomber, I recommend poison, fire or stun for the main uses and only use shivermist when situation is turning bad. Don't start safe, it's too risky. Just rush in to deal as much dmg as possible and let the swordies take care of the rest

Maybe fallout can shed some light on what's really the issue that ppl are kicking u?

I'm just saying what I think is right, do correct me though

Legacy Username
bombers vs party

When playing in a party, one person's style might always cramp someone else's style. Bombers, with their wide area of effect, might just be higher profile than the others. The nitronome is most notorious, for reasons already stated above. That bomb is best used selectively I guess.

I think the problem isn't just bombers though. It's knockback and freezing, it's expecting your target to be in one place and react to your hit in the usual way, and finding unexpected results. Personally I hate it when people wield any kind of weapon that throws monsters around, be it nitronome or overusing the charged strike on the calibur. Throwing monsters onto me just to get them off of yourself, especially when they're about to attack, is just rude. :P

So yeah, people need to learn to play in parties. It doesn't happen by itself, working together always requires some extra effort. Us bombers need to figure out the playstyle of the others so that we can complement them, not work against them. :) (And if you cramp someone's style when they really know only one trick, yeah they're gonna kick you out of their party. Not your fault though.)

P.S. Don't wish to derail the thread, but I've seen the nitronome seriously shine in danger rooms. Against certain monsters you just need nothing else, the rest of the party can just stand in the center and laugh.

Legacy Username
ash of agni

No oilers? Spam, run around. Constant burn, the rest can still do the same.

Legacy Username

But they sure can block the view of enemy.

Legacy Username
I've had pertinent issues

I've had pertinent issues where somebody uses an ice bomb and freezes half the arena pack, leaving me to continue kiting the other half and get pincered. I like the ice bomb a lot against fast enemies like bats and ghosts, but please don't screw with the mecha knight kiting, people's lives depend on those things moving in a simple circle.

Also: Maybe your party

Also: Maybe your party members were too strong. If that happens, use fire to get the mobs chasing after you, collecting them in little groups with a vortex or drive them into corners with nitros while the other players are busy elsewhere. Freezing the whole arena just makes things slow and boring if the team manages good without. If the team is really strong, it's almost as bad as spamming crystal @ wolvers... that one & shivermist are for when team members loose too much health. You take your swordsmen (that usually do much more damage than any bomber) the opportunity to hit many mobs at once.

(also, just to be on the safe side: we're not talking about an ice arena, right :D )

Legacy Username
Just wanted to throw this in there -

Can I suggest having a graviton vortex? I haven't found too many that complain about this bomb, especially if they are wanting to kite.

Yes, there will be those that complain about how they explode out afterward, and how they can still attack at the center of the vortex - but the majority seem to like seeing a huge chunk of numbers appear when they attack the mess in the middle, and adjust rather quickly to the quirks of the graviton series.

This is because you are using

This is because you are using it right. In the wrong hands, that thing is basically a permanent DOT on the own team and a really fun teleport-trampoline for all those monsters. Ever thought those huge, slow trees could just pop up behind you out of thin air while you swing your sword and perform an intant unavoidable "area sneak attack"? Not without a graviton bomber ;).

Legacy Username
On your side N01r!!

Hey, i dont mind either having you part of my team or yours, heheh. i just have to add though im more of a fire user so im in to the fire based weapons
like the combuster, which is what im trying to get right now. i think to sum extent, freezing the enemies in place and me wacking them away with fire is pretty darn effective. so hey you got my vote.

please feel free to join in or invite me over.

heres my IGN: Zeist

ill prob find you by the way. :P

Legacy Username

I prefer my grav bomb atm, but no doubt, can't hate on excellent CC. True, the dev's 'should' put in a way to turn off FX, and I'm sure it's coming.

They should also upgrade their server computers, that would cut down on some connectivity issues.

but yes, bombs, love em, love good players too.

IGN: DJBayview.

Portrait de Icee
It's not me, it's you.

I have never had connectivity issues with this game. Perhaps those of you complaining about "the servers" are blaming the wrong party. It is probable that either your computer is too weak to handle this game or your own connection stinks. (I do understand the frustration of the people in Oceania, but it's not necessarily practical to set up a second server location just so your data don't have to cross the Pacific.)