[Update] Test Server: Dash and Bash - 5/9/2013

Welcome testers!
For this round of testing we're focusing on the new Dash and Bash abilities. Specifically, we would like your feedback on their functionality across as much of the Clockworks as possible and how they play against various monsters, traps, and levels.
- For preview testing access: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/24087
- Preset control schemes (WASD, Mouse, and Gamepad) will have default key mappings for Dash and Bash; however, users of custom control schemes will need to set the modifier keys manually
- The dash is used to evade enemy attacks quickly, providing a burst of speed and limited invulnerability.
- After performing a dash, there is a cooldown that must be endured before it can be performed again. This cooldown can be seen just above the quickslot bar when a dash is performed.
- A knight dashes in the direction the knight is currently moving, or if standing still, the direction the knight is facing.
Shield Bash
- The shield bash is used to rush one or more enemies, doing a small amount of damage, knocking them back and stunning them for a limited time.
- A shield bash requires a shield with full power to perform. Additionally, after performing a shield bash, your shield is drained of some of its power.
- A shield bash is always executed in the direction you are facing.
Change Log 5/13/2013:
- Dash allows knights to evade damage dealt by monsters, but not traps or hazards
- There is now an additional effect to make it clearer when knights are dashing
- Dash and Shield Bash are now affected by speed status modifications, like Stun
- Slightly shortened the end of Dash's invincibility frames
- Bugfix: Dash and Bash can no longer be used at the same time
As always, please keep discussions of testing content on topic and on the Testing Feedback forum.
Thank you,
-The Spiral Knights Team

Oh yeah. http://teracodex.com/skill/4628
Shield Bash - Briefly stun one or more foes.

I definitely think this is a positive addition to the game, whether or not it's going to be used in LD is a toss up. I was using it in the lobby before a mission and I think it will make the game a lot more interesting. And getting more people un-involved with PVE - back into it.

You probably heard/seen a shield bash skill before because its pretty much a "default skill" in most rpg games (or any kind of weapon-and-shield combat), just like most of the statuses are seen in a lot of games (like poison, freeze, fire, etc.)

I was really hoping for a double tap mechanic. Bad news for gamepad players.
EDIT: I'll just put all quickslots on an analog POV and shoulder buttons for the dash/sb

One quick thing: the default controls for bash/dash aren't included in the default controls charts for either WASD or mouse movement. When I looked at the custom controls, it listed them as 'm1 + right click' and 'm1 + left click'. I like the idea of both effects being mapped to the same key with the addition of right/left click, but what the heck is the 'm1' key? I had to do a custom control layout and remap them to try them out.

The feature is still a work in progress and Dash/Bash are not yet included on the visual charts for the various control schemes. By default, the M1 ("Modifier 1" key) is bound to LEFT SHIFT.

the shield bash stops all animations every now and then, doing nothing but lunging the knight, no visuals

A few guildies are playing with dash/bash on shift right now, and at least with WASD it's pretty awkward--you have to sort of give up moving for a second, can't just quickly line up and go. Think it would be more practical for the mouse movement default controls, right next to Z and X. Going to try remapping them to a few different keys.

Narfle, I g2g right now, but when I get back from work, I'd like to see your control scheme if you've found anything that works. It's really awkward for me, I use wasd for movement, mouse up/down for weap slot 1/2 qe for weap slot 3/4 and I can't really find a good position for the dash/bash buttons, I've tried rf and zx but either way it is awkward to use, so do tell if you find anything! ^_^
one thing though I'd like to ask the dev's, for gaming mice with multiple buttons, is there any way we could map the extra abilities onto the extra buttons?

I mapped bash to space bar and dodge to E last round, which worked best out of the different combinations I tried.

When this comes out for the main server, Dash is getting mapped to "f" and bash is going on left shift. Now, where do I put toggle Auto Target...maybe LCTRL :P

I like the shield bash, the mechanics are fine. I do however think that the status done with the shield should change depending on the shield used. Example: Dragon scale should set enemies on low fire, whereas a Crest of Almire may deal shock or something. A shield that poisons stuff would be hot.
I really enjoy the new movements! They come in handy while in a bind or just having fun. I enjoy how the dash has such a far dodge distance...will come in handy on vana runs as well as any boss run for that matter. The bash is great too if you need a second to evaluate your situation if you are surrounded; you bash through everything for the distance you do your bashing movement. Though like was already mentioned, the animation cuts out which i can deal with but... once i push the command button for shield bash, my character continues to shield bash every time my shield recharges until i push the command button again. Also every time i used either command, the .exe would glitch as well as slightly lag about .25 seconds which when used repeatedly could get really irksome as well as make lots of players not use the functions.

Q = Shield Bash
E = Dash
WASD = Movement
Right click/Z = Attack
X = Block
C = auto-lock
Space = Next weapon
Mouse up/down = next/previous weapon
Still looking for a previous weapon, was using Q and E and have still habit to use them to switch so I end up shield bashing for no reason >.<
I'm starting to like my new controls, dunno how Battle Sprites will mess it up tough...

It's (insert f word) AWESOMEEEEEEEE
I just did a FSC old school (via arcade) with the new dash and shield bash
Let me tell you
It's (insert f word) awesome. Not but seriously... it's just THAT awesome... Dash ftw... I don't care about shield bash TBH
I was laughing so hard at vanaduke, I mean... He charges at you, you dash at him and you get nothing, how awesome is that? Circling deathly orb? pffff no worries!
Oh vana you wanna hit me? *hop*
Let me go that way... oh wait that's covered with fire! turn around... oh hay vana! *hops away*
Seriously I was really like that cause I had to comment via TS, I LOVE IT
P.S. Yeah the dash is kinda like a hop
Edit: And all those traps you can hop over... o.O Still get time to get used to, I was corned in 26 at the 4 button (left side) and was like "what do I do" - derp... dash! flames or no flames you don't get dmg anyway! you'll hop over it >.<

Well first off thanks for adding to the game, I really appreciate the additive approach and was a bit worried that the additions may have effected existing game mechanics like shield cancelling / charging etc. now on to the opinions
the dash I've found to be extremely useful (maybe too much so) it seems to be great for skipping over the occasional spike/environmental trap. and it could very well be a life savor in areas like the final room in FSC before the boss. super useful for skipping around like that
the shield bash I was a little less enchanted with... the only good use I've found for it was busting through a wall of monsters when cornered. and in addition in t3 it didn't stop / interrupt attacks and the stun duration seemed super low!(in otherwords it was less useful than having a heacy sword and shield bumping) I'm still going to test a bit more as I only had time for about 1/2 of a t3 run but it seemed as though the shield dash was more trouble than it was worth. I was hoping for maybe a stun vials worth of effect out of it, but then it may be OP... but then again maybe drain more shield power?!? idk but yeah the only time I found it useful was when I purposely cornered myself (which is kinda stupid to let happen anyways)
oh and bugs! right right... the shield bash animation stopped working after like the 3rd time.... after that it just looked like I was lagging into stuff
I'll test more later... oh btw... sprites! supposed to be in the first half of the year?!? test pls! :D

the shield bash I was a little less enchanted with... the only good use I've found for it was busting through a wall of monsters when cornered. and in addition in t3 it didn't stop / interrupt attacks and the stun duration seemed super low!(in otherwords it was less useful than having a heacy sword and shield bumping) I'm still going to test a bit more as I only had time for about 1/2 of a t3 run but it seemed as though the shield dash was more trouble than it was worth.
I agree, Shield Bash wasn't much of use during my FSC, you can stun them but you don't flinch them... I remember shield bashing into jelly (depth 25, double trojans). It attacked so I was like "I'ma stun you!" worked fine, but the slime finished the attack animation (even while stun) when I was getting out of my shield bash animation.
After that I simply did not use the shield bash anymore, the only reason I used it is because my Q used to be my previous weapon so it's a habit to change with Q and E as next weapon (E is my dash now)
I'm gonna test the *** out of this preview and make a detailed feedback afterwards, now I'm still testing
BTW, you can dash into a spot of fire in FSC and get out of there w/o getting hurt by fire... That's how invincible you are... Although it happened that I triggered Dash when being to close to traps so I would get hurt and the Dash was canceled out...
Side note for the GM/DEV:
I never had this much fun in Spiral Knights... EVER!!! It makes me giggles IRL because it is fun to play now! ^ ^

There is a Bug than sometimes when you do the Shield Atack, it gets bugged, your body gets stopped and it moves but without putting the shield at the front

I haven't seen anyone else mention this, so I wanted to float the idea:
These new mechanics open up some interesting possibilities for new gear that either buffs your shield bash, or decreases the cooldown time on your dodge. Obviously there are some other balance issues here to consider--you don't want a player to be able to dodge over and over unless the invincibility is nerfed--but being able to zip around a map with gear that gave you MSI and a dodge buff would be hilariously fun.
Same thing with shield bash: after a lot of testing, it looks like bash damage is scaled by * of shield and depth (heat doesn't seem to matter). If I recall correctly, testing a 3* in t2 I was getting 28 damage per bash, and 5*s seemed to be capped at 50 damage. In t3, a 5* was bashing for around 70 damage. A shield line that, just as an example, had lower health traded off for higher bash damage would again be really fun--maybe another 3* capped offensive shield like the swiftstrike? Anyway, just an idea. Assuming the damage numbers stay the same, a 5* shield with 'max bash' wouldn't be anywhere near OP.

Dash needs a shorter recharge time (5 seconds), Bash needs a longer recharge time (8 seconds)
Reason: The Bash ability, when used, recharges in up to 5 seconds. The dash ability recharges in 8 seconds, this seems kind of redundant that a more powerful attack is actually able to be used more frequently than an ability that in its very nature is defensive. (yes, i know you can use it for offence to) If you were to reverse the time limits on the dash (5 seconds) and bash (8 seconds) then the abilities should balance out.
Granted i understand that the recharge time on the bash ability is determined by the recharge rate of the shield in question, and as of this moment i'm not sure as to how to circumvent that problem without changing how shields work entirely.
Also, seeing as bash can only be used when the shield strength is full, it should be changed to you have an adequate amount of shield strength to use it. But this would only be able to use the bash once.
Also, the time limit for the invulnerability needs to be shortened, from the time you start to the time you land should be the amount your invulnerable. NOT for a few seconds after. (That's kind of broken)
So a bit more than 2 things actually, sorry about that.
Buff it!!!! the dash is tooooooooo underpowered the bash is too underpowered as well if you guys buff the dash to be able to either go longer distances or a shorter regen time it would be better its not even a balanced power level its way to underpowered the shield bash i would like to see buffed as well the bash doesn't do enough to the other mobs it hits it only does damage to the first one you hit also make the dash availible in haven it would add a unique aspect to the haven life style

Hail knights!
Thanks for the feedback so far! There will be changes, listed up at the top, coming later after a preview server reboot. Let us know how the changes feel compared to the previous iteration.
In order to get some more eyes on these mechanics, the testing period will be extended and will no longer be closing down tonight. We have not set a closing period yet, but it will be fluid as we gather more data and work through more iterations.

This is only slightly related to the new features, but I was hoping you could comment: with the bombing bug/new failed bomb effect on preview, I understand that bombers having normal walk speed while charging is a bug, but is it also a bug that the bomb raise animation has been shortened, or is that an intended change?

Liking the new icons for items and item drops. However, not really liking the new dash display of glowing blue when you dodge. It was fine the first way, if your gonna make us glow blue at least make it a muted blue color like the CE. Its just way too pungent at the moment and clashes with the current game style.
Otherwise good changes, though i would like to see the dash shortened to a 5 second cool down.

Hey everyone, thanks for your participation so far. We will be rebooting the server tonight to add Lockdown back into the mix. Please use the new discussion thread posted at the top of the Testing Feedback forum to discuss. Get some good games in and let us know what you think!

Thanks for the testing :D
my thought were that this feature will attract alot more PVE and PVP players into sk and make it more fun and easier for those who don't necessarily have the necessarily skilz. Thanks once more and see you at the next testing :D
Its been a week since I played this testing server and now it wont let me login even though I have an energy purchase over the last month
Please help
Dragonoid Destroyr

That's because the testing server is closed. You missed the testing period.
This dash and bash shield is pretty amazing and sounds fun for spiral knights! I would like to help test the dash and bash shield!
So I just contact you here?