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Kymroi's Suggestion Fortress

5 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Legacy Username

These are just suggestions. If all were put in then the game would be unbalanced, mix and match as you choose to find which sounds best. If you have any post them. Ideas and suggestions for my list can also be posted. It would be great to get other peoples opinions on this too.

A lot of these intertwine together just to let you know. Its not dejavu, its repetition.

Energy is probably the most important resource in the game. Energy can be used for dungeoneering, crafting, etc(more to come probably) Energy takes one full day to restore the limited 100 energy supply. Some people cannot buy energy because they dont have the money, or if theyre still a teenager, their parents wont let them buy it. I noticed a huge energy dependency when I logged on, and a low energy rate as well. There are a couple things that could make it a little easier in my opinion.
-Increase Energy Tanks
-Decrease Regeneration Time
-Decrease Map Costs
-Decrease Crafting Costs (energy)
-Make a mist to crystal converter(converts 20-25% of mist energy to crystal energy){just a thought/could cost a little crowns too}

Crowns are another important resource. They can be used to trade, craft, buy equipment, buy energy, etc. The only problem with crowns, is that the rate of crowns you get compared to costs of shop items are completely different. It would take a while to get the amount you need, and then theres also the energy crisis I stated above. The crafting crown rate is pretty good, but the shopkeepers are ridiculous.
-Decrease Prices A Little For The Uber Expensive Items
-Increase Crown Rate By Some

Heat is a great addition to the game. Weapons power up a little with each level and must be level 2 to charge. The cap for levels is 10 right now though. In my opinion a couple things could be done for heat.
-Increase Level Cap To 30(doesn't have to be soon)
---Increase heat gain slightly(my items have been stuck at level 3 for at least 4 dungeon raids{as I call them}
-Unlimited Heat Storage In Dungeons(if not already done)

~Recipes and Crafting~
Recipes and crafting make up the bulk of receiving items in the game. The player must find a vendor who is selling recipes, and buy this recipe, sometimes really cheap and other times really expensive. I think that the prices for recipes are pretty balanced right now. What I would like to see happen though
-Let recipes become drops in dungeons
-Rare recipes would of course be rare
-Recipes wouldn't drop that much and selling to vendors wouldn't get that much crowns back
-Have upgrade recipes, that require less crowns, materials, and energy, but require the armor piece

~Treasure Boxes~
Treasure boxes have got to be everyone's favorite part of the game! Except when you open one up and a vial pops out. A treasure box gives you a consumable item that you eventually discard by leaving the dungeon. What's the point? Shouldn't you get treasure from these things and not useless bottles that eventually expire? Health capsules and remedy capsules are useful but I would rather have some more treasure.
-Take out vials and capsules from treasure boxes
---Make it so monsters are the only things to drop vials and capsules
-Treasure Vaults should only drop heat and crowns, possibly equips that arent rare(rares in treasure vaults would take the fun away)

~Monster Drops~
Monster drops are some of the best things in the world imo. Monsters can drop pretty much everything. You can get materials, heat, crowns, sometimes equips, vials and capsules too. This is pretty balanced right now but a few suggestions I have are down below.
-Decrease drop rate of 1 star materials(I seriously have over 100 of each 1 star material that I don't need)
-Slightly(oh so ever slightly) increase rare drop %(2-4% would be nice){equip and material but mostly material}

Thats about all for now
More suggestions to come

Legacy Username

I like ur ideas, but kymroi, understand that this was a bit shortsighted. once they fix energy, you can run out more, thus fixing the crown issue. as for heat, it doesnt really stunt the games progression if the heat cap is maxed at 10

Legacy Username

I would like some feedback at least guys, some of these ideas could help a lot
Just a thought, don't be afraid to read the whole thing

Legacy Username
I agree that energy costs

I agree that energy costs need some tweaking to remain useful, yet let free players play easily.
Maybe the focus needs to be changed, for example, something quite easy would be to make special armors for the costume slots, that can only be bought with energy. So pay = fancy dress.

I think the crow rate is more or less fine for the current content in the game.

I'd rather have ONLY rare materials, rather than ALSO rare recipes.

Treasure boxes should have better loot, I agree.

Legacy Username
re: Energy You're basically

re: Energy

You're basically just saying it should be really easy to play the game for free, without even using the energy market. Games cost money to make. The energy use will be a fine balancing act. That said, there are a few quirks out there that make a lot of energy be wasted. You can spend 10 energy to join someone in a level only to find that they are at the end of it, or in a treasure level and the treasure is already gone. These quirks need to be worked out for sure.

Now, I don't like micro-currency models in general, hence why I made a thread asking for a subscription option. I can spend $50 to play Y!PP for a year, but on a doubloon ocean, I'd go be screwed. Here I don't really have a great sense for how long energy will last me because I'm being a little loose with it, as I'll get it back anyway, plus, as I said there are a lot of quirks with energy being wasted, that I assume will be fixed. I think it's just way too early to be complaining about energy cost since it will likely be fine tuned based on the data during this test.

re: Crowns

Meh. It feels like the drop rate has been changing a lot. And 3 new denominations were just added. I think it *should* take a while to obtain new items, and if you want to buy them instead of craft them, expect to pay a hefty premium.

re: Heat

My heat intake seems about right to me. Again, I'm sure it will be fine tuned depending on how fast OOO wants us to level up our items. The impression I get is that there isn't a cap on the amount of heat you can pickup during a level. The graphical representation seems to cap out very early though. That should be changed I think.

re: Recipes

I don't have an problem with the recipe system as it is now. I wouldn't be opposed to recipes dropping in dungeons, but I don't think it's needed.

Portrait de Shoebox
"Energy takes one full day to

"Energy takes one full day to restore the limited 100 energy supply. Some people cannot buy energy because they dont have the money, or if theyre still a teenager, their parents wont let them buy it. I noticed a huge energy dependency when I logged on, and a low energy rate as well. There are a couple things that could make it a little easier in my opinion."

There will be a lot of other payment options when the game is released.
I don't think not being able to buy Energy will be an issue for people in America, at least.

Apart from that, none of these suggestions solve balance issues, rather they just perpetuate them.

I think you progress far too quickly through items. I'd much prefer to have to find recipes AND rare materials, just as long as it wasn't implemented in a grindy way.
Because there's no real way you can curb people's progress without just making it statistically harder to get 4 and 5 star items.
I definitely don't think it's okay that people who have bought energy can get them on their first day by crafting.
Especially when there's currently, no real use for them.

As it stands now, I've had a few ideas of my own on heat.

I think heat gain should be reduced, but allow people to select which items will gain heat at the end of a stage. So that completed items don't suck up heat, but the overall progress of items is reduced.

I also think that there should be a machine in the game called a Furnace, which allows you to transfer the heat from item to another, but it will destroy the original item in the process.
This way people's bound items will actually have a use, beyond selling them for 1/10th of their cost when they get something better.
It wouldn't be a full 100% transfer, maybe 50~70%

As for treasure and monster drops, I think the drops should be a bit more procedural than they currently are for most items:
For example, the recipe you pick up might give you the steps you need to get an item, like an actual recipe, and if you don't have the recipe, your inventory won't fill with billions of drops you won't use.
Specific monsters can still randomly drop specific items for crafting, but make those specific monsters very pronounced, in placement and appearance, so that people can immediately associate that drop, with that creature in particular, to help their friends out or sell them to players who need them.
I think it will make the crafting system fairer and less grindy, while also making it interesting.