My thoughts on the current dash and shield attack

5 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Waffleconecake

They need to be changed. Seerusly, the shield bash is the more offensive then the dash while the dash is more defensive. Make the dash grant a temporary attack speed boost, medium for about 2 seconds after the dash is completed and remove the invincible frames. Also give the shield bash invincible frames and a possible effect were the damage is higher the more defensive the shield, so the Omega shell would do notably higher damage then let say, a swift striker.

Imagen de Pyromoon
Think of dash as of a means

Think of dash as of a means to get away out of a hotspot, like a dodge move... and shield bash is a offensive ability, you move up and stun your enemy, but for some reason it only shows your character rushing towards the enemy and that's it.

Imagen de Steakstyles

to me, it'd make more sense that the move that has you HOLDING YOUR SHIELD UP would be the one that would absorb the damage, and the dash would allow you to get out of the way faster, but hey, whatever floats your boat

Imagen de Bedtimebear
"Seerusly, the shield bash is

"Seerusly, the shield bash is the more offensive then the dash while the dash is more defensive." That should be like this. The dash is like dodge you get away DEFENSIVE. bash is like you run into an enemy you attack him OFFENSIVE. So I don't get why would be wrong

Imagen de Narfle
If you look at the

If you look at the keybindings in custom controls, you'll see that it's not actually called 'dash', it's 'dodge.' As others have already mentioned, it's meant to be that way.

[EDIT: Also, if you look at the damage numbers, an omega already does more damage than a swiftstrike. The damage is scaled by * of shield and depth.]

Imagen de Waffleconecake
The problem still is that the

The problem still is that the shield bash doesn't even have your shield take any hits during the charge making the whole shield portion of it useless, it might as well just be renamed to "brutal charge" and have the player tackle the mobs seeing how our shield during the charge can't absorb any damage we may take.
This is purely me complaining for what the shield bash looks like. it looks like you are using your shield and hitting them with the barrier part, but the barrier doesn't do its normal job during the charge of absorbing damage while it is up and just seems off.