Hearts and Heart Attack
Fr, 07/05/2013 - 21:23

The most recent patch seems to have fixed heart attack not working. It's a little less than I had hoped, but I'm happy.
What I'm a little confused about is the actual hearts themselves.
Because I can't pick them up.
I walk over them, They stay there and my health bar does nothing.
And then my party member picks them up and I get the health.
But only sometimes.
Sa, 07/06/2013 - 00:25

I have had hearts that dropped, I walked over them, and nothing happened.
Sa, 07/06/2013 - 06:55

Hmm. When I tried heart attack last night after the patch it still didn't drop any hearts for me, though I did get the occasional normal heart drop from a baddie, which had been absent previously (minus hearts from boxes).
Are you certain it works that way? In my experiene, walking over the hearts will heal you, but you can still see them because they exist for your partner for some reason. They disappear and make a noise when your partner picks them up.
In other words, they work just fine, it's just aesthetically bugged.