preview server

Hi all
I just think that its a little unfair that people who have brought at least $9.95 worth of crystal energy are aloud on the preview server and no one else cause I would really like to go on the preview server!

Maybe unfair, but if it would be open for everyone - both servers will be overloaded.

Each time there is a preview, it takes 2 to 3 weeks before it gets in the game... it's a preview server to preview stuff that is almost complete...
And I feel the same way as Cakemask...
"If you aren't willing to pay five bucks on this game then you probably shouldn't be testing it's unreleased content."
Plus you get some sort of advantage by paying, this is one of them (although we do test some stuff that never gets to the real server and I do miss my Super Dash :S)
(It's $4.95 actually)
It seems okay to me
If you aren't willing to pay five bucks on this game then you probably shouldn't be testing it's unreleased content.