A lot of people seem to assume that...

12 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers For-The-Toast

OOO wants to limit the use of alts, and by doing so is adding a few unfavorable new mechanics.

Why not just remove that mist tanks are separate between P2p and F2p accounts on a single computer? If the system works how I think it does (when I tried to alt drag once before my main was P2p, I think it consumed double the mist on both accounts o.e), alt dragging would not be profitable anymore, and you would not be able to rage craft on an alt and do missions on mist alone.

Bild des Benutzers Hyper-Galactic

Because people can have totally separate sk instances. Hence the term multi boxing. This makes it so alts aren't connected at all.

Bild des Benutzers Little-Juances

"(when I tried to alt drag once before my main was P2p, I think it consumed double the mist on both accounts o.e)"

Your memory is wrong. And there are other ways to abuse the current system without doing all the work yourself. Like purposedly die so your friend completes the level carrying your dead body.

Bild des Benutzers Downgraded
As far as collecting your own

As far as collecting your own crowns and heat goes, I see very few people happy about this. If we assume that what OOO is trying to do is curb alt draggers, then these thoughts occur to me:

1) OOO is punishing the entire community to curb a problem with a very small portion of the community.
2) Money making runs (think FSC) will take a lot more time as everyone has to go collect their own crowns and effectively add time doing nothing but running around to get loot. Almost nobody will be happy about this.
3) Some alt draggers may continue to alt drag anyway, causing runs involving alt drags to take substantially longer than they do now.

Those thoughts in mind, who does this benefit? Sure, the alt draggers, and parties involved, absolutely take a hit. Every single person who plays this game will experience time wasted running around collecting loot (BORING) when we automatically got it as soon as someone picked it up. So who does this benefit? Nobody. The small portion of the community that are alt draggers, and every single person that plays the game along with them, will now be spending much more time just running around than they did previously. I compare this to carpet bombing an entire city block in order to destroy an anthill.

Bild des Benutzers Little-Juances

Only d25 of FSC has a considerable time/money loss. Other levels that branch out aren't that troublesome (and the party usually sticks together).

Hey, the second level of RJP is similar to FSC, 4 rooms with small challanges. Yet instead of being independent they have party buttons. I wonder why the current FSC wasn't done in a similar way...

Bild des Benutzers Downgraded
FSC D25, any Clockworks

FSC D25, any Clockworks Tunnels where the path splits, anything of the sort. It's not just FSC, there's more. FSC is the most common example because that's what most people do most of the time.

Bild des Benutzers Byas

It would be easier to just make alt dragging a ban-able offense, instead of punishing people who have done nothing wrong while the alt-draggers will probably keep dragging (it will use more of their time, but so will playing normally). It's exactly like an extreme DRM, the ones they wanna punish will just do it anyway while the ones who have nothing to do with it take the beat.

EDIT: Sorry for posting on test feedback without access to the testing server, I thought this was on GD. :S

Bild des Benutzers Shamanalah
my 2 cents

The question is:

Which one of you has alt(s) and dragged one in FSC?

I have.... and I have dragged one at FSC, nothing against the rule that goes against this. I could still do it, the cr and heat doesn't fade away... It would just take longer... (TBH I runned it mostly RT to gather tokens faster for schemer scrap)

And seriously the only reason I would run FSC with an alt is for the tokens/mats/minerals, not cr/heat anymore... IDK about you...

Bild des Benutzers Downgraded
I alt dragged once or twice.

I alt dragged once or twice. The idea never occurred to me until I met someone that did it a lot. I quickly decided it wasn't worth it. I absolutely could not stand hearing two instances of the game at the same time, and it was way too much trouble for me to go through regardless. I quickly abandoned the idea and played on one character at a time, or played with one and crafted or bought and sold trinket slots with the other.

Even though I don't alt drag, I have no qualms with people that do. Alt dragging doesn't motivate my argument against the new loot system at all, I just don't want to be running around all over the place looking for crowns when this isn't currently an issue.

Bild des Benutzers Doctorspacebar
Pistol is best weapon in TF2

I do like that we can run the 'Works for more crowns now. Sadly, unless the Battle Sprite crownsink is sufficient to counter the increased crown intake from FSC grinders, it won't really matter because of increasing prices.

I still stand by my opinion on revives, though.

Bild des Benutzers Waffleconecake
People who use alts should be stabbed in the butt.

Using alts is wrong and makes you the kind of person I would stab without a second thought besides "I wounder how this person will taste?"
I'm fine with people having multiple knights, but they shouldn't need more then 3.

Bild des Benutzers Autofire
Déjà vu?


lol k

Bild des Benutzers Doctorspacebar
Pistol is best weapon in TF2

I take it Waffle doesn't like alts.