Discussion thread for upcoming patch

Well I think removing the elevator fee is absolutely a right decision, this game is (almost) impossible to get addicted to due to the energy system.. But is the removal of Mist energy necessary? Because in danger mission Knights tend to die like 3-4 times (if I'm right), danger missions are way more dangerous to our pocket!
Btw there goes my 14 days elevator pass gift, 5 mist tanks and my mini-mist tank D:

You'll still get the emergency revive in the two depths of enemies in danger missions. Originally:
If you go down four times with the current system:
10 CE
20 CE
40 CE
80 CE
Total : 150 CE
If you go down four times (Assuming not all on the same depth) with the new system:
20 CE
20 CE
Total : 40 CE
Of course this doesn't take into account of heat revives, but solo players should experience significantly cheaper revives.
The newbbies are not goinf to be slaughtered.
newbies will have 2star gear after a few missions. and the first 20are pimps,also to add you dont see newbies die every depth untill jk but thats only onces sovi dont see any one being on the short end of the stick in terms of revs.
sl is going to be so cheape soon i was elemental cloak today in vana for some heat all 3star stuff with help from a friend i only died at the boss xtage and that was only once........

Really? I'm going to have to look at the testing server!

Closer still does the update draw near! If you've got something you need to do, you're running out of time dear fellows.
OUR DAYS GROW SHORT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPhVhQZUCpM
I heard that parties no longer share crowns/mats/tokens/etc... but I didn't see anything in about it in the most recent update thread.
Is this really something that's happening? Because, I am cool with all changes so far, at least I can't knock 'em til I try 'em... but the loot share was honestly one of the better reasons to play with a team.
Although it will be hard to get used to "no rev's from teammates", I think it's something we'll all get used to. Even though it was beneficial in some ways, it was also annoying to lose so much health to heal someone. It does make the missions easier though when you have one or more people fighting with you.
The whole point I was getting at with all this is that I am optimistic about all changes but I'm really hoping loot sharing stays because I love playing with a team, and I don't want to start getting mad if people come steal my kill and take the loot. I'm sure NO ONE wants to encounter that type of situation, therefore I think people will eventually stop playing together unless they have already established the respect not to hoard and steal kills. But when you play with a team, most often it's fun to join random people, so they don't know you and might not care whether or not you get what you deserve.
With that being said, I think that guilds will have a bit more relevance. Instead of finding random people that you're not sure if you can trust to be honest players, you can build a report with people who are like-minded...don't want to cheat and don't want to be cheated.
Can't wait to play try this out!!

I often do low tier missions when I have an elevator pass, simply to help random people
If OOO decided to remove loot sharing system then I'm 100% sure newbies will get mad at me and of course kick me outta the party.
I love doing mission in a pack of 3-4, and the update (if loot sharing really gonna disappear) will simply force everyone to solo... Oh cutting out health revive will cause that too, as everyone know teammates will not help them revive anyways
I'm really scared right now, don't know what will happen
OOO , please don't even think about that... D:

they should have explained this better.
everyone gets cr, but you have to pick your own. loot aquired is shared, but your teammates cannot pick it up for you anymore.
does anyone know when the game is going down for the update

they said aiming for the second half, then last week nick said early this week.

Hello, I am a sk player with an alt vanguard account, can I still use ce to buy armor from the vendor that you can access by pressing k? because I know for a fact that 17,500 energy buys you 5* gear from that npc, being 3,500 times 5. so my question: can I still use ce to buy stuff from that vendor? please reply, I will be receiving a large amount of money soon and I need to know what to do with it.

yes, you can buy gear from the supply depot. it will be actually sligthly cheaper than crafting and forging, but you don't get UVs.

Once upon a time there was a little knight named spiral lass, she was a pretty decent knight, didn't die to often, helped the team. She however, was also a very busy knight with school, social life, etc and didn't have much time to play the game. So the mist system punished her hard, she had to stick to the only armor she was good with, because when you craft, it takes up your mist,whole day wasted to make one sweet helmet. Since the mist was also so limited and she had little time to play, it took her YEARS to get her to her current position. There were also times when she was upset that she needed to start a new line of shields just because the one she was using only went up to 3 star and she had to beg on the streets for just a few CE. All because the mist owned her, she couldn't binge play to get what she needed because "sorry ten levels only" and pvp, you only get 200 crowns for winning. So many a days were dark for her when suddenly the three rings "The Ancient beings that created the clock works" floated down from the heavens. They then spoke to the people "Knights gather around for we have a miracle to bestow upon you". "The elevators are burdened no more by the wickedness we call "the mist"". "We also show bestow upon you our latest gift, the sprites" but before the people could ask anymore questions, the rings vanished as mysteriously as they appeared. The little knight bent down on her knees and cried tears of joy. "Thank you three rings, you have freed our people".
This update is the one I have waited for years to see, even though the market place is always a concern in any update, I thank you three rings for making it easier on the casual knights of the clock works.

it's funny when many of the reactions "YAY INFINITE CR FARMING" or similar stuff appear on this page.
it doesnt make u rich, meanwhile everyone will be farming like crazy, just like u.
my personal opinion on the revive system: i can see so many negative response to this compared to other mechanics changes so i still dont see why OOO still forces to implement it despite of the negative responses.
alt dragging isnt solved completely imo. yes good news for solo-ers. but party runs? im not sure. if u die the second time in the same floor u probably spend energy to revive(or in alternative form) assuming SOL isnt a frequent drop, instead of sharing health infinitely and complete the dungeon with low hp but successful non energy-wasted revive.
u mentioned "to promote teamplay" in test server forum
but not here? so to stop alt dragging is ur main objective? u should said that earlier
i dont know why people saying about the good of battle sprite update and the bad system changes balance things out, it's 2 different things. they dont have to include something bad everytime something good is included.
i appreciate ur effort to change, and sincerely being thoughtful. but dont fix what is not broken. if u dont change, nothing will improve. but changes doesnt always means something good.
infinite dungeon grinding? let see how long can u grind and eventually say: im bored
(i apologize in advance since i cant play the test server and i dont know anything about the item drop rate and the duration. everything is based on whatever knowledge i gained by reading on the forums, correct me if necessary)
there is only one good thing though: i'll train myself not to die at all cost in every run so not a single money is spent on revive, who cares about team mate? they died, their own business. (sarcasm)

Hey, hey, Can I point out that the announcement didn't mention anything about the new loot system?
Now it's not enough reason to believe it was scrapped but....

She however, was also a very busy knight with school, social life, etc and didn't have much time to play the game.
isn't social life something one does by choice i.e. in one's free time i.e. not busy time?

Whoa, this update is going to be huge, no energy fee? how cool is that? I can't wait till the update releases!
Battle sprites are also going to be fun! I can also play unlimited levels? I don't have to wait 24hrs for the energy charge!
I wonder do you have to use spark of life in lockdown also because, well it is different than normal levels. Pls leave comment if u think in lockdown also
we use spark of life. I love this game so much and this is the best game i have played in my whole entire life and it will be better!
I think you still can buy ce in the trade market still. because in the forums I saw u can trade for CE. tell me if I answered a question you wanted to know.

I thought they said the upcoming update will come in the half of july, nvm I think they something like that, im wrong probably and I AM GUESSING the update will come on the 30th of July.

Unless OOO delays it, it's either going to be tomorrow or Wednesday, North America's western time zones of course.
>(Posted on Monday)<
Welp, OOO does it again! Removing CE while introducing, at best, "new" controversial mechanics and changes! Still no actual new content other than Battle Sprites to test out where? In FSC? Jelly King? The 12308971th time, boy, so excited! Sure, difficulty levels are soooo much new experience, right? We still have to see if they implement it the right way and not just "you deal 50% damage, mobs deal 300% and there are three times as many of them". Oh, and I can't wait to try out "new gear" that no one uses because it's pretty much useless compared to what they would use anyway. Using that Divine Avenger? Wow, I should REALLY try out Winmillion! Absolutely! Oh wait, I don't. You neither.
Now I do look forward to the fall of CE tyranny, but it's just messing around with the parts that have always been there. Do you think we're going to see what's inside the core, ever? Probably not, because we're going to get a bazillion updates related to fixing what will be broken in Battle Sprites, difficulty levels, revival systems, etc.

Well I like the new idea and all.
But about CE (energy) will it be able to buy IN the game...
Since it costs about 7k now (Before update) will it cost the same or more than the original price?
I'm wondering since if we can't buy energy with CR then how can we revive if we already used all our energy and emergency energy.
Very confused about other stuff too...

The only reason why I don't mind mist energy being removed is revives.
I never thought the endless amount of suggestions that request removing the energy system were going to come true.

Can you please not confuse other knights by saying there removing CE. There not, theyre removing mist energy and changing crystal energy to just energy. Nothing will change in the market. You will still be able to buy and sell energy like you always could.

The 12308971th
I thought you were ignorant by the way you wrote out your post but this confirms it.

I have a story about this update and Firestorm Citadel. It's a long one.
Once there were two knights, brothers, who landed on Cradle. The younger brother, a knight who freezes foes to the bone with his bombs, arrived first and found a glorious world of adventure and combat. The elder brother, a knight who carves a path of flames through the land with his sword, arrived next and followed the younger knight to the clockworks.
The two knights quickly became accustomed to this new world, and tore through the walkways and floating islands of the clockworks. The knights were an unstoppable team, or so they thought. At the end of the knights' first dive into the clockworks as a team, the elder knight was stopped by a guard. The guard would not let the knight continue with his brother, unless he acquired stronger equipment. The younger knight helped his brother hunt and craft better gear, but it wasn't long before both knights were halted by another barrier and another guard.
The knights realized that their equipment would never be able to keep up with their skill; the alchemy machines, that the knights used to make their gear, required large amounts of energy to function and energy wasn't cheap. The elder knight became obsessed with money and struck out on his own to hunt down the strongest creatures and machines in the clockworks to pillage their spoils and furnish them to the highest bidder. These entities were the masters of their domains, a dark forest, an abandoned palace, and a gremlin factory, yet the elder knight slew them so many times that they became cheap to him. The knight grew bored and stalled, but eventually he was able to forge the equipment required to delve into the deepest depths of the clockworks. It was there that he came upon a burning citadel.
The elder knight joined with allies who could help him defeat the lord of that citadel, and they did. The knight and his allies fought through the citadel many times until the elder knight had the funds he sought. The elder knight met with his brother again, and he helped the younger knight craft weapons that he too would use to defeat the master of the citadel. And so it was that the knights became a team again.
The knights desired to explore the clockworks once more, however they both coveted better equipment as well. The knights realized that they couldn't make the money they needed anywhere but the citadel; other regions of the clockworks rarely yielded enough spoils to pay for the cost of using elevator between floors, and when they did, it was but a pittance. With no other option, the knights adventured in the citadel, then they raided the citadel, then they toiled in the citadel. The knights were able to create some of the equipment they desired at last, but in time they became disillusioned by the monotony of constantly revisiting the same adventure. And so it was that the knights put down their weapons and slept.
Ages passed and the elder knight awoke to find the world had evolved, just barely. The younger knight stirred as well and joined his brother in a raid of the very citadel that moved them to slumber in the past. The knights toiled in the citadel as often as they could stand to, as they did before, but something was different. Although the citadel was not changed by time, other strata were. The elder knight had changed as well; he occasionally explored new areas of the clockworks to see these changes for himself. Yet the elder knight always had to return to the burning citadel to make up for the costs of his adventures and to help his brother pay for better equipment. The knights longed for the day they would have all the weapons and armor they would ever need, that they could spend money exploring and never worry about the cost of their next gun. But perhaps the knights could adventure and improve their arsenal at the same time?
One day, the elder knight returned from an enjoyable but fruitless trek through the clockworks, and he found others panicking on the surface. They feared that things would change and they were unsure of the future. He learned that the elevators would soon require no energy from their passengers, that the alchemy machines would be altered to use a different power source, that knights would no longer be able to accumulate and store the energy that poured forth from the core of Cradle, that knights would be able to challenge more difficult foes if they desired, that knights would use a new item to revive themselves if they fell in combat, and that knights would be unable to sacrifice their own health to revive an ally. The elder knight relayed the news to the younger, and they agreed that the new freedom would be an improvement. There was a new problem, however; the knights were an invincible team because they almost never fell at the same time, and one could always revive the other. The elder knight merely said "I guess we'll have to stock up on sparks of life."
I think this update will really improve gameplay on the whole. Removing health revives will probably discourage teamwork, unless they add another cheap way to revive other players, but I rarely play with strangers anyway. As a hardcore gamer, I'm glad that firestorm citadel won't be the only place to farm crowns anymore. It may still be the best place to farm, but after this update you can go anywhere without worrying if you're making enough crowns to cover the elevator cost.
Eh, slip of tongue. I meant "reworking". Doesn't make the rest of my points magically go away, too.

Ughh, we dont need a story, ( im not reading a wall of text) we need you to express your opinion in a short but simple manor and move on to the next poster. How else will we get things done?

Well sorry for being creative. -_-
Just read the part after the line if you have no attention span.
That story wasn't written that good and self-inserts are rarely fun, wasn't worth the read.
Back on topic, anyone else concerned about the lack of new endgame content? We're given new tools to work in the old mine, and I'm sure I'm not the only one tired of the old mine.

I was worried that Fire Crystals would only be applicable in Haven or at an Alchemy Machine. Fortunately Three Rings was on that; as seen on the Test Server, you can apply Fire Crystals at an Arsenal Box or in town. This means boss levels are now worse for heating your stuff, encouraging people to dive into the Works if they want to heat a piece of gear faster.
No word yet on how fast the Crystals drop, because I haven't fought anything there after they added the Fire Crystals.

nick said that there will be a new challenge for battle sprite masters in the near future. posted on testing feedback, sorry, but I have bad memory and do not remember what topic exactly.

it's already the 29th of july will the update be realeased tommorow or the day after that, because i dont get the delay

Dude, all (content) updates are on always on Wednesday.
They said 'early next week', not 'the first day of next week'.

what about Elevator passes :o :< Really how will people get there money back or what will they get in return if they have 1 for say 10 more months :o

star, go up 26 comments, on n° 312 there are your answers.
/zone1 crappy god, learn to read previous comments.

Is it possible to add some Battle Sprite themed achievements?
Also I think that knights should get rewarded with stuff when they complete achievements too...

What's going to happen with Krogmo's Bribing? No one will do it anymore...

Autofire I was thinking the same and what will we use to craft trinkets? still energy?

Gotta heat up mah chaos cowl immediately before wutever new heating garbage system OOO is introducing gets implemented.

.....................I am getting maskeraith

Bad spelling, multi post and paranoia. Congratulations, take a cookie.

Well, a quadruple post. Never seen that before.
Comedic relief appreciated

Personally, I haven't had any serious problems with any SK update I've experienced. However, this seems to be the relationship now between OOO and a some of the community

I am concerned about the changes to the equipment leveling system. If it means that no matter how much heat is gained in a single depth the item can advance no more than a single level (barring random bonuses such as 'double level ups'), then it is not true that "the heat you earn in the Clockworks remains [the players]" if a potentially significant portion is lost with every depth.
If this is indeed the case, may I propose that the total amount of un-forged heat be noted as it is gathered for each piece of equipment, so that if such an amount exceeds that which is required to level the item, the excess remains available on that item. The equipment still wouldn't improve until it was forged, but if a substantial amount of heat was gathered before then the item could be forged multiple times in succession to utilize all heat earned by the player.
"People will be grinding other places now!"
I call bull. Considering that it would take longer to get the same amount of money grinding FSC would get, people would be more inclined to grind the more easier solution, especically if they're money-focused+ Skilled(so hard mode with less hearts and more enemy Health) could be unbalancing the market.

Only time will tell though, although one thing I bet that it will increase the hunting for the ultra-rare Darkfang Shield. It's most commonly found in T3 Deconstruction Zones but one was also found in Firestorm Citadel and Operation Crimson Hammer T3, there is a possibly it can show up in the least expected places. Now just image if one dropped in Darkfire Citadel or Darkfang Munitions Factory.
I'm kinda mixed on these changes. This is gonna be long, sorry.
@topic (agreement level) *positive/negative
@Battle Sprites (50/50)
I feel like they could be fun, but at the same time... The game was easy enough as it was. Even with slightly buffed monsters compared to what we're used to (with the hardest difficulty mode), I don't know if I like making being good take less skill. Now if they add the battle sprites AND restore the monsters to their launch forms (virtually every monster type, especially fiends, have been severely nerfed since launch) that would be awesome. I'm not saying I probabl won't enjoy the BS and I will likely use them. But it kinda makes the game more conformist, and I always liked how SK was off the beaten track so to speak.
@Mist removal and elevator changes (75/25)
THIS was the way to make the game "non linear", not hiding our funds from sight. The game became linear because to get better equipment, you had to make profit from using your CE. Most profit leads to Vana grinding. However... if we now can get crowns without that energy cost, they're going to turn pretty worthless. I think, anyways. Only way I see them not is if the system changes from "how much crowns can I get with x CE/ME cost" to "how much effort will it take to get this many crowns". TF2 is similar to the latter, except there is a weekly limit to income (you get free random weapon drops but only a few a week). OOO might want to consider a version of that with crowns.
@Crafting changes (50/50)
I find it interesting that we will now how to have drop items just to increase the heat level our item, not just * level. Also the fact that the level upgrade has a chance to fail.
@Orbs (100)
Before, thanks to costs, people were discouraged from going outside of specific weapon sets. While people will likely still gravitate to those, they now have more than enough income (thanks to unlimited crowns and purportedly more Orbs than we will need) to experiment and have fun
@Sparks (25/75)
Really should've thought about the fact I now can say "Dead? SoL noob :P" before you decided on that name. While I like the non-escalating cost... you have to die a lot for this to actually be a better "value" than the old system. IE lets say you die twice in T3. New = 50 energy, Old = 30. If you (somehow) die in t1 it's even worse. This is great for SL but meh to bad elsewhere. Also, I know OOO is killing heat revives as a measure against alt dragging but... A) you just gave everyone infinite crowns and killed mist crafting, so the uses for an alt are nonexistent anyways; B) you're killing the single most common form of teamwork in the game. At the same time that you're making it (possibly) possible to have to reheat an item level....
Though the latter is somewhat balanced by the fact mass heating doesn't work as well anymore since you have to "craft" it every level... I'm very mixed on sparks, but more against the changes.
These are all simply my opinions of course