Regarding the recent update - 4* and 5* binding (Dev response)

281 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username
I love the auction House, it

I love the auction House, it gave the game a whole new level of depth of economics and sales. I get so happy when I see a notice about receiving a new mail.


Bild des Benutzers Zinwhippy
"Content" for me as a paying

"Content" for me as a paying player has been less about the gates and tiers, since once the AI is learned a lot of the challenge goes away, and more about expanding the arsenal to try different toys that Three Rings made for the players.

Prior to the latest update, the costs for such content seemed a bit on the pricy side, primarily due to the limits of existing gate/tier content, but still reasonable. Currently, it's too expensive for me, and though I've coughed up the higher fees to finish a few crafting favors for friends, there will be no more crafting until something is done to address the situation.

The icing on the cake is that the reasons given for the increased crafting costs was that "we want everyone to do their own crafting" - this flies in the face of basic enconomics: with supply and demand being otherwise equal, raising costs on the supply side will REDUCE demand. Taken for what it seems to be, it feels like being lied to, and that does NOT encourage goodwill nor an opened wallet.

Legacy Username
Sticky this thread


Since Nick and the devs haven't had a chance to respond to the feedback in this thread that Nick started, can we please sticky it until they do? It's obviously an important thread to the fans with over 250 posts waiting to be addressed by OOO.

Thank you!

Legacy Username
three rings and sega are robbing our wallets

the crafting fee is really really really expensive(in my impression the amount of energy needed to craft a 5* item was 400 before the updates 750 now) and the reduction of recipe prices is only a beautiful lie so as to attract people to buy recipes and use energy to craft items
i'm going to stop buying energy or use energy now until the crafting fee is lowered, hope that the crafting fee can be lowered in the future^_^

Bild des Benutzers Dogrock
The unbind store is

The unbind store is apparently going to be in energy only

Now, did a Dev actually come out and directly state that? I'm having trouble finding such a post. The only people saying Energy are players from what I can see.

Nick said "There will be a fee for doing so, roughly equal to the cumulative cost of crafting that item."

Energy has not been explicitly mentioned and this appears to be a player assumption. If you've got a Dev post stating otherwise please do so. The last time people assumed something unsaid from a Dev people wound up grinding Slag Knights for a Blackened Crest and though the drop was broken.

Legacy Username

See post #11 on this thread, by Nick:

DeckardCain - Final prices for unbinding have not yet been established, but it will factor in crafting costs, material costs, etc. to determine the total value of the item, in energy. As mentioned in the original post, the intent is to establish this as a premium service for select players, ensuring the rarity of higher star items.

Also, the Blackened Crest being obtainable was confirmed by a GM, back in the first weeks of the game, from what I remember. It was never said where, though. Dropping from Slag Guards was pure speculation from the players. (not to say its description hints it's supposedly obtainable in the Firestorm Citadel)

Bild des Benutzers Dogrock
Ahh kay. Pretty impressive

Ahh kay. Pretty impressive miss on my part.

Though it's been interesting to watch the few times a Dev has said one thing and a handful of players decide it means something else.

Kakelgis, I totally agree

Kakelgis, I totally agree about the lack of communication. We haven't even got a simple response as to why the amount of rare mats needed for crafting wasn't raised. It would have been a much better option than raising the fee to a ridiculous 800 CE for a five star item.

All they had to do was:
1) Raise the amount of rare mats needed
2) Make said "rare mats" drop less often. I think this may have been implemented because I use to get 2-3 Flame Souls per Citadel run, easy. One time I even got 5... not kidding. Now I usually get around 1, but it should be even rarer than that.
3) Remove the ability to buy 5 star mats with tokens, OR drastically lower the token drop rate.

Anyway, wanna see a good example of community interaction? <-- And that's just over the last like 15 hours.

We realize you're a much smaller dev team than that but come on? Take 10 minutes out of your day and type up a couple paragraphs for us. Going several days without a peep is ridic.

Legacy Username
What about keep the energy

What about keep the energy raised and add the more material requirement as well. Even more challenge!!!!

Legacy Username

These new updates are griefing me so bad i cant even stand it. i don't bother much with buying, crafting and reselling but the increase in recipe CE costs is a bummer i was on the verge of wanting to buy CE with real life cash so i could show my support for this awesome game but now its been nerfed so badly i dont feel like spending my money anymore. CE doesnt go too far in this game anymore. I'd like to ask just what the devs hoped to accomplish jacking the CE price up when the price to buy (in-game) was going up already from 4k to 5k within a week. im not gonna spend money to buy CE when i know its not gonna buy squat. two ways i see of fixing this is either raise the price on only GOOD swords and armor or reduce the recipe CE price back to what it was before. One other fix would be to STOP JACKING THE IN-GAME PRICE TO BUY CE! it doesnt help the economy for anyone but the sellers. think of it this way.... if u lower CE prices more ppl buy it hence more ppl craft items for u to buy later (considering the trading system is ever fixed) thus increasing fun for all. i think there could have been much better updates like fixing the Vanaduke boss so ppl stop complaining and adding more bosses to fight more sword types and maybe even daggers or something like that. plz devs... don't fix what isn't broken, add whats awesome and will make ppl think... "im gonna totally pay for this cause this is awesome and most deffinately worth the money.

Bild des Benutzers Etendue
To the Developers: Are you

To the Developers:

Are you honestly going to ignore all of our complaints about this update? Please, do something and show that you care about what we think.

Bild des Benutzers Linku
I have a simple question for

I have a simple question for the devs too:

Are you going to do something about the CE price for the crafting or not?

Legacy Username
I don't think we're ever

I don't think we're ever going to get a response from OOO devs. From the new update and all the noob-centric stuff, I think OOO has basically said FU to all the older fans/players. It's really sad and I hope I am wrong, but I think we have been written off.

Legacy Username
I am sad we are being swept

I am sad we are being swept under the rug.

OOO when I gave you guys money it was because I enjoyed the game and felt you deserved payment for making something so great.

I thank you for the experience, and do feel my money was well spent at the time, you guys owe me nothing. But I think now is the time to part ways. I don't feel I'm being treated as a valued customer, and have been effectively told that my style of gameplay a crafter supplying individuals with low cost pre-made items to eventually pay for the cost of recipes was nothing more then an exploit in a flawed game design.

I'm sorry you think of me as nothing more then an exploit to be cleaned up and thrown away. My money and I will find a new venue of entertainment.

Legacy Username
Just an Afterthought

I've about given up. Ah well. Not worth speaking about anymore. It's clear this is it. I guess this game was too much to hope for.

But to those who felt it was too early and the devs didn't yet have time to get back to these concerns: There's a new patch out.

Bild des Benutzers Tokin

Oh wait, the devs don't give a !%$*.

Hrg, nevermind.

(Edit: language)

Legacy Username
LOL... I guess that pretty

LOL... I guess that pretty much says it all.

Legacy Username
It's funny that the only ones

It's funny that the only ones who are whining are those who were paying as support. I just find it notable is all

Game is not a charity guys, get over it. This is what they're making money with and I hope for them that it'll get more succesfull with the day.

Legacy Username
OK, Jaouad. I'd like to see

OK, Jaouad. I'd like to see you put your money where your mouth is and actually pay 800CE for the heat amplifier.

Legacy Username
hahahaha look at my reaction

Hahaha. You should read my my reaction at the amplifier thread. Yeah we can agree on this one I think. The pricet is pretty rediculous tbh. The 800CE is not worth the amplifier no matter how u want to argue against it.

I don't care so much bout the amplifier as this is something that wasn't there in the first place and will still be optional. But it's still kinda retarted, the price that is

You hear that Three OOO!!!

I'm glad they are coming out

I'm glad they are coming out with an option to unbind equipment. For me it was less of an issue with item trading, more of item retention... If I decide to make a new character or account, I would really like to transfer equipment across rather than lose it all <_<

Right now my game name is Captain-Teemo, but what if I decide I'm not Captain-Teemo anymore?

That would make me sad, and so this last patch made me sad. But seeing this makes me happy ^_^

@ Shosuko It will prob cost

@ Shosuko
It will prob cost twice as much to unbind? And if it's your subsequent craft, it will cost you just as much as buying the recipe and crafting it yourself on the other account.

Lose lose situation.

Also helping gear someone from 2* to 4* is cake. All you need is a decent capital.

Legacy Username
Suggested reading to everyone

Suggested reading to everyone :)

Short summary:

Regardless of the reasons why the devs made these changes (more money, balancing, whatever else) their decision to nerf players, rather than to add new content at the increased prices--or maybe even higher--was terrible for the success of their own game since it created this situation where their fanbase feels betrayed and insignificant, which leads to fighting (among themselves and with devs), whining, and quitting, which just makes the game less and less fun to play for the players and to develop for the devs.

Bild des Benutzers Lithanium

I'm sorry OOO, but every time i read one of these threads i feel sad... cause it makes me feel like i want to quit. i really wouldn't mind this new craft binding business, except the CE prices are high. Everyone, you have to understand that these people aren't greedy... but this game takes a lot of money to produce. I know many of you probably know that too, but for those of you who don't.... well, coding takes a long time. they take in the player suggestions, formulate these things so they have an awesome game that is free to a point, then get to work. you could have every single person in the China work on coding, and it will still take quite a bit longer than 2 seconds to do an update like this. It seems that this is what you expect. You say i dont like this, and w8 so short even an impatient person wont get bored it will be done. Please. give OOO some credit. you guys sound like you h8 their guts. You shouldn't. these guys made an awesome game. it's just starting out. dont expect it to be like, say, RS where the Devs have had like a decade to fix and update and make cash and fix and update and make players happy. OOO doesn'to have that kind of thing yet. Not yet a stable ground, because you people are undermining it. Obviously someone was annoyed by the fact a noob could jump straight into tier 3, so the Devs listened. you have no one to blame but yourself. The devs listened, so this mess was created. Just remember Nick, you and the other OOO devs are awesome on my watch =)=)=)

O wolver, little wolver, won't you come down with me.
O spiral, little spiral, What's that sword of cautery.
O wolver, little wolver, its to cut the jelly,
O spiral, little spiral, whats that suit of skelly,
O wolver, little wolver, its to keep my shirt clean
O spiral, little spiral, u look like you're to glean,
Thats right!
poor wolver.

Legacy Username
"but this game takes a lot of

"but this game takes a lot of money to produce."

Please eleborate. 5 dollar investment is good for two 5* gear and four 4* gear. Anyone should be able to do a month with those and in the mean time probably buy more stuff from earning CE in the game.

Don't you think this expands the game lifspan? I mean like it takes more effort to get the equips. In long term this gives the player longer enjoyment. I've had it with my faust tbh and i am now aiming for the next 4* wep. After that i'm gonna gather some more for more 4* and next paycheck I will present myself with a little boost.

Legacy Username
Bump. Still waiting for dev

Bump. Still waiting for dev response to all the feedback.

@ harmonic11 Thanks for the

@ harmonic11

Thanks for the link. Very informative/entertaining read. Funny how things that apply to muds still apply to today's game.

Legacy Username
bump can we unbind yet?


can we unbind yet?

I am kinda curious if this is still something coming

Since this thread was made back in May when the patch came out.

I am still concerned about the idea that the price will be in CE. Will there be a price in CR as well? Since we need a way to make CR more valuable, this would only make the price of CE go up even more so when it happens.

We need to look at the whole picture on this one, while it would great to sell off a DA or a Vog set or etc that we have extra's of, it would be even more painful if the price of CE rose to 10k a pop because everyone needs to buy CE (and the people that have been selling it at 6k are even gonna lose out on the deal since they will need to A) spend more $$ to get more CE, or B) they will need to buy back their CE at 4k more than they sold it for.

Just my 2 cents on this one

Legacy Username


Eh... I dunno if thread

Eh... I dunno if thread necromancy jokes can be made if the person is knowingly and intentionally bumping it back to life. The unthinking necromancers are the funny ones.