What's in development

183 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username
Yes please.
  • I would definitely be interested in PVP.
  • My favorite competitive video game is probably something from the Super Smash Bros. series.
  • Ideally I'd like a mix of some hardcore modes and some casual, fun modes.
  • -Sandbox brawls, anyone can join/leave at any time, no real rules or scoring
    -1 on 1 matches, possibly allowing wagers
    -Team based games (capture the snipe, guild vs guild fights, etc.)
    -Free for all games (death match, king of the hill, tournaments, etc.)

Bild des Benutzers Arimal
- Would you be interested in

- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
A solid PvP implementation would make this player all sorts of happy.

- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
I think Spiral knights has room for a little of both. There are not many suggestions here that I wouldn't be willing to spend some time playing.

- What is your favorite competitive video game?
Street Fighter

Bild des Benutzers Starcadet
- Would you be interested in

- Would you be interested in PVP at all?

I would be! As long as there's a way to have like ranks--peeps with tier 1 equipment would fight people similarly equipped etc. Of course then you'd have to account for peeps who are half tier 1 equipped and half tier 2. I don't know about how one would do that, but keeping it as fairly stacked as possible would be cool (in so many MMOs the people on the highest level would always take anyone lower out and it just wasn't fun). And of course that is all if it's knight against knight without minigames or whatnot.

- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?

Mario-Party like mini-games would be so much fun.

Legacy Username
- Would you be interested in

- Would you be interested in PVP at all?

not really, I'm always more interested on PVE, however, I will probably give it a try

- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?

Smash Brothers type could be fun (leaning more into the Mario Party side), I agree with what someone before said that it shouldn't impact the PVE part of the game, and possibly team based or free for all with more than 2 knights. I wouldn't be very interested in duels, plus those will probably be more an equipment fight. I also agree that PVP should keep the general spirit of the game, simple & fun.

- What is your favorite competitive video game?

I usually like 2d fighters (Street Fighter, Garou: MOW, king of fighters) but I never play them too competitively, Smash Brothers is also fun because it tends to get chaotic

Legacy Username
I Might Actually Come Back :P

Finally! New content :D

Don't really care much for the T1 Boss (unless theres new weps offered)-it would look kinda silly anyways >>>> clearing T1 with 5* equips

As for PVP, my vote is team-based...
Theres alot of balance issues between weps... So the best would be a team-based PVP. That way,the dominant PVPers wouldn't be only those in possession of gran fausts.

Legacy Username
Oh for AH...

Please give an option to bid in CE in the Auction House

no way i dont want bid with

no way i dont want bid with CE in action house it will totally break the prices everywhere .

EDIT: its better to have one type of bid and make it simple than having 2 type of bids . this is where Crowns is essentials . Why bother having Crowns if we can buy everything with CE .

really dont break mechanic of the action house with 2 biddings mechanics just one is enough for the economy

Bild des Benutzers Splinter
I think PVP would be awesome,

I think PVP would be awesome, and look forward to checking it out. Would love to see a deathmatch of sorts. But would have to remain even, similar or the same gear for each player in the game. Would love to see a lot of PVP rewards, Crowns, PVP gear, etc. Team basesd PVP would be really cool.

looking forward to the new T1 boss, I'm guessing a giant Wolver. Maybe bring back Tortodrone in a new form!?

Would love to see a few new items appear at some point too. Maybe also expand on rare drops and make them drop from chests and rare creatures.

Legacy Username
YES PVP PLX!!!!!!!!!! i

YES PVP PLX!!!!!!!!!!

i think the question of casual vs competitive is moot. just implement both so everyone wins!

PVP in this game definitely has to be tactical team based. just think of all the possible roles you can have in a team with gunners, bombers and dedicated sword grunts!

possible game modes:
1. ofc you NEED to have STRATEGIC team based gameplay with CTF, sabotage or domination modes
2. team vs team survival with teams trying to outlive each other with endless waves of monsters. think battle tetris.
3. FFA with a ton of hazards to make it a bit more interesting
4. some more casual modes like lichen soccer or something.

its interesting to note that once PVP gets implemented some of the gear balance issues are solved. for one thing, players can bring to bare ALL damage types and most status effects, and take full advantage so going in prepared is a must! piercing def, and all the non fire/shock status resists become valuable all of a sudden.

finally, make it cost CROWNS please. the game NEEDS non energy content. plus i am sick and tired of the blatant money grabbing of all these CE hikes.

Legacy Username

I think PvP could be really fun if you can pick who you're playing with -- random matchmaking would be no fun for me personally, but having a battle royale with friends might make it possible for me to recruit my gamer friends to join. Like Smash Bros, Bomberman, Mario Party, that kind of feel.

I think one way to have both casual and hardcore might be to allow matches for cheap (10 total?) with no rewards, so you can battle your friends all day just for fun without paying a lot, but then also have for-pay matches (10 per person?) that do offer rewards. It could be like two gates -- "Game Gate" and "Tournament Gate" or something, where in either one you can just keep going to random stages from an elevator at the end, but one costs more and gives the winner rewards (or scaled rewards by ranking), and the other is just for fun. Rewards could be materials, crowns, bound items (so they don't flood the market), and the rewards could scale up as you keep going "deeper" since you're paying more and more energy at that point just like in the clockworks.

Obviously there are endless options that could be fun -- teamplay, game modes, stages with twists to them, points-battle vs lives-battle. Getting to choose in the party lobby which setting would be random stage by stage and which would be fixed would be pretty cool. But that's probably more long term stuff. Even just the ability to battle 1v1 and free for all, for fun, with no rewards, in a vanilla arena would be a great addition in my opinion!


Bild des Benutzers Pawn
I'd be interested in PvP

I like PvP, and i think it could be a chance to really step out of the box and do some special things in PvP outside of your standard options in most games.

I'd like to contribute 2 ideas for gametypes:

1. Iron Cage Match.
I actually have been toying with the idea of a Team based cage match type of PvP battle. Using those spinning door trigger gears to lock 'rooms' and having to step on buttons to unlock. Maybe 4-5 rooms. The general theme being that as a team you'd want to try and sheild bash your opponents into a room and lock the room so that you could either isolate your team mates vs theirs with a good match-up==say locking someone with a granfaust in a room vs someone with no shadow defense, or try to lock a player into a room by himself giving you advantages in numbers.

2. Mob warfare
You are the prestigious leader of an army of mobs! It is your job to choose a group of 10 mobs from existing enemies to battle it out. I don't know whether you would actually participate in the battle (i'm thinking maybe not, but then maybe yes-it's hard to balance the hypothetical). The mobs would have to have some sort of limitations--x number of healers permited, x number of t3/t2/t1 enemies. Do i want to use my healer as my only t3 mob??? Those menders are strong but what's if my opponent brings in several shadow damage dealers!!??

variation: Gotta catch'em all. This could even open up some sort of monster acquiring system, and maybe you would have to somehow 'catch' the mob in the clockworks before it could be a part of your army! haha Buy your 3* 4* 5* capture bombs/guns here!!!

Bild des Benutzers Vlad


I just want the old PvP back.

Bild des Benutzers Griffinbane

Has anyone played the map Aiur Chef on SC2? It would be VERY funny to have a version of that as one of the pvp games.

Anyhoo, if pvp isn't gonna be the usual slash and whacker other games have (like Diablo 2 for instance), I'll play, depending on what it is. Mario Party style would be fun, if it doesn't break our keyboards. Anyone else remember having scraped off skin on your palm from spinning the stylus as fast as possible?

Bild des Benutzers Kyajin
I think PVP for SK should

I think PVP for SK should have a sense of skill, but may also be chaotic and senseless, given the nature of the game.

A sense of achievement through rankings/emblems next to someones name or something would be cool, and would be a step to keeping PVP from being monotonous.

In terms of style the game Fat Princess comes to mind, if anyone has played it. Casual, chaotic game with a sense of personal skill.

If you guys want a PVP

If you guys want a PVP discussion might I recommend this thread... http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/9051

This sucka needs some bumping.

Legacy Username
I'd be interested in some

I'd be interested in some kind of mechanic that ties PvE and PvP together.

Minerals or alloys for rewards?

Or maybe capturing monsters in PvE to use in certain PvP events?

I remember reading a post a long time ago about Slime Soccer, where the players use their shields to bump slimes into the goals. That sounded hilarious.

Legacy Username

- Would you be interested in PVP at all?

I think it could be fun, Give us something to do.

- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?

I'm more for casual but both would be nice, Have a casual no gain no lose mode where people can just PvP when they run out of energy (or maybe be able to bet gear or crowns) call it "The sparring room"?

And a competitive mode where it would have "entrance fees" and you can win crowns or CE or maybe even rare gear, That way both types are happy. call it "The arena" or "The coliseum"?

- What is your favorite competitive video game?

I honestly don't like PvP but, I guess I use to play a lot of counterstrike type games.

P.S. If it did not have a casual mode I would be kind of upset, this is a pretty casual game and thats why I like it, If it was too hard I would loose patience pretty fast, unfortunately I'm not as much of a hard core gamer as I use to be, So that was the appeal this game had for me.

Legacy Username
Hi Nick! I'm looking forward

Hi Nick! I'm looking forward to the new content!

I noticed that you haven't reponded to the feedback in the thread you started in response to criticism of the update. Can you please do so?


Legacy Username


Bild des Benutzers Linku
Sure, why not the PVP. But

Sure, why not the PVP.
But it's probably going to cost 10CE to enter the PVP so yeah....

Bild des Benutzers Icee
Casual PvP

I'm more of a casual gamer. I don't suspect that I'll play PvP often (certainly not every day), nor will I be particularly competitive about it (I won't care about top-10 lists), but I have a lot of fun occasionally blowing up my friends in cartoony violence, Super Smash Bros style. Below I offer a few suggestions for people like me, that can hopefully be implemented as options to allow the hard-core to configure differently.

I like playing SK primarily with friends, so I'd like to see a PvP option to close the match to friends and/or guildmates only - the same options we have when we make a party for the dungeons.

I'd like an option where the person setting up the match can set it so everyone uses X gear. The person setting up the arena must own that gear in order to be able to select it as the gear for the match. That way we can play an evenly equipped match without everyone having to own the same equipment. This is especially useful to get players of different levels into the fight. It also prevents a situation where one guy has a sentenza/acheron and none of his opponents has any shadow defense in their armor.

Legacy Username
PvP? Unreal Tournament, no


Unreal Tournament, no holds bar, at other players throats, best skill wins. No playing around with dice or boards or anything dumb like Mario Party.

I'm still disgusted with you. If you manage to botch PvP as bad as you did the Auction House, there pretty much won't be anything left for you to botch.

Play your cards carefully. You only have so many left.

Legacy Username

- Would you be interested in PVP at all?

That would depend on the benefits offered for participating in PVP. If there are no benefits other than getting your name on a high score board and the PVP aspect costs energy I would not be interested.

- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?

I just can't see spiral knights going at eachother gladiator style. The game's weapons and characters simply aren't balanced for that. It would have to be mario party style. If hardcore means hardcore benefits I'm in.

- What is your favorite competitive video game?

I honestly like FPS games, but I think SK would be better off with an indirect competitive game structure. What I mean when I say indirect is that the players are not facing eachother in direct combat. Sorta like the difference between wrestling (direct) and swimming (indirect).

Bild des Benutzers Flaame
- Would you be interested in

- Would you be interested in PVP at all?

I would, to say the least.
I played a bit of it during the Preview event. Once I played one match, I couldn't stop playing it. Even IF I kept on losing. :P

- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?

Personally, I like how PvP worked in the preview event. So, whatever that is considered. Hardcore I guess? If you guys can make it work like how it was in the Preview Event, I'd be extremely grateful. However, balance in PvP was always an issue, so if this can be worked with, that would be appreciated from a fan of Spiral Knights. :P

As suggestions, I can see these few gametypes being easily implemented.
King of the Hill
Capture The Flag
Last Man Standing
Tournament Style

- What is your favorite competitive video game?

The Super Smash Bros. series, honestly. I always have to fight to keep my controller at a given time when I'm with more than 4 friends. :P

Legacy Username


Of course I'm interested! Not only does it provide a theoretical crown-sink, it offers something for t3 players to do when they get tired of running Vanny for the ump-teenth time.

-What kind? Casual or hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?

I'm in favor of competitive with goals, ala TF2. Straight-up Deathmatch would work as one possible mode, as well as possibly Last-Knight-Standing, CTF, maybe something like Mineral Horde or something along those lines, etc. Team based or free-for-all works, and if we actually factor in personal gear (or maybe even 'Competitive' gear, as a further crown-sink?) it could make pvp interesting and a nice time-sink. It doesn't have to be particularly complex, just interesting enough.

-Favourite Comp. Vidgame?

Honestly, probably TF2. Valve has been balancing that game for years, and it's amazing how long it's stayed alive and well, with a still-ridiculously-large community.

[Oh, and a little bit of personal advice: the player is not always right. Just a heads up.]

Bild des Benutzers Lusty
- Would you be interested in

- Would you be interested in PVP at all?


- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?


- What is your favorite competitive video game?

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

When i played Wolf:ET back in the day i loved the teamwork factor: different members having different roles (engineers, medics,etc) now i know this doesnt applies directly to SK but something close to wars of emperium, where any interested guild would pay a fee and defends/attacks another guilds castle, defending/attacking the Emperium (a huge rock much like our minerals), all this while going from your guild's castle to the enemy guild castle you would have to defeat monsters in the way and NPC guards defending its guilds castle (each guard would cost the guild a certain amount depending on several factors)...

The WoEs would take place in a weekly fashion at a set time and would last around 1.5 hours (depending on the server).

As for SK goes, i would hate it if we had regular PvP when going around dungeons you could get killed by other players in any day of the week at any time, for me PvP rocks in a tournament-like fashion, additionally, there would also be a pvp room in which you would pay a very small fee and you would fight as much as you want without loosing or gaining anything else, good way to sharpen your pvp skills and tryout different stuff, you could go vs guildmates or vs other guilds.

At the end of each WoE the castles your guild managed to capture would generate treasure vaults, you would pay a fee in order to open them and you would get a random item, the item could either be a completely regular item or a rare item restricted to WoE only. Also each castle captured would display the guilds banner (a small image uploaded by the guild themselves, which was also displayed next to every players name to identify allegiance easily) and there would be a board displaying the results, this would give us a chance to brag about our achievements.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope OOO desings its pvp in the correct way since, as its been pointed out, it can either break a game or make a game totally awesome.

Good luck guys, cant wait to have pvp and thanks for working hard on this game.

Bild des Benutzers Madadder
the whole problem with pvp IS

the whole problem with pvp IS PVP

in SK i don't see PVP EVER working because its largely going to be who has the best gear or worse "i have a divine avenger i win".... "if you dont have this, this, and this piece of gear you aren't worth fighting"

on the topic am i interested in pvp... no i am not, i came for dungeon crawling not even in light of the latest patch nothing as changed for me i enjoy the repetitiveness of the runs they are easy, simple and still help me to a goal

Bild des Benutzers Madadder
double post?

sorry i dont know how i ended up double posting...

Ooooooh, WoE style could be

Ooooooh, WoE style could be interesting. Why did I forget about that?


Still, in the end, WoE kinda sucked. It required you to be on at a specific time, and it usually came down to "who has more people?". I can already see shivermist bombers clogging up the gates, hah.

It really shouldn't go above 4v4, and it really shouldn't be like WoE in that if your guild can't participate cause you are a close-knit group of friends and not an ULTRAGUILD, you are missing out on high end gear.

I wouldn't mind a PVP where

I wouldn't mind a PVP where a team has to go against another team but not fight each other. There should be another goal such as collecting and building something. A race of some sorts.

Legacy Username
PvP was (and will probably

"i have a divine avenger i win"

PvP was (and will probably still be) restricted by tier. A Divine Avenger player would only be able to compete against other players with 4- and 5-star gear.

Tier 1: 0- to 1-star gear. (As Hot as Hot Edge gets.)
Tier 2: up to 3-star gear. (Not Soul, just Calibur.)
Tier 3: up to 5-star gear. (Go kick some Ash... of Agni.)

Duke Divine-Avenger will be competing with Sir Shivermist and not Private Protosword.

Plus Vog Cub protects against DA's Normal and Elemental. It's all about Gran Faust.

i also wouldnt mind some new

i also wouldnt mind some new t3 bosses. Maybe open up the CORE??? :P

Legacy Username
Yes to pvp, it would give

Yes to pvp, it would give people something to do other than stand there.

I never did pvp in mmos, so I really don't know if pvp or casual is the way to go. Maybe have 1-2-3 arenas for different types?

As far as other game, madden and fighting games, that's pretty much it.

If you could make a madden spiral knights game complete with new rosters I would give you 60 bucks every August. :p

Re: #80

I agree with this sentiment. This game simply feels too connection-dependent for direct PvP. I'd much rather see "head-to-head" team levels:
Graveyard Grievances: Two teams in parallel graveyards; every time one team kills a phantom, it spawns in the *other* team's graveyard
Breakdown: Each team has a long, wide hallway filled with all kinds of blocks and jellies; first team to make it to the other side wins

I agree with the claim that the game needs a PvP element in order to have an unbounded endgame, but I think that element should actually be asymmetric: the endgame here should be *level design,* which pits player-designer against both fellow player-designers and subject player-knights. Give us a level editor and a competitive means of getting our designs incorporated into the game, and you'll add in a whole new level of PvP.

Bild des Benutzers Icee
Connection schmonnection

All MMOs are "connection-dependent" to some degree. The fact that having a better ISP might give one person an advantage over another is not a reason to avoid implementing a fun feature. If you're playing on a slow connection, you almost certainly won't win a swordfighting tournament in Puzzle Pirates, but that doesn't make swordfighting tournaments bad.

Head-to-head PvP should be introduced in some form. I don't object to having indirect competitions as well (in fact, I welcome them), but it's ridiculous to say that PvP shouldn't be introduced because some people have faster connections than others. Connections vary for players of all online games, and many have successful head-to-head PvP elements.

Legacy Username

just to make it fair i also support having several modes, even if it takes a while to add it to the game, id suggest to start off with 1 classic or unique(i do prefer unique, but keep in mind there are in fact many people out there, who will always want their classic kill each other pvp) mode and see how it goes for the players, who actively play in that mode and eventually start improving and bugfixing it while working on the other pvp modes as well instead of speculating about all the other possibilities already

a poll might be helpful too..its extremely hard to overview such a big forum and read through every single post

Bild des Benutzers Lusty
@LoneKnight Three slots for

@LoneKnight Three slots for you to have 3 different characters, 1 slot for your guy in the casual gamer guild, 1 slot for your guy in the competitive guild.

Also yes, as a bomber i would LOOOOOVE to spam my bombs at the entrance, not only my Shivermist but also my Ash, Venom and hell even Nitronome just for kicks xD, the thing is, if done properly this can be neutralized, i mean, if OOO makes it as we bombers cant plant at entrances or, making several entrances so as to be planting in one may be counterproductive we can avoid the "bad" side of WoEs , also, PvP could be a mix between objective and fragging, in which you could have 1 team (Team A) of players trying to complete an objective faster than the enemy team in order to provide a certain advantage to Team B (the fraggers) which could be defending a valuable asset, against enemy incursion, if failed to defend, this asset would provide an advantage to Team A.

Those would be secondary objectives, since the main objective would be something that requires both Team's A and Team's B objectives to be met.

- pvp heat: win a fight and

- pvp heat: win a fight and take some of the adversary's pvp heat
- fights would happen at the Knight's Arena
- players could only challenge other players with similar ammount of pvp heat... so big guys cannot fight small guys
- some kind of "Pvp House" where players could bet on the winner of every fight going on
- Pvp House would also broadcast the fights, so you could tune in any moment... Guild Wars does this as a "recorded demo"

Bild des Benutzers Nick
Seems team-based PVP is

Seems team-based PVP is highly favored, noted. Also noted- you guys all love SSB :)

Legacy Username

>you guys all love SSB
Who doesn't?

I've heard the SSB competitive scene is horrible though.

If you plan to do team -

If you plan to do team - based, make an option for Guild vs. Guild. It'll give guilds more than social benefits.

Bild des Benutzers Njthug

The way I learned to play SSB was the same way I learned to play Madden make each match have a 20 dollar buy in.....and the fun happens LOL.....then again add money to any competition to anything it goes CRAZY lol....but yes SSB system would be EPIC omg I can picture us all on Captain Falcons Plane fighting with our graun faust and sentenza now that seems fun....

Bild des Benutzers Shoebox
I've heard the SSB

I've heard the SSB competitive scene is horrible though.

Horrible doesn't even describe it.
It's like playing a game to deliberately not have fun.

Legacy Username
My most played PVP format of

My most played PVP format of all time would be Defense of the Ancients (the popular Warcraft 3 map) or later on Heroes of Newerth.

For anyone that hasn't played, there are two teams. Each lays siege to the others base, with the goal being to destroy the structure in the heart of the base. What made it so addictive for me, was the push and pull of the "flow" of the game. Some characters that you played as were best early game. Others were best late game. Depending on the make up of your team, it was sometimes best to push hard early, and other times best to wait 30 or so minutes before trying to really attack. When certain structures in your opponent's base are destroyed, your forces get strong.

Seeing as how two of the things I'm most impressed by in Spiral Knights are the Enemy designs and the Map designs (seriously, the maps leading up to the bosses are FANTASTIC), and seeing how the various weapons are decently balanced to the point that there are many viable builds, it would be kind of interesting to see OOO's take on a DotA/HoN/League of Legends style game.

Basically, a "My team versus your team, gotta kill the Gun Puppies, which then gives my team certain advantages when certain Gun Puppies are killed" sort of game.

Maybe I'm nuts, but I figured I'd at least throw it out there for someone at OOO to consider, and maybe toss around.

Bild des Benutzers Manta
I really miss the mini games

I really miss the mini games in Conker's Bad Fur Day.

I think that "style" and the variety of games would make a good model for SK.

Legacy Username
- PVP would be fun and could

- PVP would be fun and could be a huge endgame if made right.

- A mix of casual and hardcore modes would be fun. SK is great with level design, switches/gates/environment traps. Need some game modes with an objective beyond just fighting, but well supported by fighting. Also, if there are some weapons/gear built more for PVP, that would be neat. No need to make all new set ups, but rather making your only weapon a healing staff to become a mender (with ember bolt), or charge a "bomb" to place a gun puppy...

- What is your favorite competitive video game? Team Fortress 2. Oh that wasn't obvious from the above suggestions?

I've heard the SSB

I've heard the SSB competitive scene is horrible though.

Horrible doesn't even describe it.
It's like playing a game to deliberately not have fun.

It was good up until, and including melee.

Then Brawl ruined it. :|

Still, there is some some hope left.

Bild des Benutzers Eruzei
- Would you be interested in

- Would you be interested in PVP at all?
Not really. I find that PvP tacked onto PvE games tends to either damage PvE (when PvE skills/items get nerfed for PvP balance) or frustrate PvPers who don't like being restricted by PvE-focused gear and balancing.

- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?
Mario Party or Team Fortress 2 team-type stuff.

- What is your favorite competitive video game?
I enjoyed TF2 for awhile, which is something since I'm not a PvPer, really.

Legacy Username
- Would you be interested in

- Would you be interested in PVP at all?

It would offer an alternative, so yeah.

- What kind of PVP are you in to, or would be in to with Spiral Knights? Casual or more hardcore? Mario Party or Counterstrike?


- What is your favorite competitive video game?

League of Legends.

Legacy Username
Tournament style, and Guild V

Tournament style, and Guild V Guild especially would be fantastic!

I'm a big fan of hardcore PvP, and all the nuances that mastering different rulesets can bring. I know you guys have pulled some reference from PSO already, so I'd like to offer up a couple more thoughts from the same game....

1 - Open PvP - similar to the grand free for all in Beta. Go in with the gear you worked hard to earn! (One variation of battle from PSO)

2 - Purely skill-based PvP, which sets everyone up with certain weapons or armors for the duration of the match. (Multiple varations in PSO were like this)

3 - Get the crowns! A match where you find crowns from destructible chests, and you drop them all upon dying. Whoever has the most at the end of the round wins! (Called Meseta Battle in PSO)

Really excited to hear you guys are bringing PvP back in the near future. Very much looking forward to it!