If you will, please kindly provide your answers to these questions.
1. Does AT improve a player's aim?
2. Would banning AT (everything else untouched) make Lockdown significantly more skill-based than it is now?
3. Do you think most people who complain about AT have legitimate reasons or are they just frustrated?
4. In your opinion, what other problems must be corrected, along with AT, that will lead to a significantly more skill-based Lockdown?
5. Out of that list, which one is the worst problem? Why?
(you can also choose AT to be the worst, just explain why)
Optional question (although omitting would look suspicious):
6. What are your relevant biases*? What may have influenced your responses to the questions?
*By bias I mean things that someone who disagrees with you can use to invalidate your reasoning.
Saying you are knowledgeable and objective isn't a bias. That statement can be subject to its own bias.
If you want to be taken seriously, remove the butthurt question.
It shows how you're biased to the case, and invalidates the validity your survey.
It's also a pretty useless question, since we're talking mechanics and not personalities.
I'll take the survey once I've got some time.