I Need Help Logging on to the Test Server

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Stromling-Savior's picture

Hello! This is Stromling-Savior, but very few of you may know me as Nightranger-Neuro.

I was very excited to hear about the test server and I wanted to try joining it. My only problem is, there doesn't seem to be a way to sign in with Steam. I have only ever played Spiral Knights through Steam, and I have made a purchase through Steam recently enough that I can play on this test server, but there's no way of logging on with a Steam account. I've looked around constantly for a way to sign in with my Steam account, and I even tried just logging in with it in the normal log in area.

Nothing seems to be working. I was wondering if there actually was a way I could log in with Steam, and if not, hopefully a way could be added later.


Klipik-Forum's picture


Follow the steam instructions.