hey there. Subhazrd here. post screen shots for the thread, can be anything you want. remeber to get as many friends in on th epicture too. we like your smiling faces here in SK!!!
Spiral Knights Screen shots
here is the first Screen shot of the thread! https://www.flickr.com/photos/123915136@N07/14028461244/ remeber feel free to post as long as its PG-13.
BEHOLD! the iNVISIBLE TURRET!: http://oi58.tinypic.com/ostjix.jpg
hey, just wanted to say these are great shots. however, adding a little tale of just a few words describing surely wont hurt no one will? i look forward to seeing more from all the players out there!
noticed this while traversing LoA. kinda weird but okay. https://www.flickr.com/photos/123915136@N07/14015337036/
That happens in any Graveyard level :p
Gold HP. If only we could have it in LD :P
Really satisfying to see all dat phat lewt
Soul Jelly. Not bad
Damn you, Punch. I should... do bad stuff to you >:T
3 Eternal Orbs of Alchemy from 1 box
Sleeping on the job because of the Sloombargo
Can't get that loot :c
The stairs hunger for Knight flesh (metal? I dunno)
saw that last picture, Arilys, and it took me waaaay back. i didnt think i would be seeing pre-free elevators on here (not that long ago, but i had stopped playing for a few years and just got back recently. i like em all. SPecilly the Gold HP
Recently, some enemies spawned out of bounds and I took a screenshot of it. Unfortunatly, it's on the Preview server so I can't post a screenshot of it :(
All of these are pretty old, but they're still good pictures!
haven 5023 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=253954968
zombie eating my head https://www.flickr.com/photos/124034785@N05/14036387421/
sneaky Atalanta hiding in the fountain https://www.flickr.com/photos/124034785@N05/14039571245/
cake overload https://www.flickr.com/photos/124034785@N05/14039552825/
stuck at vana monologue part https://www.flickr.com/photos/124034785@N05/14039813875/
glitch thingy in bottom right haven https://www.flickr.com/photos/124034785@N05/14040255664/
I actually had a lot more pics with the old UI, but I didn't put them online and lost them when my old PC went kaput :/
Also, dat Haven 5023 :o
all the havens from 1-5023 weren't full. There just was a giant gap between the current havens we have and that. If my memory serves me correct, i think you were able to go there by using the switch haven button. For an example, it may be like haven 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12 then 5023. It was fixed ofc.
more screenshots
These were from times that I was lagging.
Vanaduke is a lot bigger than I thought:
Meh, might as well before this thread dies like every other screenie thread.
Radiants at FSC 2nd Depth (Today)
Radiants at FSC 2nd Depth (Today) 2
T1 gremlin at T2
Massive Grimalkin
Nocturne, that last screeny is gonna give someone a nightmare.
Gotta love the Pictures. unfortunately im not fortunate to get my self into the Screen Shot situations, but i did have a nice iron lock box streak going. got like 14 in 5 days from the prize wheel. @ Nocturne-Grande, i certainly hope this doesn't die down too fast. im sure everyone likes to see the interesting happenings of SK and perhaps share a few of their own!
Here is the best screenshot ever. Prepare to be amazed. http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/794063002624335231/9F6EB63807A9130E1...
Here is a perfect shield bash
Eh, why not.