hi all, recently i had to do a system recovery for my pc. hence, needed to reinstall SK / Java. in the past, when i log out of SK, and log back in, i find that my user name is there, i just need to enter my password, and all the previous customization will be retained (eg not wanting to see the wheeling through of weapons, customization of keys, my arsenel options are not collapsed into their respective headings).
since my system recovery, everytime i log into sk, if i did not do anything, i would need to see the morai wars intro. if i skip that, i get taken to the page where i need to enter my knight name & password. subsequently, when i log in, i need to re-customize my keys, need to go to the options page to untick the wheeling through of weapons, etc. is there any keys i can press to save my previous customize keys ?
thanks for advicing.
Here's my experience. Your account information is obviously stored on Three Rings' servers: your username, knight names, energy, crowns, items, recipes learned, etc. On the other hand, your application preferences are stored on your local machine: your keyboard configuration, your sound levels, your graphics quality, etc. Whenever I play Spiral Knights on a new machine, I have to reconfigure all of these preferences. I think that these preferences also include whether your arsenal categories are collapsed. They could easily also include a hidden flag for "this game was just downloaded, so display the Morai wars intro".
So my guess is that your local computer is not storing your local Spiral Knights application preferences for some reason. I don't know why. Have you accidentally denied it write-access to the directory/files where it needs to store its data? Good luck.