I was in an arena fighting a bunch of gremlins with a party. I was eventually defeated but then something weird happened, all the gremlin bombers were still trying to blow me up. Is this a bug or just a tactic they use so my party can't revive me or if I revive myself, I die again. It ticked me off because I wasted 6 energy on a revive only to get blow to pieces again. They were just surrounding me a setting bombs before I even thought of reviving because my buddies might have been able to heal me. Please help.
Trigger happy
Tue, 05/31/2011 - 18:56
Wed, 06/01/2011 - 10:59
If the revive cost 6E, then it must have been T1, no? I guess two revives, one 2E and one 4E? Anywho....
I've had this problem before, but they usually get bored and wander off eventually. Either that or timing it perfectly and coming in with my shield up gets me out of there. I just assumed it was part of a mechanic, as they are beasties who can later revive themselves, they're just sneakily keeping an eye, heh,
It's hard to say in Arenas if something like this is a bug or just a part of the game. What Tier were you on, anyways?