..why is there a monster with nearly-unavoidable attack who can outrun you no matter what speed boost you have?
ADD: ah, yes, I forgot. It's called "fake difficulty".
..why is there a monster with nearly-unavoidable attack who can outrun you no matter what speed boost you have?
ADD: ah, yes, I forgot. It's called "fake difficulty".
If it's Spookats: run towards you when they dash at you. They track mid-move with their attacks, but not their movement.
If it's Greavers: Stop running and stab them, or keep running and get caught. Alternatively, use a Hammer and do both at the same time!
If it's Gorgos: Stop trying to hit them with melee unless you're extremely confident in your abilities to shieldbump with good timing. Stick to bombs and guns.
If it's Mecha Knights: Don't play too aggressively without Dash. If you do, I hope you've got some way to flinch/knockback in a wide arc..
If it's Gremlins: Same as with Mecha Knights, but it takes way longer and they're much more annoying. Just be patient. Or use a bomb. Pick one.
Plot twist. Lumbers. Ancient and Torto and being stunned 4 life.
Do you somehow mean the apocrean harvester?
I think you can outrun it with MSI med or high, I forgot which.
To what monster are you referring?