Hey there, Mengh here :3
I've recently just started recording Lockdown matches due to the mayhem and excitement that happens in them. I'm currently sorting out a schedule and so far, I can upload videos every two weeks (Upload on Saturday) I'm not really in for the money; just really so I can show my experience of lockdown and how fun it can be ;3 Be sure to check out my channel.
Youtube channel:
Lockdown Moments : Sometimes random stuff things happen at the right time and at the right place. Extraordinary!
Lockdown Moments - Silent Assassin (1) video:
Lockdown Moments - Speedy Massacre (2) video:
Lockdown Moments - To Kill A Reto-Da-Liz (3) video:
Lockdown Moments - Zainj's Zanjutsu (4) video:
Lockdown Moments - Something Special (5) video:
- ??? -
Thanks for watching/reading, leave a comment down below and cya in Spiral Knights :)
I've never seen someone actually use Hammers with...well, logic! Bravo, my good Sir.