Use spiral spy to provide images, yes? And THEN, you download this little program called scratch*... it is great for simple animations and even... in extreme circumstances making a little game with it. Scratch allows you to take files off your computer, and create a moving, programmable, interactive "dood" allowing you to move it across the screen. It allows you to make some cool SK related .gifs, and such.
A hint on making SK coolness....
I hear they also used scratch to make Windows 8. Don't believe me? Well have you tried using Windows 8? Yea.
@ Fehzor
Windows 8 is great. If someone would've taken the time to actually point you the 3-4 notable difference from 7 to 8 you would be laughing at people who thinks 8 is complicated.
Windows 8 was made, design and produce to use with touchscreen. So if the first time you take 8 and it's not touch and no one is there to help you, you are basically left alone like any user would on 95 when they got out of 3.0...
I have Windows Vista, 7 and 8.1 and they work fine. Most of the problems in informatic are 16 inches away from the monitor...
I sell desktop, laptop and tablet to people. I can make anybody at ease with 8 in a few minutes of clear calm talk and couple demonstrations.
^What was that one movie that came out in 2010 about the spy? Oh yeah.
As Rhagnarock said, Windows 8 works beautifully with a touchscreen. If you use a laptop with a trackpad, it's not as good but to a similar effect. It also has increased stability and security, or so my boss tells me.
However, Windows 8 without any sort of touch-mechanism is pretty terrible, especially for desktops. Windows 8 looks great for home users, but it simply looks tacky in work environments. But with the re-introduction of the start menu in play without the need for third party software, Windows 9 will be the "fixed" version of Windows 8, much like how Windows 7 is often viewed as the fixed version of Vista. (Hopefully they bring back Windows Easy Transfer in full because 8.1 buggered that plus the PC reset/refresh options)
Microsoft has a terrible tendency to make a good OS one year and an awful one the next.
You would take a screenshot of your creation in Spiral Spy, OR take a billion in slightly different positions. If you do the latter, shizzle gets complicated.
So, you crop the photo (mac has a drag to screenie feature, but windows can use PhotoShop) so just your knight(s) remain. Then, enter them/it into Scratch as sprites. And do as you will!
So basically you're saying take pictures of things in spiralspy and use them as sprites to make a game/animation.
But isn't that what people do with spiralspy already? Well, the animation part at least. I doubt that there are no spiral knights projects on the scratch website though.
I used scratch, a long time ago. It's a good program for learning the *really, really basic* basics of programming.