I run with a grand flourish, gran faust, and ash of agni, so obviously I'm used to having a weapon slot upgrade. When I logged in today the game informed me that my weapon slot upgrade had run out; I closed this warning and waited for someone else to perhaps sell an upgrade token, as I'd seen in trade chat several other times for less than the cost of buying it myself.
After I spent some time in trade, AHing stuff, etc, I got an invite from someone to run a dungeon, and without really thinking about the weapon token issue I joined up. The level I joined into happened to be a slime garden, and the weapon I had in my hand was a grand flourish. Alright, I thought, time to change weapons. I scrolled the mouse wheel up and down in futility as my character did nothing. Perplexed, I opened my character sheet to find that the only weapon I had equipped was a grand flourish. In a slime garden. Where over half the monsters are slimes, and most of the remainder are constructs. That run didn't go well.
Good burn, SK. Good burn.
Can't say much for this one, it seems like common sense to modify your weapons when those upgrades run out, just in case.