After careful testing, we can conclude:
- 4 bars is 0 to 100 millisecond latency.
- 3 bars is 101 to 150 millisecond latency.
- 2 bars is 151 to 250 millisecond latency.
- 1 bar is greater than 250 millisecond latency.
Keeping in mind that you can have 6 frames (100 ms ping / 16.666666666666667 ms intervals for screen refresh, for a monitor at 60 fps) of latency behind the server while still qualifying for 4 bars, thus it sucks to have anything less than 4 in pvp.
This has been on the forums for a long, long time. GMs posted it.
GMs also explained how they use some form of hysteresis to keep it from changing every 2 seconds.
So you could have a technical '4bar' while actually being between 3 and 4.
Also, I have to disagree. A 3 bar connection is still fine, 2 is difficult, 1 means you should not expect to be competitive.