The Extra Official Recruitment Page for Infinitus.
Who are we?
Infinitus is both PvP and PvE oriented. For PvE, we go on FSC, JK, Prestige, and SL runs. For PvP, we normally queue for RLD together and occasionally GvG.
Why Infinitus?
Infinitus' founding dates back over a year ago and was originally a well known and competitive GvG guild. Over time, a few of our more prominent players became inactive or left the guild and our numbers dwindled to the tens and twenties. Lately, more of our players have become active again and we are looking to return to our former place among the very best. Currently, having enough people online at once to form a GvG team is a struggle, but you may have seen several of our guildies in Lockdown at once!
Although we seek strong PvPers, personality comes first and foremost. A poor attitude and lack of manners will not be tolerated in Infinitus, even if you're getting 100 caps and 100k damage per Lockdown match. Also, you are not required to be a PvP player if you would like to join our ranks. As mentioned above, we do PvE just as much as we do PvP! Overall, we strive to be an approachable and friendly guild that wants you to join us!
- Be at least 5* (This means you must be rank 9 or 10 unless you played before the missions rework.)
- Be mature - Be nice to everyone in the guild and keep indecency to a minimum
- Don't be afraid to ask questions about the guild or the game! We're all friends in here
- Communicate your PvP/PvE strategies with the rest of us - we'll be eternally grateful to you
- Encourage your guildies - Bad game? We all have those. Constructive criticism and support is what we're about
- Have fun! I mean, it's a game, right?
- No spamming the guild chat. Sometimes less is more.
- No begging. Begging is unattractive and comes off as lazy. Not cool.
- No trolling. If this does not stop when asked by a GM or officer, you may be demoted or asked to leave the guild.
- Be respectful to others. We're only human after all.
How to Join
Post your application in the comments below
- What is your knight's name?
- What's your favorite thing to do in Spiral Knights?
- What guilds have you been in?
- Why Infinitus?
- If you do play Lockdown, what is your preferred role? (Striker, Recon, Guardian, Gunner, Bomber)
- 5+5*5 = ???
- Optional: How old are you?
- Optional: Share any questions you have about the guild!
1. BlameTS
2. Play Arcade
3. None this is my first guild I'm applying to
4. Because it seems more of a having fun and not overly competitive
5. Recon, but I've never played lock down
6. 30