This thread is to revive Tier 2 Lockdown.
For ages we've loved Lockdown and adored it. Today, Tier 3 is commonplace and a sole choice for players to play. However, Tier 2 is only played on rare occasions, if pro T3 players gather up and purposely begin a Tier 2 Lockdown game, or if by rare chance, players gather up for Tier 2 Lockdown.
This thread is to spread awareness that Tier 2 is dead, and we should revive it. Lockdown will become much more played than now, and players of all variations will come and learn the wonders of Lockdown. In fact, I would not be playing this amazing game if Tier 2 Lockdown were not here. I grew tiresome of most gameplay aspects in Spiral Knights, but Lockdown threw in such diversity of different weapons I longed to gather those weapons (Twisted Snarble Barb, Swift Flourish). These goals ultimately doubled the interest of Spiral Knights to me so I became one with Spiral Knights. In 2011 Tier 2 Lockdown was during it's fruitful times, but now Tier 3 Lockdown has stolen this aspect. When I was in Tier 2 it took me a long time to achieve 4* equipment. This is the same for new players - the only gameplay experience new players will achieve is Blast Network and clockwork runs. Please, for the game's sake, let's revive Tier 2 Lockdown and restore more reputation to Spiral Knights. Let's bring it closer to more how it was...
Even though Retequizzle might not approve of this, at least he can use Dusker+Boosted Plate Mail in T2 LD.
Besides, making T2 equipment for LD is much cheaper.