I'm loving the Danger Rooms so far. The payoff is very good, though it does seem a bit easy to me. Although the only rooms I've been in had Ironwoods and Ash Wolvers.
Hooray for Danger Rooms!
So like Torpal Titan on steroids? I look forward to stumbling into one.
More like 3rd stage of arena on 8 different kind of chemical cocktail.
Did I mention you do the last wave 4 times?
4 waves of solid fun right there.
DUDE, So I'm not the only one who sings that song in my head when I do Danger Rooms :D
My friend and I saw it, noticed that it was only 3 energy to enter, had full health so we went in and got slaughtered by a swarm of blue jellies, followed by a second wave. Make sure you're at least t3 equipped before going in.
Hmm I think the danger room with gremlins needs a little tweaking. It's at a very normal difficulty especially when compared to the others (I never thought jellies could ever be so dangerous...) and there doesn't seem to be much special about it's arrangement compared to a lot of gremlin encounters (No, I do not mean adding a bunch of healers, that would just be annoying >_>). Anyways right now, those chroma suits and sword charge trinkets are starting to look really good right about now.
Has the trinkets been fixed yet though?
Definitely, well the bomb charge and gun charge ones anyways. (Only ones I've used) All of the guild trinkets do have the proper displays. (Before it didn't show what it did since it doesn't have a description)
lol they are so much fun. although i might have wasted all my mist in one run....( it wasnt my dying i swear, it was cus i dropped my health cap accidentaly and then clicked on the weapong popup and died cus of spikes....) little room to move and gremlins everywhere. cant wait to see a jelly one so i have a use for bombs. cant wait to see more on different maps.
it would also help if there was more of a choice (seeing as the only tier3 gate starts with slooms which are my mortal foes)
The danger rooms are awesome! They let me have the 3rd tier feeling on lower tiers without having to die repeatedly with my four star items, as i do on tier 3 X) It would be nice if some of them started father into a dungeon so I have time to get my heart meters up tho >>
Wait till you get the super duper jelly room, 80% of the place is spikes and you'll be swarmed with all kinds of jelly.