Moar gunner update leeks!
I guess I have to dig deeper in the ground to appeas you.
You never know what will turnip in the testing forums.
How long dill this ends up in GC? You rutabugger. This is a fruitless endeavour. I would continue posting, but I have a date.
You never know what will turnip in the testing forums.
Added necessary link.
Oh hey, Hyperion is here. Perhaps he/she has a date here?
@Panda that's easy to figure out
So punny... sorry I'm too lazy to create a pun.
We should be PUNished, for PUNnelling out these puns. Perhaps PUNched in the face. Put in a PUNitentiary? Shipped off to PUNsylvania? Or perhaps be PUNted in the groin.
@Ironic how dare you make puns that aren't fruit/veggie puns, olive the others are making fruit/veggie puns
When I saw the title and that a GM had posted, I thought you were in a real pickle. But then I read it and you squashed my concerns.
I am APPLED by you all, to the point where I don't bother linking.
I realize that I carrot in hell for all most of you care, but I've got to say that the playerbase has really been in a vegetative state from all this waiting lately. At least OOO is keeping us busy with their usual celery... And who knows what could turnip on the forums, or what capers we could peartake in-- this thread has certainly been fruitful.
Orange you glad I didn't say banana?
Welp, topics like that are not funny and not troll-effective as before, because everything is know to everyone (even if CMs think otherwise, o!). Mission update is more interesing at this point. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Spuddenly you post and I don't understand.. this thread was fruitful, there's no need to go bananas..
I hate food pun threads with a passion fruit.
Watch this thread SPUDter out and die. I am serious. It'd BLOOD ORANGE will be spilled before the day is done.
Coming up with fruits and veggie puns is nut easy... It requires a lot of thyme and effort. Usually these threads are berried when the jokes become too corny. There's little raisin to continue if you're only going to compost old puns.
(as in a shoe that u wear!not shoeing someone away :3)
those pear of shoes come in handy
lettuce move on now.
how do we change name of a link?
i did not get the last one for some raisin. anyways..... what did the orange say 2 the pear? Absolutely nothing. Oranges can't speak!
When you asked "how do we change name of a link," are you wondering how to change this: into this: Gremlin Chatter?
yes! XD
turnip to be a different link :3
Just follow this:
<a href="Website URL">Text you want to show</a>
So typing this:
<a href="">Official Website of Spiral Knights</a>
Would give you this:
Official Website of Spiral Knights
Be careful posting leeks or you might get beeten!