This thread is meant for writing practice. Feel free to roleplay, write fanfiction, or just make random bits & pieces if you want. I would also like to share some educational materials to get us started:
The Three Dimensions of Character Development"
How to Show & Not Tell
3D Gwenivere
First Dimension: Surface traits, quirks, habits
Gwen is cute, sometimes rash, likes to vape (the steam-equivalent of smoking), feisty, touchy-feely, joking/snarker, generous, kindly
Second Dimension: Back story, inner demons
Believe it or not, Gwen is a fallen Valkyrie, with a lingering dormant Dark Matter infection. Every day she struggles to keep it under control, and for the most part, she succeeds. It tends to suppress her empathy and increase her physical hunger when it is allowed to spread.
Third Dimension: Worldview
While it's unlikely to be stated in any game, Gwen is essentially a Christian. She does not believe killing is justified except under certain stringent conditions, values honesty and integrity, and has a generous heart. However, she is also zealously protective of innocent lives, and even more so toward her friends and family.
Put It All Together:
The Dark Matter infection sometimes puts her at odds with her worldview, especially during acute Dark Matter flare-ups, where she becomes the equivalent of a sentient zombie. When the spread is more subdued, her lack of empathy sometimes (but not always) causes her to forget her generosity & protectiveness, and sometimes even her moral compass in general.