I'm here to make something clear. Just because I wear five star armor does not mean that I will join your clan, it does not mean that I will forge your gear, it does not mean I will give you crowns, it does not mean I have CE to spare, and it does not mean that I have time to be bothered by everyone in the Bazaar.
If you see me walking by do me a favor before asking for something. Open your inventory and look at your crowns, and note how much you cherish them. Why do I ask you to do this? It's because I'm perpetually broke. My order of importance is to help myself, then my clan and friends, then herd a few snipes, and after helping Basil clean the fungus from between his toes I might have time to help you. So do everyone a favor, and play the game the way it was meant to be played.
What's your IGN so I know to not bother you?