Simple question really :3
I heard my t3 friends got their butt kicked so .. x3
So.. is Vanaduke hard?
It may be hard in the firs few trys for players attempting Vanna for the first time, but he is pretty overall took me two attempts back in preview. I advise going with a good team to learn the little trips and tricks.
I would prepare by watching youtube vids and search the forums for tips on how to take him on so on your first try you know exactly what to do and not become a handicap for everyone else.
Really easy if you and your group know what they are doing and how the Duke works. Or can follow instructions (harder than it sounds for most people)
A nightmare if they don't.
Also not harder, but could take a while if you don't have proper weapons.
so i did an FSC run with a wolver set and swiftstrike, no fire resistances whatsoever. died lots, but id always get revived.
vanaduke himself wasnt too bad.... UNTIL THAT LAST PHASE!!
with him stamping on the ground shooting out fire that literally TURNS!! D: god that was a nightmare. still, thanks to my awesome team, we won :3
When you have good armor, a good team, and experience, its gets a lot easier. First couple times is understandably difficult.
The first time I ran Vanaduke, I had no idea what he would do. After 4 runs, i still have no idea. Jelly King is a lot nicer- Spin, Spin, Rage, Spin. Vanaduke is more like- Smash, spawn Slag guards, Debris rain, angry balls of fire, Explosion, Flamethrower, Smash.
Hard if you get under-eqp'd + lag spike from graphic or just plain lag.
Plain annoying other wise.